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89- .'100365 <br />8. This Assignment inures to the benefit of the named Assignee and it's successors and assigae, and binds the <br />Assignor and Assignoea heirs, legatees. devises, adminietrato:s, exeentoa, successors and assigns. The term "T ssse" or <br />"Leases" as used herein means not only the Kass or Lasae hereby assigned or any extension or renewal thereof, but also any <br />leaue subsequently executed by Assignor oovwing the Pre ulw or any psrtthwooi In this Assijament, whenever the context <br />soreguwss, thone aiergenderincludathemaw0ineorfominin% andthesingularnumberincludes the plural. and conversely. <br />& All notica, de nand or documents which an required or penuided to be given or served hereunder shall be in <br />writing and sent by cardfied mail addressed as follows: <br />TO ASSIGNOR at the address appearing above unless a different address is furnished below. <br />TO THE ASSIGNEE, Attention Dick n_ N; A - e d <br />at FirsTier Bank, N.A,=,r OMaha,, NE 424 West 3rd. Grand island. NE 68801. , <br />Such addresses may be changed fromm.time to time by either party by saving notice as above provided. <br />ADDRESS OF ASSIGNOR . <br />1'N WITNESS WHEREOF, As is ate has hereunto ed his hand and seal orcaused its corporate name to be <br />subscribed and its corporate seal to be affixed the day and year fist above written. <br />Rof G. Batter <br />CORPORATE ACHNOWLEDGRUEN'T" <br />STATE OF ) <br />88. <br />COUNTY OF ) <br />On thin day of , A.D.,1S_.._... before me, a notary j�ublic in and for said County, <br />Personally came the above named <br />President and <br />Of <br />who (is) (are) personally known tome to be the indentical person(s) whose name(s) (is) (an) affixed to the above instrument as <br />and of said Corporation, and acknowledged the <br />instrument to be (his) (their) voluntary act and deed and the voluntary -act and deed of said Corporation. <br />WITNESS my hand and notarial Seel the date last aforesaid. <br />. Notary Public <br />My commission expires <br />i <br />