� �
<br /> � 9Q�°a- �0355f
<br /> f !.cro�a�r t�r Aee�i�atiaa o/[kit.
<br /> (U DNwll.I.e�der may.tacept u Umitai by rcguiations is�ueJ by tt►t Srcretory in thc case of paymcnt drfuules,repu�rc
<br /> im�fatt p�ynnent in tull ot t�ll sum�secured by this Securlty Inetn�ment iP:
<br /> (i)6orrower dctaul�s bY(siUn�to p�y io full any monthly paymetlt required by Ihis Security Instrunicnt ptior to or on
<br /> ' � tha due dKt af ihe ncxt�aathir�ry�t�eat,or
<br /> (ii)Bp�towet dcf�lulls by f�il4ni,Ptx i jlpf t0(�O�{tllTllC Q��S�IO PC�Oi'tt1 i{1}I OIItGt(1b11j11IQ113�OA[�llit�!R T�115 S[Clllllj(
<br /> iiatrwaes►t.
<br /> lb)91b Witlio�!(ks�t 1lppeetal.l.eades�tui3.iE prtsniQed DY�pplicti�e law�u�d v►ith the ptic�r aq+n»�1 oi the Serrrury,requirc
<br /> in�edi�le p�Yn�ail in fuil of vl the eurtu socvlod by thi9 Security In+trurtrcnt if:
<br /> , (i)All or prri d tM Property is alNenviso tt�t►sfmai(otAer tltiu►by dtviu ut desce�l bY the B�xmwer, ux1
<br /> � (ii)The i'toperty W oot oocupiat t�y the purcl�er or�nlee n Ais or her "mary ot�eeo�W�ry rc�idcnoe,or�Ae p�ut-haser ar
<br /> v�nree daa�.+oazipy tl�Pn�aty liut hia ot!�a ctadM ht eot beeo ia�cra�d�ec.+e vvMh d�e�eyuitrn�tR�oi d�e Socretary.
<br /> (e)N�rYat�.1Fcircum�tances a:cur that wauld pem�it Lender to require immediste payment in fuU.but l.ender docs�ot
<br /> . roquke such pa�aenb. L.ender doe�not �aiYe it�riiht�with rapect to subxquent events.
<br /> (�)R�IMNr M HUD�ee+eer�.In many clrcumstanors rqulatio�s iuued by the Secret�ry will limii Lender'a riYht�.io
<br /> � the twe of qymrnt defaults.to rcpuite immediatr p+yment in ful)and foreclase if not paid.Thi�Securily Instrument does
<br /> � not authoriu aaxkrRtian ar foreclosure if not pem�itted by resulatio��of the Secretuy.
<br /> �
<br /> 1R. A�irMMMM. 8orcower has • riRht ta b� reir►siated iF Lender hu required immediate MYment in full because of
<br /> ' Bw�ower's tu�u�e tQ p�y an amaunt due uader the hate or thi�Securi�y Instrumertt.This rijht applies even stter fo�ectasure
<br /> ' proeadi��are ins�ituted.To reinuate the Securicy Insttu�ttrn�. B�rrawer shdl tende�in a lump aum�Il emourta required ta
<br /> brin� �cxcowet's�ccount carrrnt includin�. to ehe rxtrnt they are oblijationa oi Aarrawa undeT thi� Sceurity Instrument.
<br /> foreclaure cast.s and reas�n�bk �nd customary attomey's fees and eapenses properly associated with the foreclosure
<br /> , procadln�.Upu�reinst�ternent b��otrower.thi�Secu�ity laarument�nd the abli�atio�s that it securea shall remain in effect 4s
<br /> if lRnder had a�t rc�quired Immed�ate p�Yment in tull. However,l.rnder ic not required to petmit rnnst�tement il':(i)Lcnder has
<br /> aec�+ted tdnstattmet►t after the commencement of foralosure proceedin`� within Iwo yeus immediately prccedin� the
<br /> cammencement oI a curnne forrclosure proceMinR, liil reinstatement will preclude foreclosure on different �rounds in the
<br /> futurc,ar(iii)reinstatemcot will�dve�iely�ffect the priori�Y af the litn crcued b�ch�c Secunty Instrument.
