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t : 89--- 100604.4 <br />M%—=M= OF M0R=AGr'CMMatlaa HuNman and Felton & Well, Walton, N. 6M61 <br />1N COArSIDER.4TIOM of the rayment of the debt mined therein, the <br />Overland National Bank of Grand Island hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />f O�rer and Na ional Bank o�and Island bi�S 0. & P <br />awn JWaid order us� <br />• & ;Cathy W ,Wgfe ,ut St ) <br />Quarter (SW of Section Twelve <br />on the foJt described real estate, to -suit: Township Eleven (1 ) North Range �ine (9) West of the <br />ty, N aSka more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on Rest Li.n <br />t mart (S &�cele d�oini lain¢ 24 -9 feet South of the N rth��t come c�# <br />g ( )� flecting t 0 d running easterly a distance o 182.0 t act r�t•90 and running southerly a distance o 140.0 feet thence deIectin <br />;90 ing westerl a distan of 162.0 feet to a point on the west line of said �t <br />(SAFthence ru!nnIng northerly along and upon the west line of said Southwest quarter <br />c:e of -140 0 -P.+ t th <br />o e ins of inning and coat ning 0.521 a re.orlls. i <br />I <br />! Connty, State of Nebraska which is recor t - 00556rff Real Estate Mortgages, page <br />iof the records of said Coxnty. and Modification and Extension Agreement recorded as Document M - <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Overland National Bank of Grand island Us eascwed + <br />I tkem presesh td be,executed_by its president and its Corporate Seat to be affixed hereto this GUT f; <br />l ay'gf •. meaty:.'.. ry 89 �y i1 <br />11 1 Witisess: THE 1 /_ '�` ]AI,..BANK_ OF' .GRM..I........ <br />....................... . ....:......................... ............................... <br />+ j f <br />' .. � . C ...., P. r1e9s.i8d9en.. t By <br />............ ,...... e ............... ................... .........................Attest . 7 wshur, � -- aN Secretary ..... <br />STAL© ........................ ...... I.L on this... 6th....... day ...... Febr!aar .............» ....................:. Cou <br />! s <br />before mai, the undereignod, a Nq:tII.�ey Public in and for <br />I, said Count$►,: permnalig eame. ........ i obixt..A, .l - MLA .................. ......................... _.... .......... President of the y 1 <br />? j ..........OveF.WSLAatigaa .. I .4 .Sc ud..I ]� d ....... ..........................._... ............................ a Corporation ! ;. <br />i to me persona0Y known. to be the President and identical <br />.M. <br />)a <br />7 <br />! peso" w name As a sized to the above release and <br />nAmn�l am.t_tha msa..,, � .n..f ....a.- _ . 4 - <br />�I _,........_ftutian ,,.� hm vola�t'�y- riet and deli an such viscer, and -tire voluntary <br />;I deed of said. Co corporate seal was thereto afl'ezed by its authority. �' act and 1. <br />I i Corporation, and that its co , <br />jI Witness; my hand and Notarid Seal a M. b.V its said County the da�r and year <br />! last above written. LOli p: !IElIM�E . MY commission expires...... :.....9 .... � � � t� ...,...� : , z! �Qo Public <br />i <br />h <br />M1 <br />