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<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> A�!{N4�Wl�Ep�H�:NT 4�M UNDli[tSTA�lR1MG � �n�r�;�
<br /> �{: � i�
<br /> � pEEp QF TRUS; WITII POW�It UE Si1LE
<br /> The underaigned Bocrowec (x). Vrrtton D. Bredth,�ue[ and Patricia A. Bcedthauer
<br /> H�t�band i� Wife, �_�, under�tand(s) that the undrrsigned is/are bcl�g �aked ttti
<br /> Aet as Tru�tor(s) 1� a p�aposed Tru�t Deed With Pouer af Sale wherein the
<br /> ���nna 1lanic _� is Beneficlary. which Tcust De�d will zecuce p:y�enc
<br /> _ ! oE s loaa co br a�ade by the Ravenna Dank
<br /> � to che und�rsi�ned in the �awunt of Twa Hundeed EiAhh�hauAand and no/100 --
<br /> � - -----
<br /> � ----- - -------------_----- (s �80�000.00 )► arknowirdge(s):
<br /> , ; 1• We/I understsnd that the document to be executed ts a Trust f��ed a�d
<br /> �ot a taortgage. ,
<br /> 2. 41eJI u�de�stand that €he POWE[t OF SALE provided for In tl�e Trust Uced
<br /> . Provtdss Me vtth sub�tantfally dlffereot clghta and obligationa 1r� che
<br /> • ceveot of a deEault or bco�ch a�f obltg�tion th�n the clgl�ts a�d obligacions
<br /> � p�ovided a�e i� • a�artga�e.
<br /> . 3. We/1 have had an apportuntty to read the proposed Oeed pf Trust Witii Pavec
<br /> Of Sale. but �re are signl�g thiy acknat�+ledgment first, before we are osked
<br /> ' tv sign the Deed Of Truat. ,
<br /> � pated chle ZAth day oE .Tuar . 19 90 , ac I�•25 o�clock�_.M. , '`,�
<br /> - -_. _ . .- -. . ..... s_
<br /> SEE A'tTACHEU EXHIBIT N I ,%'/� '� �;'�,:� �� �
<br /> . � — .�,,,���'��'�.f�, �i.�_...
<br /> .'7't�us�or (Baccower)
<br /> i-
<br /> � ���� ��t-[-C�
<br /> ' r�ustor (sorcower)r� �
<br /> . (ss: Beforr cne. a Q�altffed Hotacy Nublic. p�rsonally appeared `
<br /> COUNTY �F 8��,�alo ) Vcrnon U. Arcdthau�r and f'atcicia A. Src�dtheu�er
<br /> knaw� to rne to be identica!persan �r persons who sig�rd the fore�;oinK instrum�nc and~ .�
<br /> atkaoaledgtd the excrution thereaf to be _ ih�,;r nu:� vniuntary ' '
<br /> act and dred.
<br /> ilitness my hand and Notarlai ��e�: on June 2U .1+� 4Q
<br /> ���r� _ .
<br /> �S ���� -�----�a�'l .��.��
<br /> ,,._- :is�t zsy �'cs53 f z
<br /> Hy Corr�isgio� ExPires��G��. /�.19�
<br /> 3TATE OF NEE6RA5KA )
<br /> ' (ss: De:or�� m�� .� i�u.�ltfi�•d [�ut.�ry E'ui�Eit . pr,.�s�,n;�lly ��,���•.ir�•,i
<br /> C011N'CY C�F )
<br /> � � Pr��sid��nt. c�f •._��..�.�----- �._ �r--------...._.__._._�._.. .__- —
<br /> a cor{�orat tun, icnown to me to be lhe x�r�rs�dcisc �n�J �d�•ut i�,�l persc,�, whu s��;ue�d th:• �^ �-_ �
<br /> foregoing tnstrumE•nt , an�f ;�ckn��al��dge�! the� exec::tio�� rtu•rt•ut to he tii, v��lua�t��ry .,ct ,►n�f
<br /> (�CCI� a5 SL8C�1 (if i {CC'Y JIl(� �fl(' W•1�.lIlCAi'Y 3�:f iil:r� •�(��'�1 �if �,dl�� C C�t'��t�!'.11 1vt1 .t111{ C�Id( !f`r
<br /> corporate seal wus af f ixe•d th�•�rtu hy it �uil���ricy.
<br /> Witnes:; my h.�rtid t►nd i�otarlal 5ra1 un 1�t
<br /> ._.._ ..�._....___..----_�..,._.� __�_ _.. �
<br /> �,,,_ csE.1l.> ._._.._.._.__ �C
<br /> �fy Conar�is�io» f:xpirc��. .��� _ _ --t:"tcicr• f'��f,i E� _. �
<br /> �,__..__,.^ _�.._. . ''�i
<br /> �L7�
<br />; TJUY'E: DI:EU UF T'ltUf�'C CAN�:trl' i{f: Utit:U 4117fiU1}1 A(.'r:f:t�idl hU:�Pll--�i'! ��i !�::1�!'I;`�I.1':1�1.', : • i I�1 I f '
<br /> tlh' T(iUti"f '.11'f ft {'l�tlF:lt Ut' �>.41.F.
<br /> ____�
<br /> ,---,--.._ ..,..._.�._._..._ .. , . ..,,..._........._.---..._�....__...--------••----------_._._._��___��_._._.___--._---�--•- -�.__..�.._..--�--•--------- .-----• -
<br /> � �, � . ,. .
<br /> ,. • , .
<br />