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<br /> 9
<br /> � (d) The pay�n��nt ol any future advances n�•cessary to pcot�ct tix� yecurit.y or any tutur��
<br /> adv�nce n�ade at chr opcian c►f �he �arties; and
<br /> (e) The perforrnanc� aE a�i obligatlon of any other persoro named in thls Trust l��rGd to a
<br /> bcn�f3cinry.
<br /> A5 FOLLUWS:
<br /> 1. Caymc•nt nf Principal and Intc�rest. Trustor shall promptly pay whcn du�� thr princip��)
<br /> . of an�i intrreat on thc• lndcbted�ess evide�ced by th� NOTE� and all ather chacgrs and f�rs as
<br /> provided in the NU'fE. and the pri�cipal of And int��rest an a�iy Future Advancrs secured by
<br /> this peed of Trust.
<br /> 2. Waera�ty af Tikl�. Trustor is lawfully seized and poss�ssed of �;ood And ind�fraslbl.•
<br /> ' Litl� and Qstate to th� !'roperty hereby convey�d and has the rlght to Fr��iit and canvey thc
<br /> Prop�rty: thr Praperty is froe a�d clear of ali liens and E�ncumbr•ancc•s except liens naw oF
<br /> record; a�d Trustor will warra�t and defend tlir tttle ta thr F'roperty against all claims
<br /> and dcm�nds. •
<br /> 3. Maintana�ce and Com�liance wlth Laws. Trustor shall k�ep the Property in �;aod condi�ton
<br /> and repAir and shall not commit w��ste or pe�rmit impalrment or det�rtoration of th�� 1'r�prrty
<br /> and 9hal� comply with thc� provisians ot any lease if this c1e��d oE Trust is on a leaset�uld.
<br /> No improvemene now or h��rcafti�r ��r�•ctc�d up�n tlu� Propr�ty shr�ll bc� altcr�•d. removi�d �r '
<br /> demolished wlthout tli�� prior Write�n cansent ot B�nc�ficiary. Tcustor shall comply with all
<br /> laws� ordinanc��s. rr�ulat :ons. covenants� roncUtions and re•strictfons aff.•cti:�g the Nropc�rry
<br /> and not �atamit � suftc•r, or petmit any aet tu b� d�no i�i ar upon th� i'roR��rty in viulat ti�n ��F
<br /> an�r law. ordinanct�. rc�Ful�t lan� covc•nant, condit fn� �r r�st rice lon. 1'rustur sha1 ) c ompl.�r�•
<br /> - _ = vi ac��2vi'c- Nivii�piip unu in gooci wvrRm�nti�CC� mnn��r n�y improverrmnr on cnc� Yrnp�r�y wRicn may —
<br /> br d�maged or d�•stroyi�d a��d p:�y� wh��n dUr. �11 �•laims "ror labor p��rtuemod and matv�ials ..
<br /> furnishcd cherc�Eurr and f�r any a 1 tc�r�e ions c h��renf . _ ,, -
<br /> 4. Insuraucc�. �'rustc�r, at it s ex�ensf•, wi I1 mafot�fn aith i��tiurors ap�rov�•d b�� �
<br /> Benef ic iary. i nsuranc�• wi t h r��speet ta thc Im�ruvetnent s and �ersan�! E�rap�•rt y. cc»�:.t i t ut iut;
<br /> the Nrop�rty� akatnst ioss by ffrc•. lt�;htnin�;. tornado. and ott�c�r ��crils vnd h�zard�;
<br /> coverc�d by st�iidard oxtcnd�d c�vrra�;�� �•ndvr;,�•mont . in aa �tnount ��qual ta at l��ast uuc hundrr�S
<br /> percent oE thc full replaeemcnt valae thE�ra�nf .�nd ensuranre aga�nst such dther hazards ancl ►i�
<br /> 9uch amauat� as is customarily carrfrd by �wnc�rs and operators a! simii.�c propc•rttc•s ar es
<br /> Beneficiary may require for its prnt��ction. 7'rustvr will comply� with tiuch uch�•r rv�qufrrmcntti
<br /> as Benrficfary n�ay from time �o tim�� rryurst tor th�• proti•ccion by insurancc� of th�• ent��rrsc �;
<br /> of the respc�ct[ve part lrs. Ai1 inc.uranr.r �oi ic i�•s mai�tatn�d pursuant to this 1��•ed of 'frust ��F
<br /> shat l �ame Trus[or and Nc�nef ie fary as t nsurcds. ;�s t he�f r rc•sper t Iv�• i ntc�r�•st s m�iy .�pp���r� �►�t�i
<br /> provide that [here shall be no �a��c�ltutioa oc mocliticattan wi[ho«L ��u l�ss tl►�t. 1.`� d.�ys
<br /> prior writt�o notificatior� [o Tru_.tc•�� r�nd Kcnc•iiceary. {n thc <•vrnr .zny poliry h�•r�•und�•r ��,
<br /> no[ CCrtcued on or bc�far�� ! 5 days prior tn , its ��xpi rat I�n dat�•, Trust���.� or B�•n��f ic iacv m,�y �
<br /> procure such insur��nc:r in accordancc wit.h th�• pravisions oE par�gr.�ph 7 h��r�•�t . "Pru�.t��r
<br /> shall deliver to ge�aE�fcir�ry the ori�in�i poilci�•s uf lnsur<�nc�• and rrni��ai�. the•rcut vr m�•n�u
<br /> copies of sach poticic�s and ra�n��w��ls th+�•r��nt . Fa1lur�� to Eurni�,h tiu�h eie5uranc �• h} Trutitur.
