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<br /> Harrower, Whether one or rnore, uncleratands that the document
<br /> � `• �ha� the Harxower is about• to exeaute ia a oe�a of Truet dnd not
<br /> � � a aortgaqe and that the po�rer of sale prnvided for ir► the Dee�f
<br /> ' Tru�t prov3des subatantial2y different riqhts and abligations to
<br /> ` . th� Borratirer than a mortqaqe in the �vent of a default or breach
<br /> ot obliqation under the Deed af Truet, including, but not limited
<br /> � �to, the Le�nder's Xight to have the Property sold by the Trustee
<br /> without any judici.al procesd�.nq. Horrower represents �+nd
<br /> Marr�nts that thi� aaknovrledqemeo as executed hy it befor• the
<br /> • . �c�outio� of ths D��d of Tru�t.
<br /> � a'�-r
<br /> J� �oot� Zann ,
<br /> � . �' , �, (,
<br /> .. �; �-7 /� _�,"
<br /> N+t�b;► G.S. Zantt ,,
<br /> � 1
<br /> � ��orroxer~
<br /> • 0 F.D O tlST t-
<br /> ' .�
<br /> --- -_ _ _. -
<br /> �-_.
<br /> Zntanii�nq te cr�ate a Cosstsuc�ion Sesur3ty Entere�t in - '--
<br /> aceosdsnce With the N�ebraska Canstruction T.ien 11ct. thia DEED OP i =
<br /> TRUST is a�ade ae of the ��l day o! �n��. 19 . by a�nc1 =
<br /> a�onq the Trustor, �1:� t an:► ,u�p�. . .: :� � , whose
<br /> �aflinq addrasa i� � � t . ,n , � �
<br /> (h�rein "8orrokrr•, w et er ane or mo�r� , t e Trustee� ��—
<br /> Arcnd !t. t3nac:k , Attnxnay at Lraw, whase ma ng ��
<br /> a re�s s . . x . . �ruzd I�l.u�d :�F, ti8�,t�� Iherein �,
<br /> `Trustee") , an t e S�ne c�sary. TNL VERI.AhU NA IO AL B11NK OF '
<br /> GR�tO ISI.JIND, whose mailing address �s 30� weat �hfrd Street,
<br /> � " P. 0. Sox 1698, Grana� island. Nebraska 6Q842-I688 {harein
<br />� . . "Lender"1 .
<br /> FOR VALUAB�.� COKSIDERATIQN, including the in.debtedneas �
<br /> identified hcrein and trust h�rein �reated for the purpos� of �
<br /> e�akinq impravementa to �h� real estate herefnafter d�scribed, the ��"
<br /> rereipt of which is hcreby acknowledged, dorroxer her�by
<br /> 3rrevocably grants, transfera. conveyR ar�d assigns to Trustee, IN ,
<br /> � TRU&T, fiITH POf�R OF S.�L�, for tf�e bencfit and s�curitiy of �
<br /> Lenttcr, uncier and sub1ect tn thG t�rms and concli�ians hereinafter
<br /> set forth, th� real property, deacribed as folln�s:
<br /> I�t :�inc f�) in I[idc�cn I��cr:: a��eiivi<;i�m �ur�,er Fniar
<br /> , :uy r iti���n ta thr C'it�• ��Y 4�ra:�d I:�;l.ulr�. fi:�.8�
<br /> unty. �.c��r:s.�ft:�.
<br /> ,____.._�..s......�....�%
<br /> Togetht�r witlr all buildings, iropru�rEym�nts, fixtuxe:;, w------_
<br /> 9txeets, alleys, passaqcways, e��ser*�ents, rights, privileges arid
<br /> a�partenanc:es �oaatc�ci the�r�on or za� �nywf se pertaining thereto,
<br /> and the rents, issu�s and profits, rc�ver,ivr�r and retnr��r.ders �
<br /> there4f, and �uch persr�:���1 prapertp th�t i:� att�-�ched to thc�
<br /> itapri�vem�nts so as ta c�nstitut� � fi.xture, inciuc�i.nq, but not t
<br /> Iimited to. he�ting anrl cat�I ing c��uipme��t; �»d tc�qet}�cr wit-h tiie
<br /> Lhom�ste�ci or m�rat�l inter�st�:, i€ �ny, whach int�r�:;ts are
<br /> �tereljy rele��sc�d ��nd waivec�; �12 of wiiirh, includinq re�plar.rcncnts �t
<br /> an�3 adciitie�ns th�r��to� is h�r�by d��clar�d L� k,E� �� �ar* �f ih�� �`'
<br /> ze��2 e:s�i��e. ::�c•uze�ci �y Th�� iirn caE this 7eeci of �rust anc� sIl c�f �i�
<br />' t�lf� for.ec�r�inc� �JL.li1C� referr.e;: tG' f'si.'T'f.'1Ti il:i t�lt: ��Yropc.•zt.}�" .
<br /> 1 - �
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