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<br /> t.:7A�9'fi _'"lUIMf-'"��'AI�IQ"'��=:�
<br /> . RE,�� ESTATE MORTGA�E on�- 103'�1�
<br /> CONS�H!►C`�ItJN SECUR�TY �iGkEEI�E(�T '�`i
<br /> � Clarence L. Shuda and VeTnie K. Shuda. Nusbanc; and'Wife� _ �
<br /> �R 11t C�fr ot Hall asd Statt oL Nebraska e�.r.rs.rr.r c�Aed the pruty of tk� itrr! put. fa
<br /> �� � Eighty Thousand and no/'iOQ-------�---�---____..___._,____________ ����
<br /> i� Y�i Ni�, s. iw�ll�t�.l�rs�...Mu ,�.a co.�q w�. etis so..l+�a.e.l aavl.�. `r.w.A�od.tks d ar.ea�Iaa�
<br /> �rt �rYM.K�1e�Mi ll��ee�ers ad a�Mp�. t1N toria�wlas rMl MhiM. Mtw�f■ Hal I
<br /> �� �� nebraska ��;
<br /> . �
<br /> l.ot twenty-Seven (27), in Brentwaad Third Subdi�ision in the
<br /> . City of grand Island, Ha�.Y County. Net�raska.
<br /> � .
<br /> itiNlMe wlt4 ari tM s//�etwneN tMrennto bbsda�, aa� atl eo�en�nts ia aU tM tiilt de+d�ru�als� reiv M!d r�l Mtatt,
<br /> ��it W rMb. l�wr aea pe�alNs arM�t dMrsh�+an aiMe detautc la pKtoe�aaeee oR �ca�enaat ar ro�dMlo� l�nla co�
<br /> lMri: �w�rrseb ti�tlW lA�e�ato p�e�iet and ele�e eseeDt io�tbi� a�ati�
<br /> Drel� tM tim� t�b �oetiM'� ia tn tare tb� �uoet[�L�+ �R�:
<br /> !'lr�t. To � �11 ta�aad sp�eial weNn+e�h IevNd apiat �afd pr�. iact�Mi� sSl t�es +ad as�ewaeab lerled
<br /> upoe t� �noetr�e.ae tlN deDt Ncard br W� moetRaL+• ,
<br /> �eoea. 'M Ic� �11 baltdiap tMe�eon lneur�d y�taiR tor by Ilre.llt6tda� ana totn�do in so�comp�o�. to be �p
<br /> ➢�_ �.- -�
<br /> =--=-- -- -. .- . - --- - �
<br /> �a� �f t6!a�Ai+�l�'e�kKa1 44s�id� k I.�n ArociaSoa o[almA itt�fla (e� rum ai iu.r�1is�lar. v�1u� , ia�- - - -_
<br /> sl�e eeaedt oe we.da we�oct,t�on..na w�wcce..�e.or.,as4•: �na w e.poat.da poucfes witb wa A�.aclatlos. .ua a„u ooc `''
<br /> oo■�it or pti�e aa7► ws�t� oa�d P��. and �ba11 put and teiep sUa rnal �estate bulldiap aad impr�wuo�ats in Qood ��'
<br /> o�dM'. ,
<br /> T►ffd. To OUr oe ea�w to 6� paW W!�e Naoe !'�ral SarlaP �e Lo�o /1�oeiatloa oi GraaA L1and. Its �aec�ewn a
<br /> �� � �� �it�hty Thct��sand and ne/10D-----------�� -- _ - - -- - - Dp��g,, -
<br /> �lie � tollaw: �
<br /> .;�
<br /> .
