<br />
<br />
<br /> `cwt
<br /> ASSIOMM OF 1M,0F T=
<br /> 03616
<br />
<br /> dUM ALL ~0; BY UESE PW3~, that (MS Fem. &%V0= BW ("wig for
<br /> good and -altmble ro ideratice to it in hwd palid by the cWpe-mial Federal
<br /> organized nor the Lsws of the State Nebraska
<br /> ssigne° r receipt of C ! consideration 38 l~I acknowledged, does fiRRF-assign,
<br /> tr'aTisfer, and set m"er unto ftslgam all, its rests, title and interest in and to that
<br /> certain of Tit executed by
<br /> t--ito Assigmr, dated , mortgagim are _o-1
<br /> described real property located in the County of Ball , State of Npbraska:
<br /> The west half (vk) of the following described tract Part of the north ten (10) acres of the
<br /> im-1; of section 10, in township 11, north, range 9, west -,)f the 5th p.a. more particularly
<br /> described as follows= beginning at a point on }fie nrrth ii= of the north 10 acres of the
<br /> w~ nwk of said section !C, which point if 1056.0 feet crest of the northeast corner of said
<br /> north 10 acres of the w-k nwk of said section 10, rmming theence south parallel to the east
<br /> iize of said a- th 10 acres of the A nvk of said section 10, 331.0 feet, ranniing thence west
<br /> parallel to the north Iineof said tract: 132.0 feet, running thence north parallel to the
<br /> east lineof said tract, 331.0 feet to a point on the north line of said 10 acres tract,
<br /> running thence east along and upon the north Hue of said 10 acres tract, 132.0 feet to the
<br /> actual paint of beginning, subject however, to onehalf of the county road to the north of said
<br /> premises, Hall Count;:, Nebraska.
<br />
<br /> and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, on the 11tday of JQ , 19 99Qp , and appearing o reco in
<br /> Book Page ~3q Together with t e and indebtedness described in and
<br /> secured by the instrument aforesaid.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said Commercial Federal Mortgage Corporation
<br /> and unto its successors and assigns aforesaid.
<br />
<br /> THIS ASSIGNMENT IS MADE expressly subject to and in accordance with the warranties and
<br /> representations of Assignor with Assignee pursuant to a certain Mortgage Loan Origination
<br /> Agreement between Assignor and Assignee, a copy of which is on file in the Office of Assignee.
<br /> LKECt'i`F-D ASD DELI` MED this 13th day of June 1990 .
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> By:
<br />
<br />
<br /> off' 'r TITLE: PRESIDENT
<br /> ~;E13
<br /> By:
<br />
<br />
<br /> TITLE: SI C=- ARY
<br /> County 'of Platte )
<br />
<br /> ae foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me'this 13th day of June ,
<br /> 19gg__, by .._I_..M.FEii` ,1c5?~'. PF ESIDkYT , of 'COL.UMBUS FEDERAL SA:TT%'S BANK
<br /> ,
<br /> Assignor, a NebX,.45ka Corporation or Association,, ion ; o the Corporat_ior, or
<br /> Association.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at my office in said, PLAI:TE Count
<br /> at Y .
<br /> , this lath day of June , 1(jRO
<br /> 6EMEf{AL lowy-yule e.1*11b ( r - -
<br /> MARY E. FEHR
<br /> My Comm. Exp. Angmt 30.1993
<br /> C(mulission expires N
<br /> c,
<br /> c,J .
<br />