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200106180 <br />the Subdividers as per drainage plans approved by the City's Director of Public Works and subject <br />to the City's inspection. <br />5. Sidewalks. Immediate construction along Schimmer Drive shall be waived, <br />however, the sidewalks shall be constructed within six months after the property owner is directed <br />to do so by the City Council. <br />6. Flood Hazard. Since the subdivision is within the delineated flood plain, all <br />structures therein shall have the lowest floor elevation to a minimum of one foot above the elevation <br />ofthe 100 -year flood, as determined by the building permit received by the Subdividers or successors <br />from the Building Department under the provisions of Neb. Rev. Stat. §2- 1506.06 R.R.S. 1943. No <br />basement shall be constructed in connection with any structure in the flood plain unless such <br />basement is floodproofed and certified as such by a qualified registered engineer or architect. <br />7. Planned Development. The subdivision constitutes a planned unit <br />development pursuant to Section 36 -39 of the Grand Island City Code and the continuing <br />requirements of said Section shall be complied with by the Subdividers. A storage building may be <br />maintained as a principal use on Lot 9, Block 2 for the purposes of providing storage for residents <br />of the Ponderosa Lake Estates Residential Development District. <br />8. Outlots. Outlots A, C1 and C3 shall be placed under the control of the <br />Ponderosa Lake Estates Homeowners Association. Outlot C2 shall remain with Lot 9, Block 2 in <br />private ownership maintained by the owner of Lot 9, Block 2 until such time as FEMA approves <br />removing this parcel from the floodway at which time it may be replatted as part of Lot 9, Block 2. <br />Outlot C2 may be given to the Ponderosa Lake Estates Homeowners Association at any time if they <br />choose to accept said outlot. <br />ME <br />