_' . .. ° �..°A:�s��rs�..._.�..,!'.r' --�--, j'^i il ;r�fs�'�d'!&�S{KS�'��C�.�=..r,_..� e4{.�i":;��KYaz;:.a�+`;i�Lf'qi� �1 1t?'{zuj !isC:`ii{;��t�,�LS,qi �"�f�`
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<br /> , �a—r- so3s7v
<br /> E�NE7W AI�i. i� EY 'IHESE PRESQiFS, that C�?1.El�BI}S F'E�IItEtL SAVI{VGS BANEC {"A�signor") Eor
<br /> � geod an� ��aluabLe considera�tior. ta it i11 pa = y t e princi al [�tut�al Life In�uranee
<br /> arganixed under thc Iaws c�f t e 4t�te c+ IQVa
<br /> as gnee�;t e xece�pt o which conaideration is hereby acknowledg , c ces ere 'assign, �
<br /> transfer� and s�t over unta Assigne� all its ri.ghts, title and ir�cerest in And to that
<br /> certain lleed of Truat executed by Marvin .1. Do le and L. Arle�e Do le. husbend and Wife
<br /> unt4 Assignor, at .�une 13 1990 � mortga,� ng t c o ow ng
<br /> _ f escr rea property located in the cou�ty o Hal , State af Nebraska:
<br /> A tract of land compriai.ng s part of Lot one fl), Park-VieW Second Subdivisian i� the ci�y
<br /> of Grand Islarid, Hal� County, Nebraska, and more porticuldrly de�cribed as folloxs:
<br /> Heginning at a pri�t on the South line of seid Lot one (1). ,�aid poiat beinR Seventy (70.�)
<br /> Feet We�t of the Southeast corner of �eid Lot one (1). ihence Northerly parallel with the
<br /> �aat line of said Lot one (1), e► distance af Fifty-nine (59.0) F�et; thence Westerly.
<br /> . pacsllel With the Sauth line of �Aid Lot one (t). d dist�nce of 'C�reaty-Four and 1�renty-
<br /> Seven Hundredthe (24.27) Feet to a paint on the prol�ngation of the East Line of Lot T�ro
<br /> �2). Parir-Vie� Second Subdivision; thence Southerly a di�tance of Fifty-Nine (59.0) Feet
<br /> Eo a point on the South line af said Lot one (1) end al�o being the Northet+st carner of
<br /> eai�l Lot T�+o (2); thence Eaacerly elong and upon the aouth line of said Lat One il). a
<br /> diatance of TwenCy-Four and Twenty Hundredth� (24.20) Feet to Ghe point of beginning.
<br /> AND Lot Three (3), ParkViev Second Subdivi�ion in thc City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> lleDraaka.
<br /> and filed for record in the offf�e oE the Register of Deeds of } County,
<br /> Nebraska, an the 1 S day of ���� , 19 9q, and nppearing o recorc�in
<br /> . Book ���, Page 1D344I�'oget er wzt t e ate s) a�indebtedn�es$ described it� and
<br /> s�cur�d by the instrunent Aforesaici. � .
<br /> 'PO HAVF' AND `T�0 HO1D the Stme u[lto the SAid Princip.�l Mutusl Life In�urance Company -
<br /> .,..a ......,. :._ __s�a_'�."�'- `�='
<br /> . ... -_�_ �- -� � o��a� vncv ata aaii.i,caSVtD qtrti tf3�2�,N5 ScuL'CS231U. � - � --
<br /> ._�R _
<br /> 't��IS ASSIG��lIIVT IS �tAD� expressly subject to and in nccordance with the warrariiies And
<br /> r�preset�tation� of Assi�nor with Assi�nce �errsuant to 3 ec:rtaii� i•lortg�ge Iaan Origination
<br /> . A,�ree�nent b�tween Assignar c�nd Assi�nee, �� �copyo uf w��ich is on file in the pffi�e of Assignee.
<br /> �CUT� AND llF.LIVT�E6 [his 14th c��y of June , 19 9Q. �
<br /> � �s�-) C�1�,R1�US F'f�:i`QtAI.. SAVI;rG5 [�.�'�K, t�ssignor
<br /> c��t3 y: `` ~ � c._ .�.,.�.b..�l--..'
<br /> --'__',`.'
<br /> .�;:o�s R.;� ri�: �xx�ta�r ,�.
<br /> �.
<br /> �::� iAr r�":�
<br /> •�=IMCM�OIYt� , . •,
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<br /> '` �,�,,SEt►N ;' .� � K.�_
<br /> �N
<br /> ' TI`17..E:: SFxRk'�i'ARY
<br /> �i�T� f)'r' I'��$�1Sfis1 °,^ Ss .
<br /> County of Pl�+tte } '
<br /> � 'Ihe fore�oin� ir�stremE.�it W�S QCItflOk��c�..i�;eci tx.��nr4 rec: tlais 14t1adAy of June ,
<br /> L 90, by W.M. FF�tG1.iS0iV. �'1tk::�Tp , of �{yp ';�1S FF.,I) SAVIttGS BANK ,
<br /> r;ssiv�nUr, a Ik�braskfl _ C�orpor�tion or r���sc;z:iation, c�n��l a L .e��,orporatian or
<br /> r+ssociation.
<br /> L�1Ci1�SS t,iy 1u��rl az�ci tiutari��l ScraY aL nry uffi�c ;�z _•�id PL�'fTE� � C.aunty
<br /> `'t C�lA�t3S, XF.��.SKA � this 14thday <;e: ^ ' .i���,e , 1y90
<br /> p�y�p� w.��.r.��..y.�C.�M�....M,�,» �..
<br /> YIiM�MI�NII'.�MS���G� . ' � . J ' •t
<br /> MARY E i�HR � ,� ., 1 _� � t � ��
<br /> - ,; , ::� .
<br /> � Cotn�zssi _ `- „o�:a � f , � ! '___ _ ,,�
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