<br /> U. Mmwe� !VN Re1�rN; F�tMM�� ��I.tNet NN�M'�het. t.�te�s�on a:tdc nmo c°. �s}�nrnt ar modifiration of
<br /> amoniration ot tht sums,�cr:ured by Ihis Security Inelrumenl Rnnteti!b�t enQer eo an�;suoceesor in e�strrest�f Bpnower sMll nat
<br /> o�+ersee to rekax the liabilitv of the oti�nat Hcsrrower or Horrower's cucasti��r t:t c�tereu. I,ender shall not be required to
<br /> ea�mence ptcx�etdin�s yainst say sueceswr in intuc�t aP refuse t�j r�ten�i nme f�����mem or atherw�ice mocl�fr amortizatinn
<br /> og cine sum� securcd b� thia 5rcurity Inyuunxn� by �e�son af am demand madc hy the ondinal Borrovver cr Borr�wer'+
<br /> sua-�eswn in io4ecest. Aoy t�xDe�r�nce by l.ender in exerr�s�n�am r�ht ar remeclq shafl nr� t+e a waner of ot ptectude the
<br /> ' t�acise�f anv n�ktt or remedy. ,
<br /> 12,i�ec�s�N A�*s�wN;JNM1�N�e�enl l.1aMW�y; (u•��ees. '1'hr n.�ti�enanis�nd altramtntt ai this 5ecunty � _
<br /> l�wei�w�awt eh�11 hlnA ancf l+ra�6'it the cucm�nri ar�af wiens iil LCndet and��a�►¢_st�.9i[cl lo Ihi RfovlSiO��O�pi4�ili71AR 4.�►. =
<br /> _—_ _= Sor�arker's�oventr�ts is;d i�sttm:nta F3sa}I bC)oint ar.�srzrrsl. �l::Y 8or:vwer k!�.:.:x��isEn+tAts 5c+:ustty Iastrutnent t+ut c�ec� ."`—
<br /> not extrute the Notr:(Y)�s ce�•s�RninJ�ehtt Serur►ey Inctrum�nt�• y �n murt���e, grs;:t�nd conrey th�� f3otr�ewer'1 intaest m
<br /> the Propetty endtr the term�af thi�5ecun�y Insirume+rt;1 b> •��, . pcts+�nally obfiSatM u�pay�he sumc ucured!+>tAis Secut:t� "
<br /> Instrument; �tnd Ic1 qtees IAat I.endr� artd any e��Firr It • r� cei �nay agrce tca extend, m�xi�fy, turbear c►r make ar.p -
<br /> aceommodatlons w�th tc�ttd to tAt tt�m of th��Sctittrnv Inct: ..rm ��� t►e 1Nvte M,thout eha� Hurrower's canun�.
<br /> � U.NMkw.Any nottct to Eioftower t+ra�7ded f�r in�his�xur�n imut��nent shxli bc e,ren by del��enn�t�t or�ti�natiliog ii by
<br /> fitaf Clus Rtail utfkss��IxsAk law tequites use af Anolhri r.uthocf I�:t!lOtl�f 5At1II�1t dlff�IC(I 70 IIIt PfA�1llt�A�(ItlSS Of�ft)' •
<br /> other addteas duy!'s6MCr des��rutts b�notkc u�txndcr Ai�y ua�t�.c t��:°:-3er shall be gnen h�fir_�clat�mul to L ender's adQrt«
<br /> stated herein c*c an�addm�t.snder des��ca�ss by no�ece w Fwfa:�H�c. Ant nc+t�ce�+ra���1cG tot in�his Securnv Imtrument�hs[f
<br /> bt detnted Ia ha��e heen ri�r.n to Ebrrovrer��r l eader +.hcn c �crt as pr���«feJ in th�a�ara�raph.
<br /> M.(i��l�fi�L�,w;S�e�e�si�ty. Thw'�c�urny tn+trumcn .Yiall he Ko�crn�rd by FcdcraS law and shr IaN of tt:e Iun4d�:�cun u�
<br /> wAkh Ihe Propeny�slorated. !n tht nent tha¢any prcn��r, ��r.lausc of ttuc Secunt>In+stuinent or thc'��tr canllictY r�th ap
<br /> plkabk taw�, suel�conCt�et s�all not afie�-t uther�:o.�uvr.��f thi• �urrty In��rumrnt �* tAe'�inte Mtuch can he g�vrn etta�
<br /> without the conllrctin� p►o�ision. To thu t�cl the ��rn�nu+m �ii �h�� 'itcuntY Inu�unief�t �nd Ihe Note :te daluecl to t+c
<br /> se�•er�ble.