<br /> or reneaals �s rrquirrd hr-r��uc,d�•r sh;�il at th�• :tption at fle•��t•( ici�ry. constitutc• a ,t+�lr,ult .
<br /> 7. `fexeS. risscsscacnts, and Ci»r_�,. �'rustnr sh.ii I ��,�y •►1 I r:�x�•c i _#441•44(II!'�tr y �}��.} �.��►„•_
<br /> chargcs. includiag. wi thout i imit.�t ion, t IncS and im�osit io�is at t r ihut aU:�� t c� t h�� Pru���•rt r .
<br /> ��d foase�ald paymi�r�Y.S or �;roasnd ri•nts, tt ,�r:r, he•tor�� tl�e s,..rni• brc.<�;u�• d�•linyu�•��t . 7rutitur
<br /> Shall �+compC�y �urnish to Ncr.c=ficisry all r�ut ic���. c�f �r+ounrti d��a� �,ndrr thi�, N,�r.��;s.:�,t�, ,�rii1
<br /> In Chc ��vt•nt Trust�t' sh<-�11 m,9ki• p.�yrt�ri�t dfr��� t 1�.•, "fru5t ur �t�,�l l pr�,m�,t I� f uri�i�.h t�� Fs, ii� i i �.�r�
<br /> reteip[5 evid��ntin�; �uch ��.iymi•nts. "fCU�tvc 5litl1l E�.iy .ji ! ( ��x��s di��1 ,,ti�:: 5•,..�•t�� , �.,,ht� h ir.i� ,.�
<br /> levied up0�� ac�rtrffCiary's tutE�r��s[ hert�fi� t►r upcm [hts Os,e�d uf 'Cru�>t ti.:►t},«ut re•�;.i��t tn .�u�, {.�t�,
<br /> that may b� en4ete�d impa�,ink vaym�•nt e�f [1�e• wl�olt c>r a�ey p�irt t tc�•r.•of up�n tt�E• B�.•n�•t �� ,,erv.
<br /> •---------
<br /> 6. Addi[ional I,Ic�ns t.nd I'rot�•ctian _vf_U�•nrfirii�' s ti�•curit�. 7ruy.c:r �.ha13 m:�kr .�31
<br /> pau.^.�ents �f Sntcrc•st ;�nt1 ,princ iE;ai ,.�iid payr�on[a of auy ,c;ti,rr ih:jr�.c.,,. t�•�•5 .+nd �•x4��•u�,���, � ��-�-
<br /> [ c'attcd [o bc paid tt� any existint, lii•ni�c�ltt�•ty ��r pri�,r b�•n��ifc i.ari��ti i�nd�•r .iuy ��r'��,r �t�•�•�1
<br /> of [rust ot' ��ort�;<��;e• bt�far�� "('.t dati• [h�•y .�r+• ::rli��c;urnt anJ ��r:• .;,tiv (��i� ,�u�t �li �,� f�.�r���• .��i�
<br /> 8(llj d� 0 U[}1!•C � �l'i15� C �si{tiSS UC C}}iil'�;l�S :J�Itf �I fl'.3:. f�f• �Pf�pol(�llt� • . �. •,� : ,�1 It � 1:f.tUt rr� ��rC� i��. �
<br /> lf '1't'ustor fails [o maki� tiny Lutli p,�ymi•ii[ ��r t�t� l�, tc� Err.•rfur-i�� .i:i: ,�t t : �� c nv��ir��n1 •. .����i
<br /> Lt"�
<br /> ;�};rc•rmcnLS Cbnt�7inr�i i�i tli i� I�i�i�d nf "! rt�tit , nr �n .�n�• �,r �„r �.,��r � ,: ,, . :.� ,1. � „ ��t r � �.-.� , � � r �
<br /> t+ny ��c[lt��� ar prac��c•�iin}; is � umm�•iui•�l whitt� rn.i(t•r�,�lly' :�1tii t � .., li i �� �. . ���! , i � .r �i� • I,� ,�,
<br /> {�roprrty. tnelu�liuf:. l,ut ni�t limil �•d te.� i�ro�ru��,: :�i�r�.izu ¢�„�� �•� .�. . . . .•e ��i�.. � � �t�,..., . �„ ,I ��. ; i�
<br /> a sirc��tl��ti[ . ur i f "i'ru�.t�,r f,i� 1 ti t t> p.�y ! ru�.ti,r '•. �!� t.t •. ..� ����r,�1 � •. � � i r , , � , , .�r.. , , � i.. ���
<br /> fii•ni�f lc i��ry. ,�J Ni•nri �c i,irr' , u��t i c�i� .�nc1 wi ti��,ut i�.,t �� � r -, •� .'� �_��.:! �� . �. �� � • , . , .
<br /> --.�j
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