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<br /> , AGKNOV�'�EpGM�N7' �Q.,•_i Q3�52
<br /> • UVYe. ��h�..�—� -@�.�.aas ar�d .tudith A. Briggs. hu9band and wife _ i"Truuor"1
<br /> �""` uad�r th�t ce�Ui�n Tked aiTrust in ehe o�iginsi p�incipal amo�;nt of ___FifLy�Four Yh�usa�d E�fit ltundr�td
<br /> � a � fl�t llars '-��,.�: �!.�OD.00 �And d�tFd
<br /> ��►►���.� IDerd ot Tcust►to be entered inta amonR Tru�tor,
<br /> ��}_Q.,,_��,}chwsde,,_,Attarney {"Trustee"1 and THE EqUITABI.E HUIGDINC AND
<br /> [,Q��N A830CIATInN OF GRAND IS1�Al�iD t'"Benetieiar,r"1.coverinj the followinR described property:
<br /> P�rt of the Sauth One Half of the Sa�cthwest (�uarter �9fSMp:j of Section Thirty Two (32�,
<br /> Taw�ship �leven North (T-11-N)� Ra�ge Nine (R-9-Wj of the 6th �P.M.. Hall County. Nebraske.
<br /> � part�lculsrly de�cribed aa follo*rs: Qeginning at an iron stake thet is the Sauthwe�t
<br /> ' corrwr of s�id iectian; thence East el�ng tha South line af said section Fourteen Hundred
<br /> . Thirty 5ix and Seven Te�ths Feet (1436.7') t� en iro� steke; the�ce left 9Q degrees 00"
<br /> � thre� Hundred Thirty Three (333.0') to an i�ron stake, thence left 102 degreea 30" Two Hun-
<br /> � d�ed Ninety Feet (290.0'� to an irar� steke; thence right 27 degrees 00" Two Hundred Ninety
<br /> Fset (29d.0') ta an iran steke; thence left 13 degreea 52" Five Hundred Feet (500.0') to
<br /> ' an 'iron iron steke; then�� right 90 degrees 00" Eighty Feet (80.0') to en =ron steke;
<br /> thenc� left �0 degnes 00" One Hundred Twelve Feet (112.0') to an iron steke; thence left
<br /> 37 dagrees 46" Three Hundred Six nnd Six Tenths Feet (306.6') ta en ir�on stake that is in
<br /> ths Msst line of asid ssction; thence left 64 degrees 3Q" Three Nundred Ten Feet (�10.0')
<br /> to en iran 3taka whiCh ie the Southwest corner af said section and the point of beginning�
<br /> excepting therefran certai� tracts of land more particulerly described in the following .
<br /> deeds es the seme are on file in tha office of Lh� Registar of deeds of Hall C�ounty, Ne.
<br /> ' 1. Msrranty Deed Docwne+�t �t76-002536.
<br /> 2. Merrenty Oeed recor�d in 8oak 135, P�.g� 19i.
<br /> 3. Quitcleim Oeed rncorBe�i in B�ok 157. f��ge 1F1.
<br /> Mrebr acknowled�e that it is uader�taod thst ial the iked ot Tru�t to be executed by Tru+�tot i�a trust deed aed not ; '
<br /> a�ort�s,�aed Ibl the po�rer ot sale providad !or ia�t1� Ueed ot Trurt provid�s�ubatrtntially difirrent ria!►U aad �
<br /> _ _ 461irtiops_ta the Teustor than a n�oet��t�e in the event ot s default ar bre�rh ot oAlisation. -.r
<br /> --.._ ... ._ ._. .
<br /> , _ .
<br /> Tsu�tor arkrto�rkdRrs�Sitt thia Aek�owIe��men� �ra�ma�e �ric�i.n th� xxReu[ioe a[eee i�eed ai'i'ru�t. - - - =
<br /> ' Executrd and dflivered t�i� -- _-- ���d .._�.�..dNY ot Juno _ .19 90_. --
<br /> . i
<br /> .
<br /> •�.�� �-T--- - �_
<br /> ?r�� Rich rd A. 8ri a
<br /> _' t f_ �a. � • .._ _._ _ _.__._..____..__
<br /> G� � .
<br /> Tl t Judith k. Srigg�
<br /> SS �
<br /> GOUNTY OF Ha11 �
<br /> The fore`dn� i�itrument .v�� sek�awled�ed 1i�eforr me this.__._.___2z�d .da-y of_ _June _ o__��
<br /> . ig 90 ,�y Ric erd A. �rlqn�,�?nd Judi,.`� �,_ Brirc � husb�nc! ant� wife� �_ ,_� ��_�
<br /> : WEt�Raa my 6aad and notuial a�eal at Gr�nd� Is 1 and, Piebrask a __ _�_����,i;d couet�.the date afeteuid.
<br /> , �� ,' - s : ,.f
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