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<br /> . R�IEA�E 4F MQRTGAGE 103C69
<br /> AA .
<br /> � �V�
<br /> ,r 1n c�rai�3er�ed� ai fuli p�ymei+t ax►cl rnmg}iance with the cnnditiun: of a matgaRe . . _
<br /> !
<br /> aad. by Ooneld N. WeaLherill and Janice S. Weatherill, eech in h3s and her awn
<br /> � �ight and aa spause oP each ather,
<br /> to�owr� d�crjbed prop.rty. eo-wlc: Lot One Hundred Efght (108� in Mbst la�wn, an AddiLian
<br /> - � ta tha City of Grend Islend, Hall County� htebraske.
<br /> r
<br /> ' wl�ich �„td morts.� be�rs dxto 14th dsy af Sep�ember 19 7� �
<br /> � �
<br /> it reoordeci in Eiook 158 a6 mort�;,►�;�s on Pa�c 643 ,
<br /> of the m�onls a(N�q C:amty, letxa�ka,s�id Assoc•iatiora I!�erch� acknowkdgca (u9l satisfaciiai oE a�� rekan� the �
<br /> . s�a�e. ;-,�.
<br /> ' In wit�st whereo€ t1�r. saiJ THH: EQi.9I'TAHI.E, lil'll.l)Iti(: A;VD I,OAN AS50f:lAT[ON (�F �a�i
<br /> ��
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<br /> ._"__ . .. _' ''' _ 'ViV1i�tI'tOiitli\V� itQlnftt�)1�/�i �t�a a�Ma�v atw ��rw��a:s... ... -.
<br /> .�. .... �pp.�... ..� �� �'_'__"' ' _ " ' . .. _—"–"'_
<br /> ' S.eretary tha 22nd dsy ot Jt�ne A.1).. l� 90
<br /> ; Tiw i�uilabl� wiWi�+� and le� ia�ion o� tf+ , N�a�ica , .
<br /> ,
<br /> �. ii _ ~ - .,::1- '�'J .... "�' ..-•--
<br /> y � Pres�dcnt •!. w• O1BOt1
<br /> , ,.r ,�-�—•� �
<br /> �' -, �. -� / �� E
<br /> Attrst '.. .�,;:.�`��7':��c..� ...>. �.....,.;�C'�'t.�.15�.-
<br /> sec-retary .��anne G. R�ush
<br /> , ,�
<br /> STA'11S 0�' NB8RASICA . �-
<br /> , � _
<br /> QOUN?Y OF lIALI. -
<br /> On thit 22nd �lay of June A C).. 19 90. lxf��re nic. � :\otary Puhlic
<br /> � duiy canm�ssioncd and quaiifieci far and rtsiding in stiz<i crnn,ty. prnrm,i�5� .�s�T� J. °vi. t325v�p �3ti�i
<br /> Joanne G. Roush
<br /> tn ttse kt�o�vrt to bC thc Klrntica) �`+t�rscs�s ut� uai�scs a�c a(f�tircl tn t1x•a4x�tc rrk�:cse as Y�csidcnt �I[K�SEYit[�Y)/
<br /> of fxid A�rot:i�tiun ain! at��w++•kclkc�l thr eaid insirtunc ut tu t,c tlu�u �•ului3ta�3• act snd dc�c! and the volw�tuy
<br /> aM an�i �re^�t of tlir, aa�c➢ 't'H� E;(,�1�lT�H[,F: NUIL.11i:t: r�ti�) I.UAti AtiSUC:lA'FlU:� OF GRdItiD I5[.A:VD, r=�-----_--_-
<br /> hEBRA5i:A. �
<br /> �IJitncss my h�x1 acxi notana➢ sr�{ t1�c day ar,d �c.�r las �tuuti•c u•rittcn.
<br /> , � '� . t `.
<br /> �.- `_..-` G` i°. a'•_ � �f � ..' ,' r r�'
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<br /> �ti c�t:u PuUlic �j�,
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<br /> - -ryc��' ,1kt
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<br /> .. � _ ij�� . . i '1 L _ . .i:i_!��"4�lt�" !`�ifl:'tR s7� . 5' kn _3•i - -
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