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ACKNOWLEDGMENT 89-'- 100331 <br />I /We,ERNEST J. THAYER AND JANICE M. THAYER, husband and wife ( "Trustor ") <br />under tht certain Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of TWO MILLION NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND <br />NO/100 ---------------------------------- - - - - -- -- ---- - - - --M 2.900.000.00 )ttnd dated <br />Tan►.eary 2n. 19A9 (Deed of Trust) to be entered into among Trustor. <br />ARENi? R. 9AACK, attorney ("Trustee ") and HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAM. ASSOCIATION <br />OF GRAND ISLAND ( "Beneficiary "), covering the following described property: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot One (1) on Island and part of the South- <br />east Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEkSEJ), situated in the East Half of <br />the Southeast Quarter (EiSEk) of Section Twenty -Eight (28), Township Eleven <br />(11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning <br />at a point on the West line of said East One Half of the Southeast Quarter (Ej <br />SEJ), said point being One Thousand Three Hundred Forty -Eight and Eighty -Five <br />Hundredths (19348.85) feet south of the northwest corner of R. W. Rasmussen <br />Subdivision; thence easterly a distance of Eight Hundred Ninety -Seven and Fifty - <br />Six Hundredths (897.56) feet to a point on the west line of Woodland First Sub- <br />division, said point being Thirteen and Thirty -One Hundredths (13.31) feet north <br />of the southwest corner of Lot Four (4), Woodland First Subdivision; thence <br />Southerly along and upon the West line of Woodland First Subdivision, a distance <br />of Six Hundred Thirteen and Thirty -One Hundredths (613,31) feet to a point on <br />the north line of Woodland Drive; thence westerly along and upon the north line <br />of Woodland Drive a distance of One Hundred (100.0) feet to the northwest corner <br />of Woodland Second Subdivision; thence southerly along and upon the westerly <br />line of Woodland Second Subdivision, a distance of Sixty (60.0) feet, to. the <br />northwest corner of Lot Seven (7), of Woodland Second Subdivision, also being <br />a point on the south line of koodland Drive; thence westerly alorig and upon - <br />the prolongation of the south line of Woodland Drive, a distance of Seven Hundred <br />Ninety -Seven and Sixty -Nine Hundredths (797.69) feet to a point on the - West <br />hereby acknowledge that it is understood that (a) the Deed of Trust to be executed by Trustor is a trust deed and not a <br />,tfefet�.�ranri <br />; ,.t'~ .of s aW, id ed for-.: r the 8fT SSt prt.: . s subs-t. a iijv�_ 1 u a vLvt i&.ue it e u - - -.- - -- -- <br />[v -- -- — the Trustor than a mortgage in the event-of a default or breach of obligation. <br />Trustor acknowledges that this Acknowledgment was made prior to the execution of the Deed of Trust. <br />Executed and delivered this 20th day of a-- January .19 89 ; <br />r cs600r Ernest YJ.rhi!ryer <br />Tg£ptor •Sanice M. Thayer f <br />AWOL <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />SS <br />COUNTY OF HALL } <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20th day of January , <br />19_89, by — _ERNEST J. THAYER AND JANICE D THAYER husband and wife <br />Witness my hand and no seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said.vounty, the date aforesaid. <br />My commission expires: I& :I <br />/IMr�1lt'QYrats ... �. <br />"N W 1M It Iwo �46uwy i'ut <br />>;,• :I'' bf said East Or4'A4alf of the Southeast Quarter (EiSEJ); thence northerly <br />slang and upon the west line of said East One'-half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(EiSED , a distance of Six Hundred Seventy -Three and Thirty -One Hundredths = -- <br />(673.31) feet to the point of beginning. <br />i <br />-and - <br />Lot One (1), Wedgewood Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />