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Pipe v of 2 <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />Open-End To Swum Pr>wsant and Atfure Ob ftof w and Advances <br />Dom; January 1Q. 1989 <br />Bavid We Swanson and Dnnna R_ Swanson. hUsband and wife <br />Mill is-ion a of Hail Counfy, Nebraska , In consideration of <br />the advance by Mwgages to Mortgagors of the principal sum specified below, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, and any <br />future, addltktrtal or protective advances made to Mortgagore at Mortgagee's option, hereby sell, convey and mortgage to FIVE POINTS <br />BANK. 2015 North Broadwell Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska GO=, Mortgages, Its successors and assigns, from the date hereon until <br />all obligations secured hereby are paid in full, the following•dsscrtbsd real estate In Ham— County, <br />Nebraska , to wit: <br />JM6 3M .ft <br />Lot Six (6) Meadow Lane Fourth Subdivision, Hail County, Nebraska., <br />!!M Wb co a 0) � trrt <br />t a�� <br />�G <br />d c = <br />o <br />x <br />—1.9 cn � <br />togNMr with all IAortgsgtfr=. tipM, titN and interact in saki: praparty� feeefu4ing ail bclilstirtga. fixttuse erope and inlpraverrfents nor on ar <br />h4eviefler ~upon UK raakpraperty; including aim all ai m"tAflactoWwatar. irrigation. and dralmage rWft sand all rerli <br />e isvmst }nwa. <br />N andrighShgposssetcR; Nlall.gas,gravN.rockoroatlierradittatswrnature, Includinogoothermalroucandailipm I'l' <br />- — <br />propfery tltat may uttegretlp bpPang to or. heretttter becn,tfe sei li+rat pdrt of said real st'e<ate whether attached or detached, int:htding any �h <br />�Fill,1 farwas enet.+tacaulteaMffts of any realdartice s utsii hersAy. and all we@@ , permits, license or priWMges, appurtenant or <br />rfoit"OurtW"d to emit modg, *W premises, now or hw&VNr Issued: extended or relfewsd by Mortgagor, the Sti4r United States or any <br />dt?prnirnartt. burwc cir ' ' , .7vtttersof• _. <br />sC l�s fsfMraloali and a�csatl bafresr+t Nabgagors tint/ Ilafiagae tffM tat. tt�orlgegs Is given fo /earrree <br />h • ` (e) A promissory rots or note togettwr with interest thereon executed by Mortgagors to Mortgagsa and described as follows: <br />Ptbo" AWAW%t Dowse Hobe Pr #WW Amow t <br />.` 01-16 -89 $18,500.00 <br />i \\ payable according to the terms of said note(s). <br />(b) Andtherepeyn lien tinfull byMortgogorsofanysnd all futureand additional advanceewhich may bemsdsbyWarlgegee .at-ib option. at <br />P the request of. and toorfortheaecountofMrmgagor *.orenyof them. foranypu pa- a, plus Interest detail sueltittvinces ,ul6dw."note(s) <br />or other Instrument(s) taken in reenancktg, exteneltg. renewing, nesrnortizing or restntcturing such tndeberd toss or any pert thereof. all <br />payable socordingto thel teri of seld notes) or other instrumant(a); provided, however, that the total prindpa4 Frudabndnew outstanding <br />and sa turad hereby at any am tMw 9W not exceed the sum of E ghtaa n thnit4canrl flea ho i nay red dOilars r _ <br />and no 110Q -------------------------------- - - - - -- ----DOLLARS(: 18,5ad_nn ), <br />eticktsiw of l -11101 t and of the protective disbursernents authorized hereln or in the loan agreement(*); provided, further. that THIS <br />PARAGRAPH SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO MAKE FURTHER OR ADDITIONAL ADVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT AT <br />K, <br />ANYTIME. <br />TIM <br />` (c) The reps lvient in full by Mortgagors of all amounts advanced by Mortgages, at its option, to or on behalf of Mortgagor* as protective <br />dtaburMmanb wthodzed herein. in the loan agreement(s), or In other instruments) which may be given to evidence such advances plus <br />Lif ft on all such advances, oft—ebb" provided In the note(*), loan agreement( *) or other Instrument(s). <br />ft (d) The payment In full of any end all other past, present or future. direct or contingent, debts and liabilities of Mortgagor* to Mortgagee of <br />any nature whatsoevw. <br />�IThis mortgage will be due -i n rarX 21 11 904 or upon the psymettt in full of all sums secured hereby. . <br />Mort96W heireby warranithel they hold fte illImpletitle tothesbovs described property, that they have good ar4 lawfuf authority to mortgage the itamili. that Salo u <br />t <br />0011ill ylsft""Cletavofelltienaendencw titances. exeeptoxumbr ancesofrrcord. andthal theywi llwarrantanddeferidlaidpropertyagaunttoilcta ,mono <br />S•• whoftte0evM Morloagortiatoo hereby wwmand relinquish all rights0dow9r. homestead. distributivaithiare am exemption in and to the above C85clibed property <br />