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<br /> , 1�OA VALUE RECBIVSD. Nsrirnst Bank Nebrask�. National Ai�oc�stion
<br /> � ("I1iti.gnor") h�r�bp g:ants, b�rgains� sells. conveq� and arsigeis unto
<br /> � � C�ACIAL F6DERAL 1lORTGAGE CORPORATION, a Nebraaka Cos�poratiot� loc�ted
<br /> in �ha, �I�br��ka ("A.*wigmee"). a11 right, title and interest of Assignor .
<br /> in snd to that certain Mortgage/Deed of 7'rust exacut�d by �_Tnh�_7i�,��t ,t�,� ��
<br /> and recorded as Docuaent No. �
<br /> f in Eaok Film � 90 •at Page z��2 � , l�iortgage Records of
<br /> � Cout�tq. Nebraska, and the debt secured thereby .
<br /> covering the following deacribed real property: .
<br /> . Lot One Hundred Eight (108) Weat I.awn Addition to the City of Grand Ieland,
<br /> � in Hall County, Nebraska •
<br /> �s IN WITNBSS Wt1ERE0F, this Asaiga�ueat has been executed thia 22nd day . ,
<br /> of T,t„�, 19,_ga. .
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<br /> , I:oWell �fc Thrasher,Preaident/Millard - A. wrn2ee, siatant Vtce Preaident •
<br /> , �
<br /> . � � � STATE OF NEBRASKA ) 4 �
<br /> , • � ) SSs
<br /> • COUNTY OFD�auglas )
<br /> The foregoing Assignment wtts ackaoWledged before me this 21nd day of
<br /> , Juae � 19 90 by 7.oWe11 M. Thrasher , PYeaident/Millard and �.
<br /> � �edy A. Brovnlee , AsaisCunt Vice Preaident of NorFreet Bank Nebras2:.a,
<br /> Nationa2 Assoeiati.�n, s Natfcsaal Banking Aseociation. on behalf of the association. ��'�`'�
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