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<br /> Iln�t�u�tit C����c��v�N ts Finrrower and l.endc�cmenanl und agrce ar P��flou. �0��0��7 J�
<br /> 1. !'aywe�t ot�'rl�tiMl a�d I�te�esh Yreray�nent�n�l.ate Ch�r�es. ll��rr�►wer tihall{�rrmptly pa� wt►cn du�
<br /> the pcinri�f ofAnd inter�t an ahe d��t etiidenc�b��ihe N��te and an�•pfrp:+y�fiir��t un�1 Ic�iC�I�utKc�due under the 1\nte.
<br /> 2. F�fa�Tax�a aui lnsas�wce, Stthj�ct!«��phcat+lc IaW ot to a w ntten K��►t�cr b��Lender.Qcrroa'er shaU pa�
<br /> 1�1.ender c►»�hn da} n►onthtv px}meut�ure due under thc Nc►te,unul thc Natc�5�:►�d in fuli,:a.ur:t!"t`�utd�')rqual t��
<br /> ("" one�twe111h oP: (r) y�early taxes�nd�SSe4smentS which may auQin �r�orit}� o►er th�, Securu! In��fument: (h) �earl�
<br /> � kaxhc�W {�ymonts nc �rRUnd tents r�n the Hroperty, if'any; (c) y�early hazard u�surunre prcmiums; nnd id) �rarl}�
<br /> exx�ja�e insurance Frecniums. if any.TAese items�re ca!!ed"escc�v►itrm�." [.tnde�ma>�e�1�m�tc thr Funds duc on Ihc
<br /> � bssis of'cuncm d�ta�nd�a�sonable esnm�tes oPfuturc eccmw�item�.
<br /> � Tlto Funds sh�ll be htld in�n in�WUtion the depasits or accounts of w�hich are insu�ecl or guaranteed by�frde�al ar
<br /> state a=eney (includin� Lender if Lendtr ie cuch an inctitutinn). Lender shall appl�the Funds to pay the�;rov�• items.
<br /> LerKkr may not chargr far holdin��nd�pplying the Funds.analyYing the account �r veritying�hc ecrrow items, unlesc
<br /> i.ende�pys Sotrowcr interest on the Funds snd spplic�bk law pe�mits L.rncier t�make cuch a chargc. Borrower�nd
<br /> L�tnder may a�ra in w•rilinR th�t intesext shall be paid an the Funds. Unlcss yn agrcemcnt �s maai� or applicablC laM
<br /> rcquites inlerest to be pMid.Lender sha11 nat bc tequired ta pay �rrower any intercst or carnings on thr Funds. Lender
<br /> , sh�ll�ive to Hor�awer,without charg�,an Annual accounting of the Funds showing rredits and dcbi�s ta thc Funds And the
<br /> purpase for which each debit�o the Fund�w•AS mnda The Fund�are�+ledged a�Addiuo�al ae�:urity Far tE�r sums securcd h�
<br /> thisSecurity Inst�ument.
<br /> Uthe amuunt of the Funds heki by Lender,together.sith the iuture�mmthly �+ayments of Funds pa�able prior t�
<br /> the due dates of the cscrow items,shall excCCd the amount required to��the eccraw�tems when dur,the excecs shall br.
<br /> at Barr�Me�'�option.tiiher promptiy repaid to BcirroR�er or credited to BorroNer nn rriomhly pa�mentc nf Funds. If the
<br /> , � amount c�ithe F�nds held by Lender is not suR'ictrnt tn pay thc cscrow�itcm�r►hcn duc,Nnr���wrr chall�+uy to l.�nde�aoy
<br /> smount necess�ry tn make up tho deficiency in one�r more��a�•ments ac required by Lcnder.
<br /> Upon payment in full of al)�umc secured hy thi�5ecunt��Inurument. I,ender shall�rumptly refund to li�rrow�rr
<br /> ar�y Funtls htld by l.ender. li under parsgraph 19 the Pin}xrty i.cold ar arquirecl h��Lcndcr.l.endrr shall appl�,no tater
<br /> Ihan immediately�►tior to the sale oP the 1'm�►erty ar�tc arqu��,h«n hy l.cndcr,an} Fundc hctd h}• L.aidcr s�� thc timc of
<br /> � applicatipn�sn credit wRaiast�hecums�ecural h�•thic Scrurny Instrument.
