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4 <br />r <br />610—DURAALR POWER OF ATTOAN> Y <br />89-100571 Huffman and Felton a Wall, Wilton. Nei. 6M61 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN'M: <br />Thad Martha B. "Bell" Gardner Grand Island. Hall <br />County. Nebraska, have made. <br />constit"d and aPPointed and by these Presents do make, constitute and appoint Mildred E. Bahl <br />d Garden City, Kansas „Y <br />and G my been X211A Y true and lawful attorney for me and in my names place and stand. <br />subject to the provisions of Paragraph l3 hereof: to do and execute aU Of any of the fallowing acts, dm& and things: <br />1. To receive debts. payments and property. To ask, demand. sue for, recover and receive all Sums of mono, debts, dues, goods, wam, mo chm a <br />dine, chattels. affects and "9110(whatsoever natumor description which now are or hereafter shall beor bemmedttr owing. payable. or belonging to the <br />in Or by any sight, title, ways or Means howsoever. and upon receipt thereof, or of any part thereof, to make. sign. eruvate and deliver such receipts, releases <br />or other discharges for the same respectively as my said attorney shall deem advisable. <br />Z To Battle scenant , Tk) settle any account or reckoning whatsoever wherein 1 now, am or at any time hereafter shall be in any wise interested or <br />concerned with any person whomourver, and to pay or receive the balance thereof as the case may require. <br />& To o by Virt itQl riy security interesits <br />in and for sareges. To receive every sum of money which now is or hereafter shall-be due or belonging to me upon the <br />emschuity w by e!imaeaf any security interest or agreement. or mor4mge, and on rQCdPt of the full amount se rttred't)tr� dry to execute a good and saMcient <br />telease or other d3;wc6rg a of such security interest, Of mortgage by deed or otherwise. <br />4.T OcoaMetter oubeniLWimpitmdomorothe b. aectleoradjustdif ferences.TocompoundwithormnlV'd nwuut0W6Danypesonfororin <br />.rupee! to any debt 6rde:mandwr s ciever which now isor shall at anytime hereafter become dueandpayablotomgyr6toe , -upon MYactouin;aodto <br />kmiow miard rrvdvw, cr N •• ri...a t,� •b? Inky Gel, suit cvmpwition or dividend thereof or thereupon. alnt to give or receive releases or other <br />dieizbarge s far the whole of such debts or demands, or to settle, compromise, or submit to arbitration every sudr.dc *t or demand and every other right, <br />matte, and thfpg due to of commining me as my attorney shall think best, and for that purpose to enter into and 0 ate and deliver such bonds of arbitra- <br />tion or other instrument& as my attorney may dam advisable in the premises <br />& To Promeme shed defend. To commence. prosecute, discontinue. or defend all actions or other Iggal ptooeedings touching my estate or any part <br />themE or touching any matter in which I or my estate may be in any wise concerned. <br />sasiomme r estate. To enter into and upon all and singular my real estate, and tolet, managte. and impn iwethesameor any Part thereof, and to <br />prove, alter. ornoontract, and toinsw*e, any building or stnhcturea thereon. and further tocontrnrt.,withothers for the management of <br />in &real estate and COMM to such others all the powers with respect to suchrealectatte usual in real estate managr=eageontracte.and granted tomy said <br />suamey herein. <br />vwkiik T. To gyaat lieasea. receive rent@, and otherwise deal with tenants and leased praperty. To contract with any person for leasing for such <br />zincluding n put fit�alaw than of my life. and <br />�awithout regard ew the termination of this power at attorney. at such tents and subject to such Oonditims <br />�''`..; ring. pass�sranthereoLandtoexecuieansuchkasesandcvntrart as <br />�lhall be nmssary or Proper in that behalf; and to give notice to quit to any tenant or occupier thereof, and to receive and recover from all tenants and <br />Socupies theeeder of any part thereof all rents, arrears of tent. and sums of money which now are or shall hereafter become due and payable in respect <br />tbersoE and also on nonpsymenttheeofarofany pert dhereoftotakeall necessary or proper means and fxomedingsfato minafmgthetenuteyoroavPe- <br />tion of 806 tenants or occupiem and for ejecting the tenants or oompiers and recovering the Pcmesion thereof. <br />a To sell or 4 m9hang a rat or personal estate. To sell. ether at public of private sale. or exchange any part or parts of my real estate or personal <br />property