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<br /> {, f]3 .� > �) t" - — n�- �.� ,� . J?)r _ s. ,. _. .r - . . . ( .t.- �.�._-.
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<br /> ` .-�037
<br /> ,9Q 59
<br /> .;
<br /> , ��..�. �.w. TM. �» .» �.« �.�
<br /> : DEED OF TRUST
<br /> � THTS DEED OF 7'RU87'1"8�euriey Ie�trumeAt")is eude on JUne 26 —
<br /> ' � 14 �.TIM trustor u Jerry 4. 8enker and Jeanne m. 8sr�tcer. Nusband and Wife
<br /> ; �..Bore,ower"1.Tt�e lru�tr ia AlIEND!1. �AACK�Mloen�y 1'"Ttu�t�e"l.
<br /> ' TM bsn�tkluy is MOME fEOE11A1.�AMIMO� ANO Lt�AN AliOClATIOM OF OIIAND IKAN�. NEMAfKA, wAieh is
<br /> ot�aai��d ssd�aistln�ueder tlN law�ot NEMA=KA,and ahae addrss�is�1 �oylA LocuM.G��nd IMM�d�N�bra�k�
<br /> �MOt I"1.�sd�t"I.
<br /> Borrowero�rest.endertheprincip�lsumaf Eight Thousand and no/100-------------•----------
<br /> ----------------------- Dollars(U.S.S B.CIp[?.C�1 1.Thisdebti�rvidencedby9wrower'snae
<br /> dated tbe tsrae date at this Security Instrument("Note")..rhich prov�de�for monthly psymrnts,writh the full debt,if nw
<br /> � p�id ariier.due and p�ysbk on I u l y 1. 2 000
<br /> This Security lnstrument �cures to l.ender:(a)the rep�yntier�t of tAe 4eM ev�denced by�he N�nte,with interat.and ap
<br /> �� r+enew►aM,entea�iom snd modificatians;(b)the psyment of all ab;er sum�,wuh�ntaat,advanccd under paryraph 7 to �
<br /> � prol�et tbe iecutit�uf this Seeurity Instrument;and(c)ehe perfvnnsece o1 Acxso.rer's covensnts asrd Kre+anents.For this
<br /> ___— YSW_��� �iiV ttfi�K1V��M1t7i�R/�V{���lVti•_•_' �.—__"'_i_'�' �_I'��_�"'_`�_"_�_�_"__�"_ - . __
<br /> _ � - 1^ww�f 7 i� �'�7� �o�sn tiis"si.w3io powcr v�aarc.Rnc tviww�os t�w��ncw p�uper�y - _
<br /> ioested in Na 11 County.Nebraslc�: ,.;!
<br /> >_-
<br /> The Easterly Nalf of Fractional E.ot Se�en (?) in Fractiana2 82ark Cne t��ncire�S fpur
<br /> (104)� Railivad Addition to the ta�m �!` G:�nd Is2anc�. hiall Count.y, �;�bras�.a• and ,
<br /> the Easterly Half of Fracti�nal Lc�t -_•�_=n (7)� in Fractionai �lc�k f!re °+�ndred
<br /> Four (104) in Koenig and tiliebe's adcsition try Giarvd Isiand. r+all i,�s�r�ty, r�e�,:a�ka. —
<br /> ' :
<br /> ANC� �
<br /> . A tract of �.anti co���risinc� tr.� Gouthc�rly �ixty-six (66) f��t of t►�e t��,ll Iat
<br /> descrabed a� Fractional Lat Eiq�t (E3) in �r4�tiu��a1 E.iiocF f1n� t�t�;r.drECi Feur (1Q4)
<br /> in kailraa� �Cditien and its ec-•;.:.en�ent., tn-wi'_ ; £'rac?inr�31 l.ot Eiy�t (A} in Fractia��l
<br /> Block One t9und�Qd Fa�r {t04) in Kc�ni�� c�r,ri aiebe's Acinit.i��. all ir� the �iLy of
<br /> Grand I�land, Nall CoLrity. hebraska. eK�:.���.�! in7 tr�erE�frc�m �;:�ic1 tract Uf l��c' c�eedF�t
<br /> to the City af Gxancs I:,Ianc�, ��ebrask�. ��nd dP�,c rined ��_- `c�!lr.,�s: �3eginninq �t
<br /> the Southeast corner of s�id ru:? lot: tnc�r�`e �un;,inr; `_;��utn�.��t!�rlti �3:n�c} '.ne 5cu±�erly ���
<br /> line �f 5aid full lo� a di�tar.ce af Te� ��C) �eet : �h�r�:fr rc.���•i��_; ��.or"_►�e�steri .
<br /> a di5tai�ce of Twenty-are �7�d S�vPn tturdrp-�trs �?.? .G7} fc�E�L cv a t�o:��L �:� tt�e EastPr:r
<br /> line af s�id full lcb; ther,c� :�cmi�,�: Snutre��<.t�riti• r�l�rv,c; tr�� F�s�<_�.�;; , :ine �,f
<br /> said full lat a dist ance of Fight.een ;;n�� �:t,.Y-f 1 v�' �'�:�'(iIt'!Jlh:, !t 8,�__� `eet `a
<br /> th� ��ir,t �f ��ir,r�in��:
<br /> w�hichhutheaddtessof 41U L;�st Ct�;�r?c:s :���_~ �,��.� '.ur ?'� i,,_�i':�:L :.tt��F.*. ,I<a� r; j.,..+• �i ,
<br /> ist�«n, IC.bI
<br /> ,._ _=-.°-
<br /> Nebnsiu 6E38 1 I..Propeny Addras");
<br /> ��o cod.l
<br /> TOGE'iNER V�ITH all the �mprorements now ur hereaRer e�ected on the p�aperty, and all easements, nghts,
<br /> appurterunces, rents, ro3alttrs, m:aer�l, a�! and gas n,gfits sad �rofitf, water nghts and �totl: and a!1 fi�tures n�,w ar
<br /> hera�tter a p�n nf the presperty.Alt replacements sutid addu�ons shall stsu be co�ered by this S�ecun�y In�trument AU of the
<br /> fareaoin�is refetred to in th�s Secunty fnstrument u the"Propeny." p�
<br /> HORROw�R COV�NA"�1'S th�st Bonower is lawfulty setsed aitt[e rsute hereby c��n�eyeci and has the nght cn grant ��
<br /> L and convey the Properry and that the Pr�periy�s unencumbered.eacept for encumbrances of recard Horrc�wer w�rrants �
<br /> and w�ll def�rtd�enerally the t�tle ta the Fraperty agamst all claims and demands.�uh�cct tn a��y en�umbrariccs uf reL��rd �-^i
<br /> �{
<br /> TH15 SEl t'RI"!Y ItiSTRC!NF!�1 comb�nes umiottn covenanit fe�r national uti2 and nem�ut��fc�nn ���tie�ants w�lh v'1
<br /> l�m�ted rQr�atic�ns by�un��lictu�n t�cemstitutea uniform secunty in�trum�nt:cnenng s•eai prt��rt�• '
<br /> NEBRASKA.-�s�nq•� F�n:.:y- fNMAlfNLML i1k1i0RM IIIS�RUMEHT ��rm 3018 1�'�83
<br /> c,a^+ �-:en t � �• ,_,...�
<br /> F.� .���.
<br />