<br /> �-
<br /> (s.�towH'sL'W). Iir�ra�wCC Shal1 be ga�en erne :on' .�c.t�rrl ot thi�Sctunsr In�Irununt ���
<br /> K-A�yl�swestot Rt�b.Hormwer unt�nJ�noriaUy YcE�gr.+and trarrtm cc�1 endrr aU thr rrrts and re�e�iucs��f thc Prvrer�y
<br /> Horrower authonttS(.enQet ot l.enQer v agems tir cnllece ihe rent+ar.�:rce�rn��es end hcret+>�3ue.t�e:nh�en�nt uf Ihr 1'mperty
<br /> te�y the rents to l enQer or Lendcr'�Aacnt� fio�evcr.�r��»�01 cn1e�'�notci e e�.lk,rrotie���f Eionower's brcach ni any�utic�
<br /> oaat ar;t�teetucctt ia lht SetT:ri.:y Itutrurntnt, (�kacaNr: �E�;�II�ulle.t and recc�vc a'.�re:�i+an�rc�rnut�of thc Nr.Tjxrty a�tru�tcr
<br /> fot the benefit ot LrnQcs ar.�&�rrowet. Tius nssignmcn:r�t rrnt.i`,',n�t�turca yn ars+�:�te a�s�gruncnt artd avt an a���gnment t��r
<br /> additH��u►1 security only.
<br /> !f Lrr.Qer xit=s ufl:tct s�1 brra+:l�!n L3��rrewrf:f a?olI rr:�s rr c��c�±h±Ei�+rr��w�r�h,�t!�c hcl,1 n. E�Vr:,,wer a4 cruuce fon c�aet��
<br />- Cl;;.!'ItfkTtttl��,fv��s*;.fe:tftc�tix�urmscs,�iiiSt�if�tCfic�u(�ivZis+"c?c�ecci'il.�{ii=tii�i�i S�'r8i3��Ci3:£i_rii�2t:�(7=i�sY32ii�itiYt:t':t{3
<br /> of iht rtnts uf the Ptc�perty,nnA t�1�xh te�ant oi 1hc Nr��yx:ty �h�tJ;+at aU ren�ti C:ae an:1 un�azd u�!enctrr or l.cr.drt's a�ent
<br /> rn IJet�iler's wristtn Jt�iurt�t to ttie�enani
<br /> BostoM�et has nc�t cKC�ucetii Any�+tiw u��igsunenl��S t�:: rrms :�r..i ".as nut end +.:1 r.,�t ;�rH-.•r-n any a.t t��:�s µ��utd prc�ent
<br /> l.erdet frum rterr��_�nA �t�np,ht� :utJrt thtic parn�raph 1t�
<br /> !ender shall n��t tx trquutci�r cntcr u�v�n, sake conu�•i ,f«r u:a::.:a�{��hc Prc�lKrt�hrt��rc��r alter gib,r�g nn�i:e of brea�h�n
<br /> &�artUxtr. Hc�xe�er,Lendrr vr n�uditially a�*Sto�nted f��Ct�Ct tlt0y .������a�anti �,me itarrc�'.a hrca��1 Aft�A�fJ{0..lIfO[i V�Tftl!'.
<br /> �.�al)not cwe t�r w�:veany dttsult tJ! fi��JlltlllC U�3y e�tE'.r.i t�$�U ur rcaicd) n� 1 ef._�s� �h�,ati+�Hnmcnt of iee'< :�f�!�r t'r�,�erty ,-... --_
<br /> shall te•rnir►atc whrn thc dcbt sr:arcvi hy ilsc !+ctiun!► InStriuurnt �� p�i.1 :n full
<br /> M�
<br /> � �
<br /> ��
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<br /> !��
<br /> �
<br /> . . ._... . ... / i _�.J
<br /> --__------ --- --- - — --�-�R�-;---
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<br /> ,..—�,,,,.l.�a,tr�sra�r�r��,_. -- . ,_.. -.— -
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