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<br /> S !. Cond�mnaYeo.ths pracNds of any�ward or ctA�m for dtmut��s,d�rect o�consequent�al.�n connection wiM any
<br /> r coneJ��nn�►fbn or oMK fAkinQ ol Ma P�Qparty,a part theraot,ar far canvAyance!n lieu ol condemna�Non,aro hereby I�stisn�d
<br /> � and s�aN M�id M I.�mc1w.� o�M,the roCeed�sh�111 bs
<br /> in tM�wn10l�tol�l laki ot the Pr p applied to the aum�estursd by this ONd ol Trus�wiM
<br /> tM�xcM►s,lt any.paid to BaK�ower.in itw w�nt oi�p�AiN qkiny ol ths PropKly.unNst Bonow�►�nd leRdsr oMw�wisp
<br /> 1�M in w�ifin�,N►KS sha11 b�appli�d i�th�sums aNC�x�d by this Os�cf ol Trust sikh propo�tion of ths proc�as is pual b
<br /> Ihat prppp��which Ihs�mousil ot tM wms secured by Mls O�ed oi T►ust imm�di�Nly�xia tolh�daN ol f�ktn�bMn b th�
<br /> hk m�kN v�lw of 1h�prop�ty 1mm�di01NY WicK b iM daM of hkin��w�n a�.a�,ce a en.�oc..�.�a e«�w...
<br /> fl tM Fro�ry is ab��doMd by BorrowK.or il.atNr noNc�6y L�n�to BoITOwK thatlhe co�d�mnor oM�slo m�k��n
<br /> �witd o�s�tM�a claim ior d�m�s,BoROwsr fail�to�ssp0�d to lsnd�r wifhin 90 days�ilsr ths d�ts wch�ofica is nlai{�d,
<br /> L�r�1!atdhorlie9 b co1l�Ct�nd�pp1Y tM procesds.af lsnderb opNon,eitf�fo rosloratlon p�rp�ir of!M Propslty Or b
<br /> ' tM sum�s�cu��d by N�i�O��d M T�us�.
<br /> Unless L�ndK�nd 8or�ow�roM�erwisa�9ree in wrltirtq,any auch�pplication o1 proceeds to principal ehall notexhnd o�
<br /> �waa�1M dw daN of the monthly instaltenen�s re4erred to in pe�raprapha 1 snd 2 heraof or chan�Me�mount of suc�
<br /> �nsqllrrwnls.
<br /> 1�. Me�ew�Mel MM�d.�xt�nsion of Me time tor paymenf or modificati��otamati:�tion a1 the wms sscu►ed Dy this
<br /> QMd of Trust�tanbd by L�nd�!o a�y sucC�esor in inlerest of Bw�pwer shall nol opK�N fo ni�a�s,in!ny mannK.9he
<br /> 4iWilityollheoripinalpp+rowlKendsa►rower'awccessc�rninhrss�l.s�de�sMll�otb�nquiredto�omnwnC�prOCMd3n�s
<br /> painN such succes�or or ntu�ro exand t�ms tor p�yment a ot►►erw��e mod�ry artwrtt:at�on o1 tM eums sscured by thh
<br /> Ofrd of Truq Cy reu�o/a�y�martd mads by Me orlpirtal8orrower ae�d Botrowee'a succ�stors In Inlerqt
<br /> t1• ForMlwa�o�1�LMkN�No1 a Waiw�.Any lorbsarnnce by lender in exeic�sing any nq�t o�remedy hK�undsr,c+r
<br /> ' otlNrwis�aMArd�d by applicaWs law.shall not be a w��ver ol or p�ecluds tt►e exercisu ot sny such N�ht or r The;
<br /> procuremsnt ot insunrtce ol th�payment of taxea or oMer iiens ar charpes by lender ahell na!bo s w�iver ol L�dsr's� ht lo
<br /> accMKaM the naturiy of the IndebM►lneae secur�d by th�s Oeed ot Tru�t.
<br /> 1t. �dlM Cu�alaWi All remadies prov�ded�n th��Deed of Trus�are d�s�inct and cumuiative to eny o1Mr�ht or
<br /> , r�dy undK this Os�ct of Truat o� attord�M by Iaw or equ+ry. and may be exerc�ssd cancur►entty, indcp�nd�nqy a
<br /> aWCCtiWvM�►.
