� _ .:.�
<br /> . ..- -- � �
<br /> �p 6� 94� io�7�� .
<br /> ' Assrgnee shal!t�e+q �q,�bwgd�trp�to Assranor ro�ress an y o!the rr�hts nr claims essigned �
<br /> ra rt hereunalar or tap�i�oF�jirry oert an y of thp ablogatinns undertaken h y Assr',ynor under the
<br /> J •� .1
<br /> IFUs�s,ai�u r[ uuds irui assumtt any P�lll�ilRL�i���iRS!R GORl1t'GfiG•Fl tiY![�,Qr rrsi�rg or qrn►�ring put oi,
<br /> � fh�cQVienanrs and syreer»ents of the Assignor;end�4ssir,�ribr�ownants and agr�es that;r wil!tairh-
<br /> fu/ly pertnrm a//af the obliy�ations imposed�pan it unda�'the leases herefn assi9ned,and agrees to
<br /> int�ntnily Auigmre,and hold Assi,qnee hirmless, trom any and all liabilitv,/oss or damaq�c whrch
<br /> may or mi�ht be incurred by Assignea untkr the leases or u�d�r or by ra+ason of this Assignment,and
<br /> from any a�nd a!/elaims ana!dee»enc�s whatsoa��er which be�ss�rtsd sqains�che Assigne�e by reason of
<br /> any A/Mged oblig�erion or und�rt�kings on its part to perforrn or discharge any ol the terms,co�nenants
<br /> or shil!not opsrate to place responsibility for ihe contro%care management or rep�rir of said/eased
<br /> pro�mists upon Auiyne�,nor for ihe carrying pu!of th�¢erms and condiiio»s of the/eases,nor shs/l
<br /> it operate to make Assignee responsib/e or liable for eny waste committed on the property by tenants
<br /> or occupants u»der such/eases or any other pariy,or tor any dang�er�us or di�fectiva candicion of rhe
<br /> � promises or tor sny n�gliyence in fhe management,upkeep,re,ttair or control of said premises resu/ting
<br /> : in loss, injury or death to any tenant,licensee,emp/oyee, occupant or any other persons.
<br /> Upon payment in full of the rndebtedness for which [hrs Agre+ement is additiona/securiry,
<br /> tAis Auignment sha/I be,and become,nul/and vpid fiom and a gter said date;and otherwise,i[
<br /> . shsll remain and be in full torc�and elfect as herein provided,aRd together �vith the covenants and
<br /> wrarranties herein contarned,shall inu�e to the benefit oi the Assignee and any subsequen�ho/de�
<br /> � of said indebtedness,and shatl be binding upon Assiqnor, its heirs,executors,administiatprs,
<br /> success¢cs and assigns and a»y subsequent owner of the mortgaged p�emises.
<br /> lN WITNESS WNEREOF, Assignor has executed this Agre�ment as ot the aay and year above
<br /> written.
<br /> � � -�— -__.�..- -- - -- -� - _.__ ____
<br /> . f , i
<br /> -—s ' ' a.. � ' � i.i` ! ./.� � � / =--
<br /> • ,_ '. _, ; ,
<br /> -_ - -. - �''. t`1 ;.4L.f�,c� �L _ �' �-����`�. ____ -
<br /> t�"_'! / i, _
<br /> �ich��rd J. Mdrricid, Preaid�nt
<br /> STATE OF ltrEBRASKA l -
<br /> /S S. °-
<br /> COUNTY OF H�,L )
<br /> On ihi��__day of__.. ��c'�!'��Ge.��!.�,- ��� A. , elor e a NotaFy
<br /> Public cer�nd lor said County,,crersonal/y appeaied,_ _. �C%��� .����G���_�
<br /> �
<br /> to me known ro he the perso named�n�rd who exer.uted the foregoing msir ry�ent,s�n�f �
<br /> ac:knowledged that_�:_.___ __ _____ exe�cuted the sarne as��=?_._ ._. _ __._..�
<br /> voluntary act and c�eed.
<br /> . �.
<br /> WITNESSmy hand and Notarra/S�al on the day and year Easr above written. ��:�i
<br /> � ���Mllrl� . . . �.f11___L��_r2
<br /> ��4�� Noiary Puhlic
<br /> ����,� .��... �/ /���._-
<br /> � � r�yCU�trmiyJiunelCpires
<br /> , �xxtar�r ��r�"
<br /> A tract of tnnd located in the Northeast Quarter of the Ivortheast Quarter
<br /> (NE� y�}) of SecCion Twent�r-one (2l). Township Eleven horth {T11I3),
<br /> Range Nine West {R9W) of c.he 6th P.M. , fn Na11 Caunty. Nebras�ka, more
<br /> particularly described as follows: Beginnfng at the intersect ion of •-----__--
<br /> the S�uth right of way line of West Anna Street and the F.ast right '
<br /> of �aay Iine of South Eddy Street; thence Northcasterly along �znd :spon �
<br /> the South Yine of West Anna Street, a distance c+f One Hundred 1�inety-eight
<br /> ' and Six Tenths (198.6) feet; thciice SouCheasterly along and up�n ci 1 ine �
<br /> One Nundred Ninety-ei�ht and Six Tenths (198.6) feet Eas[erly rand par�llel #
<br /> to the east line nf Sauth Eddy Street, a distanc.e c�f t�ne Huitdred Forty (140.0) ,�
<br /> LFeet; thence Southwestcrly along and upon r� 1 inc� One Hundr�•d F'artv (140.0) �[
<br /> Feet SoutheYly ��nd par�llel to tt�� Sauth Ifne nf� l.est Ann�� �trtct . .i ��
<br /> distance of One Hundreei tiinety-ei�;ht :�nd Szx 7'enr.h� ( 19$.h) fc�et; to ri pc�tnt �
<br /> of ttte (:as[ line af Suu[tt F.ddy Strcet; thenc�• tii,rtnwe�.trr l�•. .��r�nt; .�n� iepc,n �f
<br /> tn�� Et�st lint of Sou[h !•.ddy Strect , .i di:.t.�n< c• ��t (��ne� t9i�n�}ra•d i'��r•t�• ( 14(l.0) �'
<br /> fect, to the plare ��f i�c�;{nninE;. •
<br /> �
<br /> . . .... _.. . . . ..._,...._ ___ - - - ---- - -- - ------- --- —
<br /> :i i- � � �, . -.. N ��A`�.���45�� - _ _ ..=:s. __��..., — — . .
<br /> - -'_-�����
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<br /> , . �. Y .•. - -3.��"�r.-._ ,,, �r- .�-'�r-, ... _--
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<br /> - �. . � ., .. . _ . - � , - . ., r.��'�'i .� -... . . • .
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