<br /> 3. A�IkNi�ot Pry�fs. Untesc apphcuhle I�w p►n��dcc nthcrw���e,all paymentt re�:���ctii hy Lrncicr under
<br /> M*aar�phs 1 and 2�hall be applied:first.to late chargr�due undcr the N��tc:cerund,t�prrpaymrnt chargcs due under thc
<br /> NoRe;tbird,to amountc payabk undef paragraph 2;fi+urth,!f►Il/ttfC�1(�U�,ar►d lact,tc+prinripa!ciue
<br /> 4. ('�rtea; I,kia. flc�rr�xer�hall �a}�a11 taxrc, a��smemg,char6ts, 6urc a�d�mpexition�Attnhut�ble to thr
<br /> P�c►perly Mhiefi may ritMin pnontc t��er this Serunty tnstrurnen�, anci lea�ehold pa}ments ��r ground rents, if any.
<br /> Hc►rtetwe�shall�y these c►Aliaauone m:he n�anner prm•►de�d�n par�graph Z.��r if nnt�id�n that manner.Il(r«pw«ch7II �
<br /> . My Ihem on fime di�ectl►tu tbc per�un awcd�,symcnt. flor��w�e��hall pr+�mptly furn��h to lxndcr alt not�ccs��Pam��untc
<br /> ta be psid unckr�fii���a�raph If{3�urc�K•cr maleti thc�e�a�nicnts d�rcc�lti,linrmwer.hall pmrnp�ly furnis6 to I.cndcr
<br /> �----
<br /> =�- �vs���n�s�n�ciKiir�'sitc��at7iitciii� -- -_
<br /> 6ar�•owrr�hall promptl��di�h�rge uny lien N�hirh hus psior�t}•o�er thi+Securuy I�ictrumenl unlesc 13c+rrowtr �a) ��=�'�
<br /> agrees i»wnt�nR to the pa�ment of theot+lig.�uno aecurrtii hy thr t�en m a m�n�tier accept•rblr tu Lrnder,(b�cantectc in R��d �
<br /> f�iih�he lies� by,or d�firxls ag��nst rnPnrcrmcn��rCthr i�en in.Iegal pr.xre�i�n��wh:ch on iQ►r 1 rndrr'c����mrn��peratc te�
<br /> prcvenl the eaforcement of the !�rn ot fi�rftitutr nFany part e•f the Nu+�+crty.nr(c)�c�ure�kom thc hnicier nf ti�e I�en nn
<br /> aEreement�i�sfactorv t�Lender sub+nrd�natmg thr lien ta tht�,4�.�unty In�trumcnt !f I end�r dctcrmmrs tha��ny �+art i�f _
<br /> the Pmpehy �s sublcrt tn a licn wh►4h may a11�in pnont� rzcr th��Scv:unty Ins�rumrnt. t endtr ma� g��r 13��m�v�cr a
<br /> nottce ide�b('y�na the licr�. Iiorrc+wer��tail saticfy the I�en:►r takr�mr or mi?t6 tif the uilu�rt�cct fi�rth rtx�rc wqhm 10 days
<br /> of'the a�vina aP notke. •;
<br /> S. Hata�I�ruct. H��tt��wet sttalt f�ee�the impr��tiemcmc n»w ea�aunF nn c�rraftcr ctectcd im the Pr�t�+crly
<br /> insurtd againsl tcxs bv firc,har�rds uxclrxln9 withm thr tcrm"cttcndrd r+�tieruge".�nd a�q��thrr h�zardc fi�r N h�rh L.cndcr
<br /> requires �nsurancc. Th» insurancc sha�l 1►c main�au►rd ui ihe .�mt►unts an�9 fur ihr peru�c)� that Lcndcr rryuirey, 1�he
<br /> insu�ance carrier prc���dtng the msuraner shall hc chu+en h� iin!rc�wer suh�ect ���1 c�n�ier'� ap�+r���a! wh�,h sh:�t, �tc�t he
<br /> unreasc►nably w�ithheid
<br /> All in�ur�ncc �x►i�cus end renrwaly shall hr ac�c�Iahlc t�+ I.cudrr a�id�hall in�,{uAr a +taudard nmrtFa�c�i;�uec
<br /> � Lender�hrll ha�c Ihe nght to h��ld the�x�l�cu�and rencwal. 1f!cndcr rcywrc.. Eii�rn+ucr�hall prum�+�lt gt�c t.���.,rrzder
<br /> all rerripts a�'��d prcm�um�c aiid renrw��l��at�ccs lu the c�ent e�:lus�.l�cure�wer.half E:��;�r��mpt nut�e:e t��the i*.:�G�:llll'C•
<br /> � carrier and Lrticier.Lrnder may maicr pr�x►f nf to�s�f nnt ir�:ulr�+r�+mp�h h} lic+rr��wrr ��:.
