<br />Borrowers (Trustors) understand that thadocumenl that tha8orrowers areaboutloe'tecute Its Deed of Tiustand rota mortgageand thstthe power 018416 provided
<br />for in fha Deed of Tfllst provldea itubstenlially different tights and ratiligatlons to ft Borrowers then a mortgage in the eyenl of a default or branch of oliNgelion under the
<br />Dead of Trust, including, but not limited to, this LenList's. right to have the Reel P"nmtty $old by the Trustaa without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />te *"nl and warrant that this acknowledns
<br />gernt was execuW by them before the vxsculion of the Dead of Trust.
<br />Borrower
<br />Borrower
<br />COMFLM ffrla poevott ONLY" No"" proprty Aslc NW CaVWb el 11IN0*01VALLV OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />H motak, compkN omrky OmE ~,*1N. N. or C:
<br />The Borrowe(s) acknowleckethatthey `xvfag gut toexeckrteNre!ptlawit . ClgegafTr ustupontherealestatedescribedtherein. TheBorrower($)•andeachollhernif
<br />man than one, do R(IHJy discia/n?llvdr rigfiT.�tt r;ietl Ana e s hantegf;�adpurSUan0ltrateto. No part of the homestead of either of the Borrower($) Is presently or will in IM
<br />future fe situated uprii+ said real eata!e. theBgrr,O}f07fs),a6aerstsnd that it eithEtresfwblishes a homestead on any VaVll of said real estate during the time the Deed of Trust
<br />remains unsatlsfiedenda lien upon said real esCioLe,ifYLSra)xCiall be no fight to makea•:ltrsrgnatlon of homestead In the worent of a toreclosuro or IrU$1N'S sale with respect to
<br />sold Deed of Trust
<br />TM9orrowerfe) "knew I dgetha ttheyareabautt4execute( he( ollowingDeedofTrustuponl*evealesMtedeseribedtherein The 80trOweri$), and *Nth of them if
<br />more than one, do hereby waive their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto The Borrower(3) understand that they have the right to make a designation of
<br />homestead and that by executing this waiver• theyare waiving rights otherwise availablefor the purpose of atfeftv them the opportunity to retain their homestead in the
<br />event Of a default upon the Deed of Trust.
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act (Section 76.1901 et serf. Rev sed Statutes o1 the §late of Nebraska), the 8orrovver(e), do hereby designate the real
<br />property described in the "Designation Of Homestead" attached hereto and incorporated herein ty leis reference
<br />Borrower
<br />Bar tower
<br />THIS DEEO OF TRUST is made as o1 tne27___ day of _ ;^ jjp tg � by and among the Trustor. Denni s D.
<br />�N or>r-a -- P- a�.ricia_",Lton, _ huab�nd ...l I,en, e,,d.ess rs P•_ 0_Box 315. DQLliphan,
<br />flank a.f `'Doni phan
<br />( -s a 1. erein "Borrower")_ the Trustee. _ —
<br />wlwsemaiNngsddref� +s ''P�.�,.--$ ABC-- � •f°r*,n+2��.�hS2ZT-- �,�.��$�2_� therein "Trusrr.,r�.
<br />and Itweeneficiery. Ran c , �oniMhSn_ _ - _ _ _
<br />whom rnaieng address is P.gBOX Br, Doniphpn NE 6$832
<br />T
<br />(herein "Lender')
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. mclud'rng tt►e indebtedness identified t tirr:+r, and trust herein created, the receipt of which is hereby aCknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby and conditions hem n3fte, et conveys and l prop s to Trustee. (J11 TRUST, W QTR POWER OF SALE. for the benefit and security of lender, under and subject to the
<br />term$ and conditiarts YrfNamalter set 4Gr(7i• the real properly. descfrbe�E'as followr
<br />Lot 13, in' 'Ea�4�:t Subdivision,, a part of Lots 7, 15, 16, 17, and ..18,
<br />Of County Subdivision or part of the South half of Section 5, Tcr ship
<br />9 North,``JUnge 9 West 01 ;f the 6th P.;,%, in the Village of Donipha' ,:
<br />Nebraska..