<br /> ' $E�O,Q00 due :Tune 2S. 13�'P
<br /> .�
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �tat�t t�r�on pU�a61e, �eeardir�to t6e teaor and d2ect oi the aae certala ltret mo�t�a�e nate :of d moryuorf,
<br /> �risa enea date wltL t6we peeKnta. Atter maturttJ► said bond Araws [nterrri at the rsle ot p�' "�} '�er �eoum. ,:�i
<br /> It s�ld taua� aed ar�menq sre not paid wbea due, or ff tlie buiIAings on said p�liafse� arr not insured �t aDore pm
<br /> � vjd�d, or!t anr o��atd lnter�R!s not Dald wbea d+ae,then sald �hal2 becoma due immediatefy. �t thr optlon o!the
<br /> Mid As�oclWo0.a�d sWl tlNe�astu'd�aw (otese�t�t!he rate o��ie�cent per aneum. �
<br /> 'Phe tnort�a�oes. he[ebr atitn.S to ra�d toatl�G�tee all rrnts and tn�oeae arisin� at any xr.d all t(mes from said ��
<br /> pe�operty and derrby author4:r �aid moet�asee or iq a�ent. �t ib option. upoc� defau7t, to tate charRe oi said peoperty and r
<br /> cou.ct au�rnt,,urd i,�me cn�reirnm � `psrty �� �me ta �ue ya;merrt of ir.terr=t. Dsincs�l� insvnrire prr:niusr.s,ta�ra, �
<br /> w�e�msots, t�ep�lts os infprnretneMa neces�ary to keep said property in terttnhble modltion. or to otbez clrar[es or paY-
<br /> meats �rovided tor�terrle or ie sbe note hereby secured. Thl� rent assi�tnmrat sball coatinue in face until the unpsid bal•
<br /> �ace ui �ald eote b fullr pal8. Tbe t�kins of posseasion hereundcr s!►tll in no msnner pre�ent or retard sald mortgagee in
<br /> t6e catlectfon n[ �id sutru by foreclo�ure or otben►L,r..
<br /> Wbelber aald deDt beranxa tfue Qy la�c at time, or hy reawn ot the faiiurr oi t6c party ot the first part to camply �
<br /> with any cnaditian hrrein. the sald Home Federa! 5avings l� Loan Association of Grand Isi�nd, the successur� anci assi�ru,
<br /> � shal! Isave thr. tight to brgin the fo�ecl�surr nt thfa mortgage at once on Ue whole debt heret,y secured. and to inrtude
<br /> tLenl� �ll taxef, �steutments, iusurance prerulums �nd costs, paid by it or tM�m: or saic3 Association, its successore or �
<br /> �� wl=os. m�y fot�ecla�e only t�a to the sueu psst due, w►thuut inJury to this m�ttg�bc, or the d�spincemeat ar impairment �•
<br /> oi tAe lien tAet�eot. ,•- -_—_
<br /> And tet aid liret puty and the �nakrrs oi s�ld nofe, cspccialty �gree and declare that thc segarate cstatE� �f cach and �
<br /> evety �ne o! thet». Including both th�t now oKneA actci that 6ereafter acqaircd, is ple�iged nnd bunnd fur the p:�ymrnt of f ;
<br /> � tLx� de�t hereby aecured. ,
<br /> Aft�t the commeactptent 9f at�y attjE in furcclosure the plalntift thercin shall be entitted to thc�immcdiate pos�sion oi �
<br /> � said pr�m:r.FS atxl lhr. ap�tsinYr�rn2 0€ s r�cr.ircr thcrrtor, nuisxstl�ssar.dir�g chey r.�sy bc� !hr• honsesieacl r�� the acu�snt :�t.d
<br /> ttotwittut�ading the particy liabte for thc ctebt may b� solr•ent, nnd thc ii�i party heteb� cc,nsei;ts tu thr appointment n°. a �
<br /> i A,ectlt+er u{�n the productioo of tf►is Indenture, �tiithout uthcr eVidencc
<br /> � Ttte forr(�oin� conditioru attd tl f!C[DfI1LS, ull and Ein �s�inr, bc9�z i�dl • � �
<br /> g � g S perforn�ed, this cor�ve>ance sh��'.l !�c r�id. r,iPcer• �
<br /> = wise ta be and er.cnain jn full lcrce and effrct
<br /> ;� . ' s
<br /> � Sl�ncd this_ __ .--�� -- -_- . day vf.._ . . __ - _ �._ ,t 7�, F[�, . .. ' ��
<br /> ,� ! r. � ���
<br /> in preser.ce �f . .. . - - .- - �,� > - ._ _ .__ ;
<br /> � . . . : . .. . .. �
<br /> � � I
<br /> i► . "'+�. . -a�R '`AO►. ;4•.. �... � !ql�..�� !�!.. . " ?!.►_ �-. ,3.. .�r -+6�:- v- ='�- 1
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<br /> �: .. , . . ,. �.. " ' . ti ;- �----------�.-7� __.. ._._..__._—.._�.__ _ ,_—.— �..
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