<br /> , U�lesa LCnder snd Hcur�.wrt i•�hrntit�e agrce�n wriun�,in�uran�c f�n•�civi�.h.�l1 hc a�+�+li��!tu rc�i��rasiusi��r rc�a�r ,
<br /> ��f the Property dnmaetd,tf Ihr r��s�rult�n�►r rc��3ir is c:unarnsrall� fra�ih!e�nJ Lci�drr't�c�unty �, n,�t Ic.cenMl lf rhe
<br /> r�torahon or rr�air i�rtw eru�:crm��:�Uy fea��ble rr I.cndcr'.�.cti•un�� w<:uld t+c Ic�Setieil,thr �n�ut,�ncc firixc�:d��h�ll he
<br /> appticJ tu th�sums,c�urecil b� thi� �un�y imtrum:nt. NI1COfICi !�t n<<� thcn c�rjt.Nnh an} c<<rr+�.irf tn fi��rt��Ket If
<br /> Ae�rmw�rr ahandonc the F'n�ptrz�,ut d�x�nut �nswer Nith�n z1�J,�a.,i nizuce fnan 1 enater tlt;►t the i�z5ur�n�e�:�rner ha�
<br /> , c�fl'trod[o settlea claun,then l.cndet ma� it�JlCil fI1C IfIStIFdtltiC('f�x��(Ir t rnder m.►e u.r the�r�KCed•tt�repau ur rcytare
<br />, t3�e E'm��ly�F�c��+�±}«t!��ria.tttt!t�r ilis:4:t:�:::s is:+i:rss::zal.•.:#:rs}t:r<Tr nrt th<-s:ifiIC S tic =,:-.'.�; �-�ri_� �ii}S�'�c'�,ift
<br /> ' when tht notirc tr gi�rn �
<br /> Unie«I.ender a���!fiorr�,KCr<<lhrrw�u��gtee us Mn�iri�,.fa�.�����l�c.itirn��f�+t��..rr�5�tr�nncirai.haU n���eitend+�r
<br /> �xt�x.►nt�hc duc d;ttc t�f the mnr�lhly�a}mcri�ti rrfrrr�ci tn�n r.sragraphs t attd:��t �ha�:gr'hr:�m��ur�t�+t thc ra}menc� If
<br /> � under paragraph ly thr F'r�t�x:rt3 is a��yuuriE hr t.endcr.R��rrr.�er'�right t��an� ni.urat<<c��e�li.ir�arid��r��:rc�f�rcru{c�ng -
<br /> Pruyndan�a�e tozh:i•rs��rty pn.�rt�,ittr a«�tn�uinti.hyll�a�r t�•l.e�tder t��thr ez�ens ��f thc.:irn�.r.•.rc�i t,} �I�i.tie�uu�y
<br /> , Ittsirument immed�atrly�r�ur to thc a�yui,�uc�n
<br /> 6. 1'rtserv�tian�ad;t�inteernccuf Prupert�:t.cy�eh�rlds. iic�rrrwer�tiall r:,•� .]c.tr:�.. �l.�n�.,,:c�,��uhti�,inti.�ll�
<br /> change the 1'��,reriy. .dlow th� f'tee�+t�rcg tn �leten��r,�tr iu c��raunu «a�tr lf tl,i. `,.ur,tti li«�r.,rn<•nt iti ,�n a �e.i±eh��ld.
