� :— � ,� _
<br /> � �
<br /> g0•°- 1�3560
<br /> N�rt•!�nt�FnRM CnvFN�tNTS Barrower snd I.tnder iLr�her co.cnant Ai2d Agree p�follav►•s:
<br /> 1!. Acctk�atiwr Re�eiie�, WWl� �M�I) Rlye 1lO��!! �p �MMI►!4 �IOf �O �CClIl�a�I011 �OIIQ1r�11� BQRQNt��6
<br /> �rNtl�otMY coYC�t ur s�ne�eN i�N4 Sec�ttY Is�hNare�t lbut nat�rior ta acccle�ation�nder pusp�aphs 13�Nd 17
<br /> w1�wikaMe hw Ko+rNes otMrwhe►.7're �otke�11 qKCtty: �al th,e dst��it; b)tbe �cUa r�wMt.�!��a:,;; �:,�
<br /> - � �-.«,N t.�«wie�woi ies a�a��ie i�y�iro+�tUe M�te ti�e�ottce h�l�en to 8orrower,by wAkr t�e�ehrlt awt be cwred;
<br /> a�i ti�tl�t hil�re ta e�rt ti��e(iwlt a�er 4eta�t t6e aste s�aciAri i�t�e�a�ttte�y�atiit i��ccekr�l�of tie w�n
<br /> �'��'���'1'��M*w��aM a1e ot tMs Pro'erty.71e�oticc �all fMrtMcr lafix� !l�orrowe�of tAe�t to
<br /> niMlMc aher a�l�xatl��ui trt rl�t to 6ei� �earet actlo�ta aurt thc aoN-exlste�ce ol��iefa�ft or�y oti�er
<br /> i�hatt ef�e�row�M accelentio���le.I[Ne dehMlt b�ot e�red a�at betore tbe�ate MsciAei i�the�otice,l.e�er
<br /> �t!�aMt1oM w�y�Nkc i�M/�ywe�t i�t�fl ot ali w�a�ecrrei �ir tMh Secrrlty t�a�e+�t witbort hrtMer
<br /> i��aM�y M�oice tl�e pwer a�We s�i�y otl�er re�Nks�erwiqer b��IfcaWe law.I.ewde��Yall be cstitlN to
<br /> �� � �M� ��� � N��! � �ka /ro�N t� t�h /�ra�s�i� 19. i�eirdi+K; rnt �ot Il�itd to�
<br /> ra���le Mt�eYs'hM�■i coqs Kdtk eTtit�ec.
<br /> I/tl�e pner o�ak h i�*o1cN.Trwtee�1a11 recor+d a�otke ot detwlt iA eacb corAty i�a6kM ary prt ot the
<br /> Pr+�ty Is MartM s�3�ii�il cw{e�ot weY�otice i�Hie waMaer prprribed by ap�lica►k la.r to Borrower a�d to d�e
<br /> � ��Mr�M'��b NMkaMe law.Aftier tre ti�e�inM�y MNkaMk(aw.Trwtee Mall�,i+e prbHc aotit�ot
<br /> Mk to Mt�soM Mi f�t�e wwer�ce«eriiic�i by y�licabk 1aw.7rwtee.Nithout de�d ou BoROwtr�ihall�eil the
<br /> Pro�erty at�►Ik wctto�to tfie Mf�eq Ni�er�t ti�e ti�e a�i'lace�aeder the ten�a dalpated ia tMe aotke of:ale!s
<br /> � a�e or wore�eM aa�is uy oNer Trwtee dtten���a.Tnatee way�atp�e nle otali or��y Mrcel ot d�e Pro�erty by �
<br /> MMk aMO�wce�e�t at tbe NMe��lace of iuy �eYiously�cledula�rale. Le�der or ib desi�aee�y ��c�a�e the
<br /> . Pro�arry at a�r�le.
<br /> ' V�re�i�t uf Mywe�t of tl�e �iee �T�ste�deall delt�e�to tMe �rcuaer Tnstee'� deN cop�eyi�tAe
<br /> 1'ro�erly'ILe recit�M t�the T�ta�dee��ali re Kiws taeie e�ide�ce et tie tr�th of tbe statr�eAb�sae ti�ereie.
<br /> Tr�tae�a{I a�ly�ie�nuc�ei�of tMe qk 1�tie�olbwi�oNer:(U to all e:Ne�s ot the�ale.tncirdlq,brt�ot t�n3ted
<br /> ta,Trwtec`s tep a��ittN by aMlipNe iaw ui��e�tton�eyi+ fee�;(b)to sll s��a secund by tMis SetyiHty
<br /> I�h.aN tc)uy e:cq�to tlie�er�os or'enow�kpqy e�titkd to it.
<br /> ; 2�• �R�itr I� Powallo�. Upon acceleation under paragraph I9 i�r abandonment �f the Prc.+�rriy, Lender (in
<br /> �rerson.by�ent or by judicially appointed rece�ver)shall be rntitled ro entcr upon, tuke possccsion of and manage thc
<br /> Property and t�o collecl the rents of the Proprrty inciwiing thcne pasl due.Any rrnts colkrteci by I.e�drr or the recei�er
<br /> sh�til be�E+pEi�t�Atst to payment of Ihe casts at ma�sgement of the propetty and collcriac►n of'rerits. including, but not
<br /> limited to.rtrriver's tees.prcmiums on rocctiver'c hcinds�nd rra�vnabte au��rnevs'fee�,and Ihen to thc sums stcured by
<br /> thisSecuritp Instrument. _.
