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FXHISIIT :.1` <br />n Iraet of 1nod comprising a part of the S. "th heir of the Southwest Quarter of the Sotlthweyt Quarter <br />/$1 /2SR7 /6SWl /4) of Sceti++n T'a mty Sewn (27), Township Fleccrt (11) lor¢h, Rargv lint (9) West <br />or thr 6Q, F,M., hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly dracribed a, follows: <br />?b'' on II,g at it t on th• east line of c:,{d .S null, ilnlf of :hr Sonthw ,t Quarler of the Southwest <br />1hlPrl[, aid point lxllng Suzy Scvir. (67.Q1 rert nnr[l, of the Southeast corner Of <br />.! 9 ^': h Ralf or (hr Suuthw ,t Quarter of the Seu.L'iwect Quaacr (SU= SP::iY� \5'i �4), and beinP n <br />prJ n+ no Coe unlh:Pty right of war liuc Or i.!. S. Hi,, ^,hwav' 34 & : thn , , uu air., northerly, along, and <br />par the Iasi line n: Said South L.O! n, tic Sonthw'r ^t (uwr:.. or Suulhw<st Quarter <br />i /2S ia��1t'1 /:), a dj.taoce or 7tirar `4,ndred Eipht. rich and Npuc Troths (13490) fort to � point, <br />aid nil T,'o Hon,l, d and Thrrc Tentll< (:M301 ,`rut cnuth of the N„rthea<t corner of said <br />a. ��Ihe Snu thv'resL Quarter or the Fnuthwrst Qum -sr {_C1�7.5'i't1 j45tY1 X41; Un,u,- awning <br />pa:n{la1 with the s: ulh ❑nc of aald Swlh half of the Southeast Quarwr of the Southwest <br />(51 /2SW'1('4SR"1/,1 a di,,fance of One Hundred six (106.0) Oct; thence rnnaing southerly, <br />pl Cti:fi with the olst line of said flair ni the Southwest Qnnrcr of file Southwest Quarter <br />di:t+mce of Them lfundred Eighty ned Nine Teeths (?anAU) feet to a point on <br />sold h'q;trxay tight of was line., said point being Seventy Fire (75.0) fret north or the uouth line of said <br />,nu!h flair or the Seu thvr_st Quarter or the Soathwtsl Quarter (SI /IStY1 14Syp1 f4); thence mnning <br />cute: Ir, along and span said norther!!, hiGhwnv right of w,,v iine, e d'esL,nci, rc Ilundred Six And <br />"near Tenth, (I% -10) feet to the point or beginning <br />