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89-- 100224 <br />parallel with and Thirty and One Tenth (30.1) feet Westerly of the East line <br />of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW 1/4 SE 114) of Section } <br />Twenty-one- (21), a di stance - of Three Hundred: Twenty -nine and.SevenK,Tenths <br />(329.7) feet to the Southeast corner of the parcel or tract of 'land by__ the" <br />Chicago, Burlington 6 Quincy Railroad Company conveyed to Aluminum Supply <br />Company, Tubing Division, Inc., by Deed dated April 19, 1957, and the true <br />point of beginning of the parcel or tract of land being hereby conveyed: <br />thence from said true point of beginning West along South line Inc., <br />land previously conveyed to Aluminum Supply Company, <br />a distance of Six Hundred Thirty-one and Four Tenths (631.4) feet to the <br />Southwest corner of said previously conveyed land; thence South, making an <br />interior angle of Eighty -nine Degrees; Eighteen Minutes, Thirty Seconds (89 <br />18' 30 ") with the last described course, a distance of one Hundred <br />Ninety -seven and Five Tenths (197.5) feet more or less, to a point on the <br />Southwest corner of the property of said Railroad Company; thence Easterly <br />along the South line and the Easterly prolongation of the South line, of <br />said Rilroad Company's property to a point in a line drawn parallel with and <br />Thirty and One Tenth (30.1) feet Westerly of the East line of said Northwest <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW 1/4 SE 1/4) of Section Twenty -one (21); <br />thence North along the last hereinabove described parallel line to the true <br />point of beginning aforesaid, containing an area of Two and Eighty -seven <br />Hundredths (2.87) acres, more or less. Subject however, to the rights of <br />the public in and to the use of the Westerly portion of the above described <br />land for the public roadway known as South Adams Street. <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all <br />tenaments, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the <br />grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />And the grantor for itself and its successors does hereby covenant with <br />the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns that grantor is lawfully <br />seised of said premises; that they are free from encumbrances except those <br />to which title was subject when conveyed to grantor, or became subject with <br />grantee's express consent, or which resulted from the failure of grantee to <br />perform any of its obligations wider its lease and agreement with grantor <br />entered into on the 15th day of December, 1973; that grantor has good right <br />and lawful authority to convey the same; and that the grantor warrants and <br />will defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all <br />persons whosoever. <br />
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