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<br /> ► � � 90-- 10359�
<br /> ��i������ :� a.� ���a=:� ��s��s
<br /> � THIS ASSiGNM�Kf�made this 21�t:..�.ddy oi June �g 90 �
<br /> � David J. Aasenow and Jo Ann D. R�aenow, husband and wifa
<br /> telWin��t Ot hliviff�qn offiCO 6t 34A5 Stallev Park Road, Grand Ir� and NE
<br /> ����.,���„�a_ Fi�aTier Bank,Nado�al Aasociation.Omaha,Nebraska havin�
<br /> iw prMC�l olflce�t Omaha.Nsbra�lca(h�tsin cafl�d"As�i�nss"1,
<br /> FOR VALUE RECENED.As�nor t�eby yranh,t�nsfsn a�d assbns to Me Asei�nes sil of!he�ht,tiids snd
<br /> Inlsr�st of Assipna in and b any and All lessss dnd oiher bnancies now or herosfee►mada on or with�espsot to the rosl esbb
<br /> ��j� xali co�tv a�d rtwrs puliculatiy dssc�b�d
<br /> in ScheduN A hereof,whi�h ro�l�state shall be rshrred to hersinafts►a�"Premises",lncludin�,but not IimiNd to tluit c�tain
<br /> ' LMMaMw�cs�ln La�s�s,wiTh modi8cafions,ilany,desc�ibsdln Schsdule B Nueoi.covsH�ths Promis�s:MpNMrwith
<br /> (t)any and�11�xNnsions or renwwls th�r�ol,l21 any and all pwranlees o0 the taes'a obliqations undsr u►y thKeof and
<br /> u�any and aN ex�enslons or nnewals o1 any thKSOI,and(3)all�enb,issues,pronta,►evenues,deposib,�emeat mo�ey
<br /> , payrrranb,riyhl�and bene�ib�ow or hereaMer arisM►p hom such I�ese snd lena�cies or ior the ufe�nd occup�ncy W the
<br /> Premisss,and any and all extsnsbns and�e�ewats thereol.Said taa�es and f�enancies ar o1he�u�s of tt�e Premiss�1o�1t�
<br /> ,with a��and all fluarenteas,modincations,exlensiort�,end�enewals theteot shal I be sometime�hereinafle�rMerred to as the
<br /> Le�se a Leaees',
<br /> ONE Payme�t and pNfama�ce ot e�ch end evary dsbt.I�sDility and oWpsdo++ot evsry rype a�d desc �
<br /> whtch I►ssi�ar may now as a�ytirn�here�f�sr ows ro/1s�gnee.inck�dinQ,but not hmitsd b.fhs indsbNdness d As�
<br /> seCUr�d�►Y tf�f�t C�ain eiWrl�fQi Or il�Ad 01 Vust m�A by!hA AsfOQ�10�t0 t!'1�ASfipfl0o d�Md 3une 21 ,19 90
<br /> �nd ncor�l a ta t�t c�ecord�d at or prfa'b the roCOrdin�of thlslls�pnment.a eny ather mo��e or d�sd ot trust h�e�Mer
<br /> - _ covMir�ths wf�ols a ariy ptrt M flis Prem�ap,(whlf�lr wch d�b1.fiab�"tity,�oblq��on now�xbb Or i!1tisrMlNr cis�lbt!or
<br /> incurred and whetl�it is a may be dlrect a Indirect,due of to become Ous.absoluts a conting�nt im�ry or secondary.
<br /> IiquidaNd a unliquicl�MO, a�dnt swenl, or �dnt and sevsral,a�� auch debes, l�aWlities and oW�auons beirp herain
<br /> cbllectivay rebrrsd ta somMimes u tha°QWip�tlons"y;and
<br /> TWO: PeAormanc� and discharQe ot esct� end every obligaBon, covensnt and a9reNnent of Assigna �
<br /> contsined herein or in a�y such morl�a�e or dsed of hust or any note or bond sscured Mereby,o�in any oblig3tion or any :�
<br /> ssCUrin�doCumeM qiven tn co�nectkx►with any of the Obliqation�seCU�ed hereby. ;�
<br /> LEASE.