<br /> , . /�. 8�te�as and As�i�n� ooued; JoMH MM SwNN L�a6Nify: C�pwon�. The cOvtrn�nta and a�e�m�nb hKMn
<br /> GontNMd shall b'rn0.�nd th�rT�hh hereunder sh�fllnure to,the respective successors and�lslpns of tendat snd Bo►rowM,
<br /> sub}sct to ths prov�s�on�ot par�flraph�;nareof.An cavtlnents and a��eementa of 8prrowsr�han be Io�M and s�r�ral.TM
<br /> CJ�ptioas�nd headin�s�,1 th�para�rsp�s ol this De�W of T�u�t arr.t�r conven�ence�my and are rsat fo be used to inMrprN o�
<br /> de�NM th!prorislons t1�tl4t.
<br /> 1�. NoMes.Excipttnranynoticarlrqu�redunderappl��ap��lr�wtobeg+venmsnotnermannsr.(e►anv�oticeto9onowK
<br /> ddn�s af such ot�htM�ddriss as�Bor9owe bmsy��desiQnaM by�no ce to L�ir+cl�r s��vid0 h�NBn sc A jDj�nr no�� �
<br /> tMd�►ahatl b�Q�wn by c�tified m�il,return rece,pt requesNd.to Lend�r's add�qs yteee�r�er�,n or to avch otMr addnp Ms
<br /> L�ndKn�desi�nalebynohCeloBorrower�iprov�dedhere�n Anynot�ceprovtdedlorinihl�p�edotTru�tshallb�QMrtNd '
<br /> W►.�.. �..�.,,..«.................Y,_ �
<br /> _-_-.. , fn._ w ewn esi�v�n!n ��..�..t....1.. ��.,.._ w «.:..
<br /> �._�__�._.� _ � �. ... .y..o........o...�....v. 'iw.�..G.v...
<br /> i i3. iinlbr�D�d W t�wt;tiov�rnin�Law;Mw�sbi�iy, The lorm ot�ot trust camb+n�s un+io�m covenanb tar ` �.#�:
<br /> �ationsl us�aR�non•�crt�iorm cove�snts w�th iimit�d variations by�unsdictw�e to cortst�tute a uniform seeu�y in�trument ' -
<br /> cov�rinp rMl property Th.is O�sd of Truet sAall Qe��ernea by tf�e taw of Me jur�sd�ct�on�r�wMr,A the P�opKty ii Iocal�d,ln "�'
<br /> ths evenl thaf�ny pror��lon vr C1�us�ot NNS QM�al inrM or tt►e Note confucts w�th epp��c�pte taw,such conflict sh�l1 not
<br /> afl�Ct oMer prov�sione G!thJ�O��d otT�ylta!!hrl�iel�whiCl�con pe�,yen eHect wifh0ut th�e coneichnp ptovisbns,and 1D lhis
<br /> �nd IM(xovisions of the iHed QI T�!�Nd�iiWi11�ar��leG�red fo De severaW�. _
<br /> ti. lMnw�t'�C�Y.Hprro�►e►MwNi bi�urni�+id s�a� rmM topy zt ths Note an0 of th�s Oeed of Trust at ths Hn�of
<br /> sxecution or eMer racordation hereo( � ' • • —
<br /> 17. T�a1Ml�f Of MN Pro�ty;AMY�npMoe,lf a��or any pert o1 the propertyr fli nn intere�l ther�m is sota or t��nshrred by �
<br /> 8onow�r wifhout lender's pria written c�n�ent,exctucl,ng�e1�he creat�on ot e►�en oi encumMance subord�nato ro Mii 0«d �
<br /> • ofTrust(0)thecreationotepu�chasemoneysecuritymle�e�tlor�ousehotdApptiances.lc)stransf�rbyd�viqdNC�ntaby
<br /> opealbn ol l�w upon tts�dMlh of a�ant te�nant or(d)the Srant of aRy isasehold�ntsrs�i ot thrse year�er ress ne1 co�inin�en
<br /> option to purt�ase,LendN msr,at le��der'�option,declare ai1 tera s�ms secured by this Ueed ol T�ust to be imttwWi�lNy due
<br /> artd payaNe.l.�ndar shall have waived such opGOn tQ acGalerete�►.pr�or to the sate or aenster. Lend�r and tM pKw�ro
<br /> whom the PropMy i�t��e so(d or bensieaed reech ay��em�nt�n wr�un�tt�At the c+M�t of�uch peroon��sa'
<br /> lender and that the inlKest pay�blo or�Me eums setursd by th���►eoci ot Trust sheil be at s ucn retR as Lender sMU r�p�wrysttf
<br /> LendK Ma wa�v�d the pption to ecr_�eie�ate provided m tnss paragraph 47, rna �t Berrr�war� successot m inlwest Ms
<br /> exACUfed�written assumpUon uflree�!�er.t aCCOpted m wntmp Cy Lcr,d�r,Le:�Qei qnau.a�a;c Borrowec f:om a►t ot�+;q�tcons
<br /> ur►QM this p�ed ol Trust and the Note.
