<br />A tract of land comprisln a art of the Northeast Quarter (NEI /4) and all of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section Twenty
<br />Five (25), Township Eleven 1 part North, Range Eleven (11) Rest of the 0th P.M., nall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described
<br />as follow:
<br />Beginning BE a point on the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), said point being Two Hundred Seventy Seven and Eighty
<br />Six Hundredths (277.86) feet south of the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4); thence running southerly, along
<br />and upon the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), a distance -of Two Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Seven and Eighty
<br />Two lludredths (2,387.82) feet to the northeast corner of Bald Southeast Quarter (SEI /4); thence deflecting left 00'00'48" and
<br />running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred
<br />Forty Five and Eighty Eight Hundredths (2,045.80) feet to the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 4); thence deflecting
<br />right 90'17'35" and running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4S a distance of Two
<br />Thousand Six Hundred Forty Four and Six Tenths (2,644.00) feet to the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4); thence
<br />deflecting right 09'52'52" and running northerly, along and upon the west line of Bald Southeast Quarter (SEI /4) and the
<br />went line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), a distance of Five Thounnnd Six and Seventy Three liundredths (5,000.73) feet to
<br />a point, said point being Two Hundred Ninety One and Ninety Four Hundredths (291.94) fret south of the northwest corner of
<br />Bald Northeast Quarter (NEI /4): thence deflecting right 09'50'00" and running easterly, a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred
<br />Thirty Four and one Hundredth (2,634.01) feet to the point of beginning
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NRl /4) and all of the Southwest Quarter (SRI /4) of Section Thirty
<br />(30), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 0th P.M., Ilall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described Be
<br />follows:
<br />Beginning at a•polnL on the east line of said Northwest Quarter (Kill /4), said point being Two Hundred Forty Three and Seventy
<br />Four Hundredths (243.74) feet south of the northeast corner of Bald Northwest Quarter (NR1 /4): thence rennin southerly, along
<br />and upon the east ]lac of said Northwest Quarter (NRI /4) and the cast line of said Southwest Quarter (SW _4), a dletance of
<br />Five Thousand Twenty Seven and Five IIundredths (5,027.05) feet to the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter SRI /4
<br />thence deflecting right 90'31'10" and running westerly, along and upon We south line of Bald Southwest Quarter
<br />a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Two and Forty Two Hundredths (2,002.42) feet to the southwest corner of said
<br />Southwest Quarter (S1r1 4); thence deflecting right 00'34'15" and running northerly, Along and upon the west line of said
<br />Southwest Quarter (SRI 4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty Five and Eighty Eight Hundredths (2,045.00) feet to
<br />the southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (NRi /4); thence deflecting right 00'00'46" and running northerly, along And
<br />upon the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NRI /4), a dintnncc of Two Thounnnd Three Hundred Sixty Seven and Eight Two
<br />Hundredths (2,307.02) feet to a point, said point bring Two llundred Seventy Seven and Eighty Six hundredths (277.00 fret .
<br />south of the northwest corner of said NorLI%wcRL qunrl.er (Nttl /4); thence deflccting right 90'01'47" and rtruuing easterly,
<br />a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty Nine and Seventy Eight Hundredths (2,049.70) feet to the point of beginning
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NEI /4) and all of the Soutbenet Quarter (SEI /4) of Section Thirty
<br />(30), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) Rest of the 0th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as
<br />follows:
<br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4); thence running westerly, along and upon the north line
<br />of Paid Northenst Qunrtcr (NF,1 /4), a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Fourteen and Fifty Five IIundredths (1,014.55) feet
<br />to n point of curvature; thence running southwesterly, along and upon the are of a curve to the left whose radius Is 102.01
<br />feet, of which, the lultinl tnngr_nt of said curve coincides with the previously dencribed course, a distance of Fifty Eight and
<br />Thirty Seven Hundredths (50.37) feet (long chord distance = 57.50', long chord deflecting left 10'17'50" from the previously
<br />described course) to a point of tangency; thence running southwesterly, along and upon the southwesterly prolongation of the
<br />final tangent of the previously described curve, said prolongation deflecting left 10'17'50" from the chord of the previously
<br />described curve, a distance of Two Hundred Eighty Three and Seventeen IIundredths (203.17) feet to a point of curvature; thence
<br />running southwesterly, along and upon the are of a curve to Lhc right whose radius is 494.74 feet, of which, the initial tangent
<br />of snid curve coincides with the previously described course, n distance of Two Hundred Eighty Three and Ninety Four Hundredtbs
<br />(201.04) fret (long chord dint.nnrn = 200.00', long chord deflecting right 16 "20'30" from the previounly deneribed courne) to
<br />A point of tangency; thence running westerly, olong and upon Lite westerly prolongation of the flnnl tangent or Fite previously
<br />dencribed curve, said prolongation deflecting right 10'20'30" from the chord of Lite previously described curve, n dintnncc.
<br />of Five Hundred Seventy and Eighty Four IIundredths (570.04) feet to n point on Lite west line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4),
<br />snid point being Two Hundred Forty Three and Seventy Four Hundredths (243.74) feet south of the northwest corner of Bald
<br />Northeast Quarter (NEI /4); thence deflecting left 90 "13'15" And running southerly, along and upon the west line of said
<br />Northeast qunrter (NF1 4) nod the west ilac of snld SouthcnsL QtinrLer (SRI /4), A distance of Five Thousand Twenty Seven
<br />nod Five. IIundrecllhn 5,027.05) feel to Lite nonthwenl corner of said Soulhrnst Qunrtcr (SEI /4); thence, deflecting left
<br />0 f)'42'fi5i" and running enntcrly, along and upon Lite south live of snid Soutbeast Quarter (SEI /4), a distance or Two
<br />Thounnnd Six Hundred Forty Four and Ninety Eight llundre-dl.he (2,044.90) feet to the noutliennt corner of snid Southenst
<br />Qunrtcr (SEI /4); thence deflecting left 90'07'05" And running northerly, along and upon the east line of said Southeast
<br />Qunrler (SEI /4), n distance of 'rwo Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Nine and Nine Hundredths (2,639.09) feet to the southeast
<br />corner of snid Northeast QttnrLcr (NF1 /4)• thence, deflecting left 00'16'05" And running northerly, along and upon the
<br />enst. line of snid NortheasL Qunrtcr (NF1 /4), A dlntnnce of Two Thounnnd Six IIundred Forty Eight, (2,640.00) feet to the
<br />point of beginning
<br />The following acknowledgments are given in reference to:
<br />STATE OF )
<br />SS.
<br />appeared n !r ]s.1 (f.t�'. _ d 4,614z "a
<br />to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the foregoing
<br />executed same as his /her /their voluntary act and deed, and if married, intpq
<br />T3 o1,&'V , personally
<br />2 known to me
<br />instrument, acknowledged that he /she /they
<br />ing to bind his /hgr separate estate.
<br />Notary Pu
<br />ENERAL NOTARY -State of Nebraska
<br />ss. My Comm. Exp. Sept 14, 2003
<br />COUNTY OF )
<br />On this day of 19 , personally
<br />appeared known to me
<br />to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, acknowledged that he /she /they
<br />executed same as his /her /their voluntary act and deed, and if married, intending to bind his /her separate estate.
<br />