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200006599 <br />LAST IVILL Alit) U13TA`114i-,'NT Q? A. KSATSER <br />In the n:itrie of lod Ament I Embpreon A. Knateer <br />of Murrell. ()trfleld Countyp S'Wte Of Nebra.ska# oonsid- <br />erin;- the anoerteinty cif this mortnj life, and belng of <br />soul-id z1ad and iliemorys do made and ptAbllsh this my lne.;t <br />will and Veetaonentj In the iAnner and fo". following,, <br />thAt Is 'to say: <br />F LR 111"T <br />I 01reot that My fan.ero.l chargco and th-e expenses <br />Of adminle,tering my ertate had all my debts bh- peld out <br />Of my PoWsonal Proporty and ti i t r, saitnble monument be <br />erected at my graver nithin 80 days after my Interment, <br />This to Oe, done by my executor, <br />?E 10 'IND <br />I give tend bequeath to Elva Uo1hlrters (dawxhter <br />.4 <br />of my deceased neloop Zorn Andernon) so Ion"! not she <br />811<111 11VOP the) InCOMP ftOM all, Of MY e tst,,,, both reel <br />P,nd personal# where-so-ever nn!) be wbom-oe-ever fmAnd* <br />,r ill i � tv <br />Upon ti'le death of Elva Whirtero I direot that my <br />estate as a whole ahall descent in f.4ckanl. armxes to beer <br />a hi 1drent If sne sna"Id die without Issue# then all of <br />my estate shall desoend to the natural heire of my body* <br />I direot tnot a aitvble executor for trij es-tetes be <br />a,pp6lnted by the County Court# and that said exeoutorj, <br />shall usa h1s judt.,p►ent as to tae !,.andllng of be property <br />devised under this wills rind thtvt. he give bond for the <br />performanoe of his trust# rated ties: t 4e be paid for his <br />servlaeaA the own n1lowed by law. <br />I h(irehy rev!>ke all 'Cormer wills by me made. <br />In witness w)iaorouf I have herf,�anto submaribed my <br />nrme this 10th day of Aprll,, <br />--1 � 11� mko-Ma & Laulam <br />We WhO60 nn;vea are heretinto subsorWed* do hereby <br />certify that rmu!�reon A. KaAteer, tlao teistaturs subscribed <br />