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<br /> TH18 i8 AN BLBYBtiTH SUPPLBMB1iTAi. INDBNTURB, for convenienca
<br /> � daled as of the [ir�t d�y o! June� 1��0, by and between THE LINCOLH TELEPHONE AND
<br /> � ' T�1.Et3RAPH CO�IIP.�NY, a curparation duly orQanized and exbtir� under snd by victue of
<br /> , tht I�wi of the St�te of D�t�w�re. hereinafter somet�mes termed the"Co�upan�'� pa�ty of
<br /> , , the tint psrt, �nd HAftR18 TRUST AND SAY1Nfla BANK. a eoeporatio� duly or�anized�nd
<br /> � , exlstin� undar �nd by vietw of the l�ws ot the 8tate of !llinols �nd h�vi� iU p�inalp�!
<br /> ' . ; ' oifiee in the Clty of Chlea�o in said st�te, herein�fter sometimes termed tlx "7'nrta�",
<br /> ` pt�ty ot the aecond p�rt. �
<br /> �� This 1s also a SRCU�ity A�eement •nd Fin�natn� Statement under the
<br /> � Nebra�k� Unitorm Commt�cial Code �nd in complianee therewfth tAe tollowlne
<br /> info�mation ia set lo�th:
<br /> ' 1. The names and�ddeesses ot the debtor and ieaured pRrty ace:
<br /> � Qebto�: The l.inealn Telephone and Tele�reph Company
<br /> � 1440 M Street
<br /> ' � � l.inroln. Nebeaske 68S08
<br /> + Seeured Perty: Ha�rts T�ust and Savin� Ba�k�es Trustee
<br /> � D t l West 1Monroe Steeet
<br /> � . �hic�go� Iitinais 60690
<br /> , 2. The propeet�r covered by this �ic.r�ncing Statement is desvribed in ' �
<br /> Aeticle 7'hree he�eot. . "�
<br /> .�
<br /> _ _; - -.._....._... �.-
<br /> -- - wtl�lt��a iire i:amp�ny nas nereioiare meae, exeruirci ano 'eiiveccu`n - - - ` `
<br /> eertAin Indrnture oi Mort�age d�ted es at Janua�y 1� 1916 to li�reis Trust �nd Saving�
<br /> Ifank, es Truste.e (s�id Indenture o! Mort¢a�ge bein� hereinaftr.r�eterred to as the "Ori�inal
<br /> Ind�nture"). Pcur the purposc �f sccurin� bands of the Campany to be issurd thereunder
<br /> w3thout limlt as to ���e;ste prineipal amount, except as lherein provfded, sna wherein �
<br /> ; and whe�eby the Company did �rant, b�r�ein, selt, warra�nt. eanvey� t�ansfe�. mortQa�e.
<br /> . ple�e and asslgn unto thr 'IYustee crrtain peoperty the�ein spc�ifiee.�iy desrribed �nd all �
<br /> other p�opert�, �e�l, person�l end mixed. of eny and every kind anQ character (excapt ss
<br /> , atherwise th�Fein expresaly provided), which thr Compdny might then ov�orr. ar thereaftee
<br /> . xcquirc t�r the security of the bonds to bc issued thercunder;
<br /> WI�fiKIi,�S the Company, niurtg�gor he�ein anC in the Lyriginst {ndenture as
<br /> supplemented end amended as hereinefter set forth was. et tAe date ot execution of the
<br /> t)riginsi indenture, �nd hes Deen cver since and now ie carryFng on the business of a public
<br /> utllity in the 5tate of Net�raske within the meanin� of Seetion 9-403(8) of the NebPaske
<br /> Unitorm Commercia! Code; • ��--
<br /> {�NEREAS the Uriginal Indenture has been reeorded es e real estate =-
<br /> i�iort�age en tt�r ofiices ot the Regiyters of Deeds o! the follawinQ Countics in the Stetr ai
<br /> ' NeE�raske an the fallowir�dates and in the books and peges,as tollows: ,
<br /> � Coun� Ua1e o[ Itecord Nook Y��
<br /> .. Adams 1�'ei�ruery 8, )946 151 247
<br /> [1utle�• FeDru�ry 9. Z94�i gb 1
<br /> Cass Februery S, 1946 72 346
<br /> .--_--==--_
<br /> � . � �
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<br /> �'w 4
<br /> � �
<br />