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89- --;100382 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />This Deed cif Trust is made this 2flth day of Janup- , 1S 69 , by and among <br />G I[IYG:11 J <br />her referred to as Trustor, whose mail ng address is 4 Wood an f.v� <br />Nebraska 68801 ; AREND R. BAACK, Attorney at Law, hereinafter —referred to as °1E FEDERAL <br />whose mailing, address is P. 0. Box 790, Grand Islands Nebraska 68802; and H0�1E FEDERAL <br />SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLANOp hereinafter referred to as "Beneficiary," <br />whose mailing:address is 221 South Locust Street, P. 0. Box 1009, Grand I51and, Nebraska <br />68802. <br />For valuable consideration, Trustor irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys and <br />assigns to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, for the benefit and security of Bene- <br />ficiary, under and subject to the terms and conditions of N this ebraska, Dad of Trust, the fol- <br />lowing described property, located in HALL y• _ <br />See Attached Exhibit "A" <br />sland 1 <br />01 <br />allay—, n cane 4a, R <br />together with all buildings, improvements, T 1XLUrCS, streets, allay —, , - _n -- _ R. - _- - - -- _ - _ -_ - -- - -- <br />easements, rights, privileges and appurtenances located thereon or in any•,way pertaining <br />thereto, and the rents, issues, profits, reversions and the remainders thereof, includ- <br />ing all such. personal property that is attached to the improvements so as to constitute <br />a fixture, all of which, including replacements and additions thereto,-are hereby de- <br />clared to be a part of the real estate conveyed in trust hereby, it being agreed that <br />all of the foregoing shall be hereinafter referred to as the "Property." <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING; <br />(a) the payment of indebtedness evidenced by Trustor 's note of even date herewith <br />in the principal sum of TWO MILLMN NT1YF Hl NpgFn THniv;A n A n 01n4inEl - <br />($ 2,9013;000A, together with the balance of such indebtedness,.rf r_ot sooner <br />paid, due and payable on FpTI r,y t , 2n] r� ; with interest at the rate or rates <br />�+ ; <br />provided therein, along with the payment of all other sums, with interesit:thereor., <br />aduanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this Deed of Trust, <br />together with the principal and interest or. any future advance as evidenced by <br />promissory notes stating they are secured hereby, and any and all renewals, modifi <br />cations: and extensions of .such notes, both principal and interest on the notes <br />being payable in accordance with the terms set forth therein, whichby,.this.refer- <br />erce is, hereby made a part hereof. <br />X�i�l# Yl�iFlx( X�E�I��xd( �Xi( �I�fXl�6�3�XX�t' XxJtX9t�tXXOtXiC� (Xdtdii(4C4�(d�(xif�f X�f(it�ll�Xl�l6xlG7�lCXxJiat,� , <br />XxxxaWXgIWXuDta UX4=xxxxXXXXXXMWx: Xxx� cx�cnc%UX) xwUgK) k+xao(*Kxxgo(o(otx= <br />x�Xx !tkumxxx-max)wx , cx )o)t u*)Oxx , c�axxa�c oro oxx�r�xx exxoax+ scx�co�cx s <br />ikMXAW WX (X3tKXj1 tXX)6XX )@M At no time shall the principal amsgnt of the <br />indebtedrdes securers by this. Deed of Trust, not including sums •advanc ed. o! accord- <br />ance herewith: to protect thesecurity of the Deed of Trust, exceed the. original <br />amount of tihe note .plus $ -0- <br />(ib} the performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained; <br />aid <br />(c) the pay�mert of any sum or sums of money which may be hereafter -paid or advac�- d �`• <br />by Beneficiary.• ur'der the terms of this Deed of Trust, together Frith irate, es . t!iarbn. <br />at the rate provided in the rote. <br />To protect the security of this Deed of Trust, Trustor hereby covenants and. agrc2s <br />as follows: <br />-1- <br />