<br />TOg1her with all buildings, krnprll and r off s. iorEs. streets. adle7�s, passageways. easements. icghts, privileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise
<br />pertasnlr,p tfMfeto. and the rents, issues and p►olfts, iCryi�rSianS end, rCnPalndefs thereof, including, but not limited to. heating and cooling equipment and such personal
<br />Property that is attached tO the improvements soas to cdhst:fute a hxluro: and together with the homestead or marital interests, it any, which interests are hereby released
<br />and wa'vad; alt of which, including replacements and additions therEtit, va hereby declared lobes part of the real estate secured by Mellen of this Deed of Trust and all of the
<br />foregoing being nkrred to herein as the -Property**.
<br />r�This Deed of Trust shall secure (a) the payment of the principaf•tum and interest evidenced by Borrower's note and:or credit agreement datedJanuary
<br />-r� t- - - -- .having a maturity date of _Ja _ i C 9 the original Principal amount of S129200.00
<br />mOdi i ations. extensions and renewals thereof or thereto and any and art advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit
<br />andanyandall
<br />agreements therein called ••Note "1. (b) the payment of other!ums advanced by tender to p rolect the security of the Note. (c) The performance a If covenants and agreement
<br />Of 80frowef set forth herein: and (d) all indebtedness and obligations of Borrower to Lender whether direct. indirect, absolute or contingent and whether arising by note,
<br />guaranty, overdraft or otherwise
<br />Borrower, to protect the security of this Deed of Trust. covenants and agrees with Lender as follows
<br />%':
<br />Deed of Trust Ofr»e)p.iatWtniwest. Borrower$ hail Promptly pay when due the Principal of and interest on. and any fees or Charges Provided in. the Note orinthis
<br />7 TRW. SOrroweris the Owner olthe Property. has the right andaulhoritytoconrey the Property, and warrants that The lien created hereby isa first and proof lien on
<br />the Property, except as may otherwise be set forth herein, and theexeculron and delivery or this Deed of Trust does not violate arty contract of other obligation to which
<br />Bofrovver is subject
<br />3 Tt: 4s AS „ yTopay "en dueeli taxes. special assess men/ s and attothertharges against lnePropertyartd. upon wnitendemandDy Lender. topayto
<br />Lender eVCh aniowM M may be sufficient to enable the lender r0 Pay such tames. ass*$Sm#nta or Other charges ae they become duo
<br />4 I"Welrfee. To keep the Property Insured against dam age by lire. hazards lnefudedwrthin the term'ertended Coverage' AM luGh Other hetdrd5 a3l@nler mAY
<br />roeuue, In aatOunHand wn"Ofepanloeacr:eAtable to Lender end With foss Payable to ins Lender rn Oesa or loll unlnr sutra POlitind the tendsr is eufhorited to adlual
<br />cc! lec t arid compromise, aNCtaima thereunder and Shan hale the Option 01 applying al l Or na r10t ina msu ra nCe proCeedS to] to any indebtedness secured hereby and in such
<br />order as Lender may determine. fit) to the Borrower robe used for the repair or resiorohan or tine rroperly or (list for any other purpose or obtecf safrsFactory to Lender
<br />without affecting the lien of this Deed of Trust for the tun amount Secured hereby before Such payment ever took peace Any epP'lcahOn of proceeds to indebfedness shall
<br />not eafend Or pOStpprie the due date of any payments Vnder the Note- or cure any defaa -1 thereunder or hereunder
<br />5 MainMnance Re,a(rs aM Camf,Manee with Laws. eorrnwef shall keel) he Pr
<br />'m Peurerr.lnlwh•eh may be damaged Olditsftoyed shall noicommd or Dermit an D delp,, +n goad t ^r�,f:nn dry repair Sign prpr.. r,t�y •PpLr er rnprgro gnr
<br />an,( 011ke improvements on the properly shaltnotcomm:t lull r r Ywaste nr deten0•at:�n of thn P.•,l,o•ty 3'.Siinnr rPm�rr rlernn -ears nr sobga ^rig, a•rar
<br />lh3n payend D'OmpiFy t,•:4r hsr eAt Bun e 0 permit anyacrto bu done u: or uooning r•r,n"•rl •. •,•g•.,,,- nrnnriln n'•f r - -n nr,nq.,•ir..: i..3
<br />g Owlr sCO31 a'rOe�DenSea111ierH. enCumbrancMen�rngrq^ sin,. r. t- ^f•.Sod,•,•aa ^.r.3sny aft,• -a,r of .. q.+. r,.,. 33.., r +.r r ^v.. -r
<br />i
<br />7
<br />i
<br />': atilt
<br />