<br /> ,. &�rruwcr st�a:lcuro�ty�.iih thc�un��,�,m���l thc lr.i�r..�n,3�f liorrnucr a�.,;u�rc�frr iitic t�,rt��•!'��,�•.:ty.thr Ica4c�hnlJ�nJ .---._..,_._..
<br /> icc t�tic�le�ll r.�it mcrFc uiilc-�r 1 cn,tcr agrrc,t��stic mrrc;rr isi wnhr��
<br /> 7. protection Qf l,cnde�'s RiKhis in the f'ropert}; tit�rrt�aKe In��urnnck•. Ir k.�rr„urr t;��l� s�• �tt���rn ►he
<br /> co�enantc�nu a�;rccmcntti c�,ntainc�l in Ihit 4c�unh III�IRt[t�l'tIL.'F t;lflt':..� I;�.�i;�i,�.rcJ�n,: tf; ,t n:.r. ,�.:ruf��a�:tl� ,�`fr�t
<br /> �.Ct1(�Cl'�S t7f'�ff,4 !11 If1C ��fll�•�t� ��U�f1 :1•. J (�fi��fi��111E' 11f hdil�Il�(�iai. i•s.�f•.�►t'. f��( •.s��:�C�t,t1.tL'� I� i�t 1�• C�I�t�fiC d�1� �`t
<br /> reguiitinnc�.tticn Lct�Qcr ttta}�t�3.in�i���y f��r�th.iirErr s.i�r.r.�.�t�t�,rt��te•,� tt,�•�.e1u.��•' thc t'r,•i�;ra.y .,��,', f c�i.ter .���•.i�t.
<br /> in the Pro�,er6y. Lrudc•r'�.��tiri:�nia� in.lu�tr ra��nk� su� �utm •r..irr.i t�� .: i�e•�. t;tii.1� t�.i� rr�,,r:�. ��.er th�r. �.�o+i�ti ��
<br /> � Iiti�trurnrrit�a�p;atu�F:ir� i�+utt. j+.���n�;rr.����n.�hlc,�•t.�t��r�• lrr..+u.?cntr�;n��•�, :i:• !'n•�+,:t� t�•ni.,�,r r. �.nr. 11t1�;•u.h �
<br /> f.cndrrmay t:t�c.i�ti.�ti unJcr th�cp.�r.�r:�.�p}� '.i rnilcr �f�:c.�.,�t},.��r tv,f, .
<br /> r1t�4 ar�;nuntc.Saihur..cJ i�t �_Inlr� �nt.{�•r t}+���•.=f.�kr,;��i. "�h.��l ht•,.•:h�_i.:.Uti. ��„�J�•i.. ..r }t- tt,�.�t'� �..:i�.,l`�� TL• ., 'J
<br /> i
<br /> Ei�ttifliy fi��I�unrrnl i�ntc���i��s-rn�ct .u:.l l "�id•'�.i�trcC t���•tlt:•f ten�t.:•! ( .�.•r.:.t tl . . .�ir:....i•�,.? sl't�,�� .' �t r�. �r.�i�• ''�
<br /> (hC <�dll' nf l�1tf�lihCI11YOI .i( tfll' ti.��c' � :tC .fl��1 ���:1�) t'�� i�.:�,s'�'i ���!1 .• � 1;.; -.R�. _� � . ��.r ' ..� � . �'�. r ' . {�.�i' .1it �L(';��
<br /> tcyuc�ttn�;r'.��m:nt
<br /> �. .�
<br /> - - --- -- - -- --�._..,..,,,_..�.w....__....,.
<br />