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r <br />' . EXHIBIT B • <br />A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW114 NE 114) of <br />Section Twenty -One (21), in Township Eleven (11) North. Range Nine (9) Vest <br />of the Sixth Principal Heridian in Ball County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as followst <br />Beginning at a point on the Center line of Phoenix Avenue in the City of <br />Grand Island. Nebraska. three hundred seventy -two and fifty -eight hundredths <br />(372.58) feet southwesterly from the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and <br />Phoenix.Avenue (as shown by plat of South Flark, meow vacated); thence <br />southerly along a curved line concave easteeI r baving a. radius of six <br />hundred thirteen and sixty -nine hundredths (613.69) fait a distances as <br />measured in tame are of said curve, of two Itiundtred ninety and "seventy -six <br />hundredths (290.76) feet to a point, the Long chard of said cuirvcra being two <br />hundred eighty -eight add six hurr.drW.'aths (213S.00, feet ;hd bearing <br />southwesterly from tha center line '(of said r- hoonju AveAia produced <br />southwesterly sixty - threes degrees and :sim atnutes .•(653.0 QW );, Thence south <br />along a straight line making an interior zftle of OircZ Prcxcndreal.: swamty -eight . <br />degrees and forty -six minutes (178° 461 i? *T tlh: tll afaresz d . la"'S eharkd 4L distance of six hundred eighty -three and, thict� -sov* n Yu%dredtrrs <br />feet to a point which is forty (40) feet norther y of the south':limoa of the <br />Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW 3/4 NE 1/4) of said Section <br />Twenty -One (2i); thence Wast along a straight line which is forty (40) feet <br />northerly of and parallel with the said south line of the Southwest Quarter <br />of the Northeast.Quarter (SW 1/4 NE 1/4) of Section Twenty -One (21) making <br />an interior angle of eighty -nine degrees, eighteen minutes, thirty seconds <br />(89 0 18' 30 ") with the last described course. a distance of three hundred <br />(300) feet to a point; thence north along a straight line making an interior <br />angle of ninety degrees# forty -one minutes, thirty seconds (90 O All 30 ") <br />with the last described course, a distance of four hundred ten and five <br />tenths (410.53 feet to a point; thence east along a straight line making an <br />interior angle of ninety degrees no minutes (90 G 001) with the last <br />described course, a distance of two hundred twelve and forty -six hundredths <br />(212.46) feet to a point; thence north along, a straight liite' <br />interior angle of two hundred seventy degrees'•ei8ht minutes (2700.0911). with <br />the last described course, a distance of. 1iva hundred eight and., tweeaty <br />hundredths (208.20) feet to a point; thence northeasstterzy. along a curved <br />Sine concave southeasterly having a radius of seven hoa"ved.fifty-two and <br />forty -nine hundredths (752.49) feet. the long chord of 'which is three <br />hundred forty -eight and sixty -seven hundredths (348.67) feet send makes an <br />interior angle of one hundred sixty -eight degrees, thirty - threat Iiinutaag, (168x. <br />331) with the.last described course, a distance, as measured in'the.arc . of <br />said :curve, of three hundred fifty -one and eighty -five hundredltlis' •05X.85) <br />feet to a point in the center line of Phoenix Avenue; thence.east along said <br />center line of Phoenix Avenue a distance of fifteen and seventeen hundredths <br />(15.17) feet to the point of beginning, containing an ares of three and <br />seven tenths (3.7) acres, more or less. <br />a <br />_J_ <br />