<br /> t. To hilhfuily abtd�by,pe�fam and discharqe each and every oblpahon,covener�t and apre�rtient of the Le�te
<br /> by lessa fo b�peAormed.w�ive prompt notics to the 11asi�ne�ot any notice ot dehult on ths part o1ll�sprwr w+th respect to s
<br /> the L�a�e ncoirsd hom l.�ssM or ywra�tor,to�ti�witP+an accurste and cqmplete copy o1 any such not�ce:�t the iple cost
<br /> and exp�ns� o!Aaeipna.W�ntorCe or s�cur� fh�pKlormance of e�Ch and wety oblpadon. cuvM►fnt Condif�on and
<br /> a����nt o1 ths l�ss by�ha L�s�se to b�p�et�orm�d:not ro m�dity a�n any way atfar the lsrerts M ths t.�afe:not to brminate
<br /> the 1Nm o!the Lsate and not to accept a surcender of the rents thereunder or to wsive,exC�sO,condone ot in any manner �
<br /> �eie��or discha�ys the LesNS tl�erlunder from ths Obiipat�on�,Covenants,conWtiex�s and aqresmonb by the�esfse b be �
<br /> p�rfprm�i;+nCludinfl tt�e ob�i�t�on to pay tt�e rfMW Called fa theroundlt�n Ms�artne�and ttt the p1aC�and dme epecifi�d
<br /> tl�r�in.sr+d Asliq�ior doss Dy n�MS prefsrns axptKSly reis�te.cNirtquish and surran0er uMO fh� s�nes alt Assipnor's
<br /> �ighL Pow�r a+�d authw�ry b mod�y a�n any way af1M th�M«rn or prov�fto�►s ot shs Le�s�.cx b M�minaM� ths Nrm a acc�pt a
<br /> surre�der theteof,en�any attempt an the pan of the Assignor to exercise any suct�right w�thout Me written authoriy and
<br /> consene a1 the As�ignee thereto being t�rst had and obta►ned sh�fl constitute a Default of tha terms hereof, as cfefined
<br /> he►e+na!!�,enhtl+ng the As�gne�e to de�clare all sums sec�sr!d hMeby +m�►ed!ate+��ue and Rayabte.
<br /> 2. Af AssignOr'�sCle Cost ar�d exper��e t0 eppe8r�n artd 6elend eny ection or prpCe�edmp arismg under,grOwi�g
<br /> out ot or in any mnnner connected w�th the lease or the nb��gaUons.duUes or hab�bt�es of f.essor, Lessee or guarantor
<br /> th�reunder,and td pay�li costs an��xpenxs oi Md Ass�gneo,irtcludmg aKorney's tee��n a�easonab!e sum.�n any such
<br /> ac6un or proce�ed+ng�n wh;ch the Assfgnee may appear
<br /> 3 That shoutd Assiynnr fail to mak�any paymer�t o► to da any act as here�r+ prov�0ed,then the Ass�gnee. hut
<br /> w�thout obli�etron so t�do��d withnut notice to o�demand on dss+�nor,and wrthout�eteasing Ass�gnor(rorn any obt�gauon
<br /> r�ereot,may make or do th8 sam�r m such man��e�and tv such extent 2s the Ass�qnee may deem necessary to proteCt the
<br /> seCu►iry hereot,includ�ng speaficr�lly, w�thout limit�nfl its gc��eral powers,the nqht to�ppear�n and deser.d any acUOn or . - -------
<br /> proCeeding purporting to a!(ect the secunry hereol or the r�ghtsor powe►sot tt�e Assignee.and&ISp the nght but not the dury t�
<br /> pertorm �nd d�scharge each en� every obiigation, covenant and egreernent of �.essor �n the lease c�ntamed: and m
<br /> exarc�stng any such powers to pay nE!cessary costs and expensPS,employ counse�and mcur and pay reasanab►e attorney's
<br /> f�.
<br /> a To p�y immedaat6fy upun d�m�nd a�i sums expended by the Ass:gn�a under the author�ty�ereOf,t�gett�er wdh i
<br /> � �nterest tf�ereon�t th� h�ghest r�te set ttirth m any o!the Obl�gat�ons secure�i here0y. and the same shaii ba added to the �
<br /> Obl�gaUOns and Shall�e SeCUred het�y a��d by thp Se�d mortg�g9 0� deed of trust ��
<br /> g
<br /> � 1h;�tA,��t�nprW�IlnUttr�lr,StprOrCOnvEytOthQLeSS@Ethef�c�i�t:8totnedem�SEClPrgm�SQS,ar,'1t1yp3fTth@t�pf. '1t
<br /> ��nl(?g3(he(.eSSCf���SS.�mP.s�s�wntmg 3nd ac�rees zo pay tho debt secur�d rzereby�►�ar co�ci<���ce W�itt the tetmS.C!�vt�n,�r,ts��nd `fl4
<br /> ctn,cf:t�or�s at ihE�s:t�d r�t�te ur L+nnd secur�d by s���d mortr�agt�or cf�cr�i ot r�ust ��i
<br /> --�
<br />