for sscb consideration. payable immediately or upon such terms as my attorney shall think fit, and to execute and deliver good and sniix'iert <br />deeds. bills of saiq endomements, assignments. or other instruments for the conveyance or transfer of the same. with such covenants of wsmnty or othe r <br />wise an my allwa y shall are fit, and to give good and effectual receipts for all or any part of the purchase prig or other consideration. <br />ft.Todepoak KwmVs. witbdraw .invest,andotherwisedealwithut bleproper< rv. To deposit any moneys which maycometo his handsas <br />tircit atJarhey with any bank a banker in my name, and to withdraw hmy of such money or any other money towhich 1 ame ntided which now iserahaIIhe <br />seftioite . andeifher employatrrhmoneyasheshall thinkfitinthepsymemtdanydebts orinterest .psyablebyme•,ortaxesawass ents,irrseaaoeamd, , <br />espouse due and payable or to become dueand payableon account of my real and pnaonad estate. or in @about anygf the Purposes herein rnentianl+d; or <br />Otherwise for ray use and benefit, or to investsnch money in my name in any stockacsl;,arm bonds securities or otb er,ProPerty, real a personal, as hemay <br />think pt open, and to receive and give receipts for srryincome or dividend arising from such investments. and to vaTv or dispose daU and any such invest- <br />menu or other aisiat me nts for my me and beneir as he may think fit <br />10. ToveNaesteeib dies i.` swsetlngs. execute proshes, and otherwise substitute for an-ner. To vote at the meetings ofsWckholders orother <br />meetings dasy corporation or oWapany, or otherwise to act as my attorney or proxy, with potter of= bstitution, in resptxt of any ut<meka, shares bonds <br />deherhemaes, w ocher evidence of owtie:atriP. or sues, now or hereafter held by me and issued by or on account of said corporation or company greet for <br />that purpose to exscow any proxies, limited to gecua O or other instruments <br />11. To exeente deeds, bills. notes, and similar instruments. For all or any of the purposes herein stated w renter into an sign. Seal, execute, <br />admawkdgG and deliver any aonttrrss ,deeds or otters irssmraewfratacever, and to draw. accept. crake, endorses deseo� t or 8t1>erevt9edeal with any bills <br />of eaccharhge e9mecka pmmi@sory n h or other commem -d ur ^*�^^ ^.tile instruments <br />I2. To doaH other things asctssary in Connection herewith. In general to do all othr ractadeeda. mattetm goof thin <br />aseiw- f+m1P�Y: Old affairs. or to concur with petsaees Jointly interested with m ttswhatsoevarmoraborrtmy <br />particularly oc gerirsrsily described, a. f yele f, therein in doing all acts, dse&S, Mattes. and things herein, either <br />my intent to ag a� o to all intents and purposes as I not do in my own Properperson if personally present, it being <br />grant to my said attartrey a general power to act for me and in my behalf and not a line eel orspecial power, limited to the specific ads herein <br />drsnibed. <br />Ia. Pbwsr d attorney ewe aetw*ith8buidbW disallifty of prineipert: continues in effect after <br />PwwsmttotbsPeovimimef tbeLrnitamDar"P weto[AUwmyAck2'deduwiDa co p�parsdwhsuawnotioa <br />F ,. a. and thstdisanthontyxrsmtedheaenshaUaontioue Perofa#omoyabaUnotbeaf mctedbymydirabiiityctiw <br />d=*W axypwiodwh &ramdisabledorinapao4ftLPtether pvrsrastt,,,WSodkfts, <br />aUsseh ar�mOdtyaballeoatfnssaf lermydsstb. mtsT> YStSorad' sarhd' eathahaUhasabemreoeivedbymyattaraeyNri3snthehassdttalkaowkd {�eofdie <br />tsdthatI hnedirl Arty acTiontaksaiattmdfaidlmb�saidf attaenepdyei>uapYf?er�d whikitLaaoatainwhdlmssLsmaliv0dareheaeoeivasactaai <br />not d is aa$ bisedaydaathd , a, aanyersa; takendtvingaaypafadwiiUelamdisablederincapaatated, shallbeovalidasiflwereAU v%=mpeteo ;and <br />not <br />IN WnWESS WHEREOF. 1 have signed and acknowledgerl'tl is instrument this 13th day of June <br />19. <br />ar a B. Belem" Gar nor <br />SPATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />CUSTER COUNTY �Yt <br />8E IT KNOWN. that on the 13 d of June <br />• ay 19-1-6- before me personally appeared <br />,Martha B.� "Bell" Gardner <br />who executed the above Durable Poser of Attorney. and acknowledged the s rem tribe his named. r her oluntary art and decd. the person drxscribrd in and <br />IN TES'i MONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subse ibed Y name and a ed my official scat the day and year Last shove written <br />LA!�-slattett <br />�AIID N i►EMCER j <br />Etgh► wt 2!R 1989 N „iary Pahl, <br />l <br />J. - <br />