<br /> 21•Reco�et�a�ot•.ISpan payment of a!1 sums ucured by this Sccunty Instrument.Lendcr shall requcst Truatet to
<br /> r�convey the properly and shall aurvenEitr this Sc+cun�y Instrument a.nd all notes cv�dencr,ng�lebt�ecurrd by th�s�.urity -
<br /> In.�trummt toTtustee.Trustee shall�ctiv�nvey�he Propetty w•ithout vrarrynty and without cl�a;gc totl►�pe�n or prrsons
<br /> IejaUy entitkd ta it.Sueh parson or perc+nnc shaU p�y any�rcordatian ca..ts. s'`_
<br /> —-- �f C..�.ats..���r......... . . .a-- -•:-- pj�0int tt 4tICClS.YJr f Rtstee
<br /> --- - --��.�»��.�..�v.�+v:w+c�.��ns��piicm,may�rotll i1Rit iP�IRIE ft�1'fOVt TtUStCt atiA 71
<br /> tvany Trusta�tppoi�ted hrrcunder by�n insttumrnt «corded in the caunty�n w•hich th�ti Secunty Instcamertt ia recorded. ?
<br /> Withaut com�ance of the P�operty,the succes_wr trustee shalt succeed tn all the tiUe.�w�er and dut�es ronfetted upon
<br /> Trusta herein and by applicable law.
<br /> ?,�. R�eN tor M�iee�. Borrowet rcquests:hat copies�f�he not�crs of defauh and sale be ticnt to I3�novrer's '
<br /> �ddress which is the Propetty Address.
<br /> � Z�.RHers to teh 5tewity bat��t,lf c�rte�t more nders r�rc executcd by Burrowrr and recorded togaher with -
<br /> this'�ocurity Instrument,the c4venantx and agrcemrnts ot eYCh such rider chall be�ncor�rated into and shall arr�end and
<br /> suppkmrnt the ccivenmts and a6reer.:cata of ehi� Secunty Imtrument as if!he nder(�� wcre a p�rt �f thr� 5er:3rity
<br /> instrument.(Choek�pptit�a6de bos(es)J �
<br /> �:.
<br /> � ❑ Adjustable R�te Rider �� Cvndomim�m Rider ;; 2-� Famil� Ridcr ____
<br /> [� Graduated Payment Rider ;�, Planaecf Un�t fk.-clopmcnt R�der
<br /> p an�r�s� �s���� � -�-
<br /> HY SIC3NIhG HELC��, Burr�w•er accepts and agrets to the terms and :utienants c�,nta�neri �o th�s Security ��'
<br /> Insttumrnt and in any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrow•er nnd recarded anh u
<br /> .�'
<br /> ..�
<br /> _-
<br /> .............................. .... �
<br /> .. ...... . .... . ... .� �� .
<br /> . ......... ... . �.. �' .... . .t5ea1)
<br /> homas J. • dric ����w•�
<br /> .
<br /> ..................... . . .......................... .. . . . . . . 1.��..��i,.�...�{; 4�,� �..` �.%..�;4..,� . i�ii
<br /> `mb�:�.y K. � edr�ck �«a��
<br /> Srnrt ot N�.ukntikn. Hall c„u�,i� ,.
<br /> On this 19Zh �I�> �if .1Un� . 1`1 9� . ��rl�,rr inr. ttir undci,�}etrcl. .i \��tar� 1'ut�h,
<br /> duly commi«i�ned ani)yuahtie�i for .a��)�,�u�iry, ���•r�un,�l1► �:,rnr Thornas J. Hedri�k and K�mberly K.
<br /> ,-__--�-„-
<br /> Hedrick� each in his and her own ra�ght, and as spause �af each �ther. <<� ���� t.����,,�� �:, t��� ri,�
<br /> II�C'Il�llil� (ll'TSUII(ti� Nt70SC (ld(11C,�) illl' �U�?tii[���i� 1l� If:C ��9f('!'��Illi' 11{.Ifl1lltElli ,illl� :5��.71�+1\(tii�t'i�� ff1; l\i�lllltql
<br /> Ihcrcof to bc theiT ` �ulumary ,i�t .sn�l�f��rJ.
<br /> �1�'ilnc�s my hand a��t nuta�ia{ ual at Grand IsLand, �debraska ��� .,���I ,�.�n�r�, ;h;
<br /> dalc a{'oresaid,
<br /> s f� �
<br /> L ;41t• Comnii.,u�u rrpirc4: /� '� '%- . , , -
<br /> tr . . �[
<br /> " t� � -� �.� /r r
<br /> Q�L p1AAy�Sfi M IIIIttW , ' . �• �s
<br /> MIL•lLAa.ALDEA � �►� I �1 i t�li fcl t c►ti�1 1 �t� � �
<br /> i�� i�.i Ml Ow�.li�l►Mw.9 199i ��
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<br /> • � „
<br /> �tiith.�li��thcr inilci�ti�l��r.••,,ini�1 ��� ii�i. 11.,,f .r. �• �. . .. • .. , . , • ,� ,
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<br /> IInSc' ur �inlc. .i�til tlu� I).��,I ��t I r ii_r, a.li�,i. .,�. .I;i , . , _ , � ,
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<br /> tu��� h�l(1 ht t�+i� !Ih�l� • rl��. �). J ��� Iru � . • , �, , , , .
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