<br /> It lendN exerc�ses such opt�on to eccelerate. Lenbe�sna�� mr��i E3orrower not�co of acceterat:on �n accordance w�M ,:�'
<br /> pars�raph 1�hereof.Such not+ce shail prov�0e e persod ot�eot�ess Man 30dsys from the date+tho noflce�3 ma�ted w,thm whiGh �,y�•�
<br /> Ba�rower may pay the sums 4eCtereQ due.ff Borrawe►ta�ls to pay such sums pr�or to t�e exp��at�on ot such penoQ.Lenae�
<br /> may,wiMouttu�ther not�ce or demand on Borrower.�nvoke any rc.n�d�es perm+tted Cy par�reph 18 he►eof
<br /> NOM-t1MIF0lIM COVENANT3.1loROws�and l�nda 1wMN cov�ea�t and apree aa+loilo,N:
<br /> 1�. AieN�ralloR:R�nNMN.Except as prov�Ged�n pa�agraph t 7 hereot,upon Barr�wer's breech ot any covsnant or
<br /> agrssme�t o1 Bwrower i n th�s Oeed of Trust mclua�ng tha covenartis to Qay w.*.en due an y sums secured by mi�ON6 0l Truat.
<br /> LenderpnortoaccekrativnshallmadnoucetoBorrowerespro�r�de�et+nparr�rapht4hereotspec�lymg �t=th�b�esch;(2)the
<br />, acUVt�ce�ulre,�ta cs,re a�=h breach,(3}e t3ate,rtvl iuss�ha:►3C days frarn�:a�ate tt�8 noriCe�5 m��;�ta�tit3rrGwer.Dy rf�iCh
<br /> auch breach mustbe Cu:S�:an0(�)m�t tsiture to cure such brea�h on or b@fOre tha d'at�xpeahe0�n lt�e nQbce m�y r�sult in
<br /> accsrsrati0n o1 thCSUCns secured bv fhis Dced ot T�ustaM�f�+n!the pt:�ptty Ttte nohcE�t�911 fufi:�ar�ntorm BorrO+itilirol Uts
<br /> rl�ht ro�sinstate after�cce�cr�tion a�*d the r�pht to br�nfl a caurt act�On to a9sert the nor-ex�Sten�e o1 a Qelautt or any ot�ar
<br /> dehnse al8orrower toaccetKation And sale.Ii the Greach ss nat cur�d on o►b�tore the Cate spec�!�ed�n the not�ce,LenQer at
<br /> LenOet'�opNon mily deCiaro au of th�e sum,secured Dy tms l7eed oe Trust to be�mmed�a�ety dus an�l payadle w�thoul fuRhsr
<br /> demand snd may+nvoke Me powei of sele and eny otnar remed�es perm�ned Gy apphcab!e�aw �ende.anan be entitte�to
<br /> colleCl�l1 reasor�atsteCO�3tsandexpenses�ncurred�n pursu�ng the remcsd�es�rov�ded�n tneparegraph tS.�nciudinq,but not
<br /> i�miUrd to.rs�lonab�e►etbrney's tees
<br /> If Me powAr al sal�is inv�ked.Trustee shaS!record�nof�ce ax de4t�u�t�n eacn county�n hh��h tng Prouerty or spme arf
<br /> tl�ereolis 1oc�te�cland shalf ms�!cppies olsuch naUCe�n themenner presLnbeA by eppi�cab:o ia.v to B�rr�rrer andtotheo her
<br /> persons preacnbed byeppl�cable law Af!er the�apso ot s�uCh t�me as m�y be requuecf 6y c�pp..Cable 7aw.Trusiee shaU 9ive .--- --.,.--_
<br /> publit notlCe Ot s8�e tOt",!!persOns 8rtd in the manner presr.r�bed Dy 5p���Cab�e laav 7i usiee.w�tAvut�emand on Bprepwet.
