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200006610 <br />EXHIBIT 'A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part a the South Mali of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(S1/2S'0V"1/4SW1/4) of Section Twenty Seven (27), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West <br />of the 6th P.M., liall County, Ncbrz%Nka, and more pnrticulariy described us follows: <br />L3egiacang at n point on the cast line of said South lialf of the Southwest Quarter of tilt Southwest <br />Quarter (S1 /2SW1 /4SWj /4), said point being Sixty Seven (67.0) feet north of the soutbeast corner cnf <br />said South Nnlf of Ole tiauthwcst Quarter of the Southwest Quartcr (S1 /2SNV't /4SNN1 /4), and being a <br />2; thence running northerly, along and <br />point on Ole northerly light of v,3}' line of U. S. Highway No. 34 &c light <br />Southwest Quarter <br />upon the cast tine of said South hair or the Southwest Quartcr of the <br />(S1f2SW1 /4SVJt /4), a distance of Threr Hundred Eig}lty Fight and Nine Tenths (388.90) feet to apoint, <br />said point txlug Two Hundred and Three: Tcuths (200 30) fc t south of tt,e Northeast corner of said <br />South liaif of tilt SOUtliwcst Quarter of the Southwest Quartcr (S1 /2SW1 /4SW 1/4); thence running <br />westerly, parallel with the south line of said South Half of the Southwest Quarter rof ac southerly, <br />Quarter (tit /ZS1'VL /4SW1 /4), a dislsnce of One Hundred six (106.0) G y, <br />parallel with the east line of said South llalf ur the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(Sl /2SWl /4SNY1 /4), a distance of Three Hundred Eighty and Nine Tenths (380.90) feet to a point on <br />said highway right of gray line, said point being Seventy Five (75.0) feet north of the south line or said <br />south tialr or the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (tit /ZSW1 /4SW1 /4); thence funning <br />easterly, along and upon said northerly highway right of way line, a distance of 0— llundmd Six and <br />Three Tenths (10630) fact to the point of beginning. <br />