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89 100597 <br />State Of Nabfaaka Mortgage r►u► ca.. rrw <br />321 1293662 248 <br />M6 M~, made and executed this 6th day of February , <br />19 89. by and between Ronald A. Hagemeister and Cheryl L. Hagemeister, each in his and her own <br />right, and as spouse of each other <br />of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska, party of the first pan. hereinafter caUed <br />the Moryaiiior,aad The Equitable Building and Loan Association, 113 -115 North Locust Street <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />a corporadon orlazda and edift undo the laws of the State of Nebraska <br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgam, <br />f WMwene r: 710 the said Mortgagor. for and In consideration of the sum of Thirty Seven Thousand and no/ 100 - -- <br />---------------------------------------------------- - - - -- Douars (1 37,CDO.00 .. ). pdd by the Mort- <br />OW. the meipt of which is hereby acktwwledW, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Gmt, isms. Sell, .Convey <br />asd COORtrn unto the Mortpsee. its saccesaors and assigns. forever. the folbwft- described real, owe. situated in the County of <br />Hall , and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lot Seven (7), in Block Eleven (11), in Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containins in aU ---------- - - - - -- acres according to t3oovernment survey: <br />To Have ashd To Heil the PV01 its above described, with aU the appurtenances thetmto belonsing and indudins all heatigy9 <br />phniabiag and liphtin fnRut -bard. equipment now or hereafter attached to or used :ice' connection Keith. said rest estate unto the Mort- <br />s4sele7. bed to its socamors and amipss, forever. IU Mor4wr represents to. and toovenant= With, the Mcrtgasee, that the Mort- <br />III has good NO to sal and convey said premises; that they are free. from encumbrance: and that the Mortpgor wg warrant and <br />ddand the am Spiro the lawful claims of all pawns whomsoever; cad the said Mortgage hereby reHnquisbes all rijhts' <br />homestead. and -,11 aarital rights, either in law or In equity, and alt othiec contingent intervo of the Mortgagor in and to• the above - <br />dacrikai perm en. the intention bans to convey hereby sera absolute title, in fee simple. includins all rights of homestead, and other <br />righti aqd interests as aforesaid. <br />Flog le/ Ahncm and these presents are executed and delivered upoo:the following conditioner to wit: <br />The Mortgagor Woes to pay the Mortpgee, or order, the principal sum of Thirty Severe Thousand and no/100 - - - - -- <br />-------------------------------------------------- D0112150 37,000.00 ), <br />with iiitaest from daft at the rate of Ten par cefhtum ( 10.0 per annum on the <br />unpaid baance ua til paid. IU acid principal and Interest shall be payable at the office of The Equitable: Building and <br />Loan Association, 113 -115 North Locust Street, Grand Island, <br />in- Nebraska.,;.' , or at such other place 4 the bolder,.of-dw tote <br />MAY desipate in writing, in monthly installments of Three Hundred Twenty Four and 71/100• ----------------- <br />----------------- Dollars (1324.71 ), oommencins on the fins day af' April <br />19 gg , and on tt!e first day of each month. thereafter until the priadpal and interest are fully paid, except that the find payment of <br />principal hmiv t* if no sooner pad, ftU. be due and payable on the: first day of March,; <br />20 19; an aooa -di to the tams of a certain promissory note of even date bercWth executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />This fomt is used In connection with mortpapea Insured under the one- to four - fatuity, programs of the National Housing Act which pro• <br />vbo for periodic Mortpaps Insurance Premium payments. <br />Previous Editions Are Obsolete — HUD-021430 (HO E�dIdon) <br />Pape 1 Of 4 24 CFR 203.17(b) <br />I <br />IN <br />f' <br />n. <br />