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200106180 <br />to a point of tangency; thence N43 °36'55 "W, along and upon the southwesterly line <br />of said Ponderosa Drive — Outlet "B ", a distance of Three Hundred Nine and Twenty <br />One Hundredths (309.21) feet to a point of curvature; then_ e running northwesterly, <br />along and upon the southwesterly line of said Ponderosa Drive — Outlot "B ", and <br />being along and upon the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 230.34 feet, a <br />distance of One Hundred Thirty Seven and Ninety Five Hundredths (137.95) feet <br />(long chord = 135.90' — long chord bearing = N26 °27'27 "W) to a point; thence <br />N04° 16' 14 "W, along and upon the westerly line of said Ponderosa Drive — Outlot <br />"B ", a distance of One Hundred Thirty Seven and Eighty Two Hundredths (137.82) <br />feet to the southwest corner of Ponderosa Lake Estates Second Subdivision, an <br />addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence N09 °55'56 "W, along and upon <br />the westerly line of said Ponderosa Drive — Outlot "B ", and being along and upon a <br />westerly line of said Ponderosa Lake Estates Second Subdivision, a distance of Thirty <br />Eight and Fourteen Hundredths (38.14) feet to the southeast corner of Outlot "C1 ". <br />Ponderosa Lake Estates Subdivision, an addition to the City of Grand island, <br />Nebraska; thence S83 °10'27 "W, along and upon the south line of Outlot "C1" and <br />Block Six (6), said Ponderosa Lake Estates Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred <br />Eighty Four and Seventeen Hundredths (284.17) feet to the southwest corner of <br />Block Six (6), said Ponderosa Lake Estates Subdivision; thence S00 °34'15 "E, along <br />and upon the southerly prolongation of the westerly line of Block Six (6), said <br />Ponderosa Lake Estates Subdivision, a distance of Four Hundred Sixty Seven and <br />Nine Hundredths (467.09) feet; thence S08 °15'32 "W, a distance of Three Hundred <br />Forty One and Sixty Three Hundredths (341.63) feet to the southwest corner of said <br />Lot Two (2), Island; thence N87 °37'45 "E, along and upon the south line of the <br />Southeast Quarter (SE' /4) of said Section Thirty Six (36), a distance of Seven <br />Hundred Forty Three and Fifty Eight Hundredths (743.58) feet to the point of <br />beginning and containing 9.318 acres, more or less. <br />Tract No. 2: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot Ten (10), Block One (1), <br />Ponderosa Lake:Estates Fourth Subdivision, an addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, said point also being a point on a curve which is the northerly line of <br />Ponderosa Drive -- Outlot "B "; thence running northwesterly, along and upon the <br />northerly line of said Ponderosa Drive -- Outlot "B" and being - ona �,nd upon the <br />arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 233.07 feet, a distance of One Hundred <br />Seventy Four and Sixteen Hundredths (174.16) feet (long chord distance = 170.14' <br />-- long chord bearing = N65 °01'22 "W) to a point of tangency; thence N43 °36'55 "W, <br />along and upon the northeasterly line of said Ponderosa Drive — Outlot "B ", a <br />distance of Three Hundred Nine and Twenty One Hundredths (309.21) feet to a point <br />of curvature; thence running northwesterly, along and upon the northeasterly line of <br />said Ponderosa Drive — Outlot "B ", and being along and upon the arc of a curve to <br />the right whose radius is 194.34 feet, a distance of One Hundred Sixteen and Thirty <br />Nine Hundredths (116.39) feet (long chord distance = 114.66' — long chord bearing <br />= N26 °27'27 "W) to a point of tangency; thence N09'1 8'00"W, along and upon the <br />-2- <br />