<br /> shall sel!the PropeRy a{QubliC euction tp the hi�hest b�dder at the t�me and place and under ine terms des�g nateC�n t�e not�c�
<br /> of sste in one ot more parce�s and�n such aeder as Trustee may de2erm�ne Tn�stee may postpone sate of ali or any parce�01
<br /> the Pioperty by pubtic anna�cncement�t the hme and ptsce of ony prev�ou��y scheduted st�;a tender or Lencfer's desiqnee
<br /> rr+ay pUrchase Me Prhperty at any sale.
<br /> Upon rece��s!olpaymenla!tl�spr:�e D�cf,Trustee shail d2�wee to thQ pur4nt�yer Trustee:s dee�.S:,ar,vc�ymg the Property so�d
<br /> T1�erec�talsintheTrustee'sdeedsha�lbepnmafac�eev�denceottnetrutnptth�stat6mentsmadolher�m Trusieesh911eppty �
<br /> theproc;eed�of the sate�n thefoltowing or8er.(a)ro an re&sonasle cosisar.0 expensesot tr�e�+Q.,r:ccud�r.g,but not��m�tecf Eo, �
<br /> L Trustefs'sfeesotnotmorethan__. ._....... .4botthagrosssa�e�r�ce.reas�nab'eattwnoy�sleesandcostsofhueev�denco �
<br /> (D)to etl sums secured by tn�s Deeci of Trust�nd�c►t�ti excess �t�ny,SU lhp�E:rSpn Or pers�ng;egauy anUUed thereto
<br /> t�. dOttOYlfft's iilQhf b R�iflit�M. N�twithst8nding len�C!'�taCCCterAt�on pt tho surr.;seCur�d by th�S DCed Of TruSt. •2
<br /> Borror�er shall have tt�e r�gnt to hove�,ny pror•e�d�nQs naa:ln ny�Nn���.q„anlc�ce the L���o}T►u�!�:�c�••!;^u��:�:�y::^:C 'f`-�
<br /> pr�or t�the earher to occu r at(�)thQ f,ftn day Getore tne sato o'tnU N�upo�ty pw;uant ta tne p��vtr ot�a�e COntB�r�E;f3�n the Dued ��
<br /> oi T�ust;u}entry of r�sud�ment enf�rc�nfl tt+�s DeeA af Tr,�st�I id►Bvrro�er pays Lender�e+'sums +vh:ch w��,�d De then cSue �.�R
<br /> un3e+th�s D�eO of Trust,tho Pyot�onc!noles sec�,r:ng F ut�,re Adv�nces.�►c�ny, hzd nv��c.ce'erat or�o;,r,;,rcd(b�Norro�er
<br /> Gures�II brr�BChE��of any oth�r G�ven;�n?s Or 8g�c�em�:nts�t HU�r��vt�r�nr!.��ned�n�h�s �c�etS.,(T�,;,* �i , �i•rrow�•Uays a'•
<br /> fE3JSUnilblOCapf'f�Sf';mc,urc�Gy:Cn�E'�Fi�K�TrJ5�0('E:���Ot!�t,��l� �,� ..�vf�r�(I'�tSdn{}�9r��,•i...r�r�:.�lESr�'r':aP'i ! ' lJ.np�j�•�f+.,5
<br /> Oecdal7rustt���U,1�.+n10r(�n(34Ct�UE".•i1fil.�rrU;lf:£S�Ei1n�':1.CSil'.(�'(,+�:7t•�7 r�(r1�11)',)(' ' �'t.�� .:� •. . 7 � � L:ilr-�• �n.!e�.f
<br /> 1C� fC:1f.GKl1��;1':iTtUft�(��S1lE'S <11�;�1C1��?L�+ iP.f•�1hF.t'$SUChi1C}�Vt�,��,�Q•� �;��,��ilr�('�1�'. •' ,�L �'� i„ � ,:�'. _.�E ����It��e� a., „�
<br /> �fl�'.Uf'it:a Of Ti.,��t � �,.:�1�.t�,ntCff'.`a�i�l�R�•(�!n �('�� 11C � ,r � , . . �. • . �..� T
<br /> � V fS F{Jtt(�i�f. S' • .:;yf�- i.t��� ��� V�� • . . r '� n�• r...
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