`''� (��-rr- .,_ . , . _.. . . _ ._._. -� _ _� '— .. . . ' r i'ti/. J t�l,���y_y� r ' �1�� �i. � i; ;� 'n�r. '"�+f�
<br /> �. ,?i.J. �'� ' S. � _ -
<br /> �`'..qc�. �� ' ' . �, �'.� , y�� � _ �°b_'r��lFri'�"S'�.. :.. ' . ` .
<br /> • �CS�' . ` ,` . . � ' � ` . �. " . —�_�., ' . . ..t-., -- �.f-- - �.,.-._.._--�_._r .
<br /> � �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> �' . _ ._.
<br /> , � 91►INT FRI�NCIS MEDICAL CENT�R, � non-prolit corporatfon,
<br /> • lorsarly known as 3l�INT FR�NCIS HO&PIT�►L,, Grand Island, NebrASka►,
<br /> a N�braska corparation, horein aalled tha Grantor, i�
<br /> aonsid�ration p! �NE DOI.IJ�R ($1.00) 1�N� OTHER GOOD AND VALU�SLE
<br /> CONSIDER�►TION' raceived lrow Grantee, doea quitclaim, grant,
<br /> bargairt, ��11, convey and aonfina unto BOSSELMAN, INC. , a
<br /> ; N�br��ka aor�oration, herain called the Gr�ntee, the t'ol�owing
<br /> ' doecribed real property in Hell County, Nebraska:
<br /> , Blocks Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four (24) in
<br /> � � Wasmer�s Addition to the City of Grand I�land,
<br /> � NebrASka, inc�uding the vacated alleys in each block
<br /> and vacat�d Jerterson Str�et between Blocks Twenty-
<br /> �
<br /> three (23� and Twenty-four c2a) s ana
<br /> ;
<br /> Lot Fifteen (15) , County Subdivision of the Southeast ,
<br /> � Quarter of the southweat Quarter (sE�sw�� of Sect3on
<br /> Sixt�en (16) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine
<br /> . (9) , �`est of the 6th P.M. , tia12 Cou�ty, NebraskaF
<br /> all of whfch, taken togethcr, is described as follows: • -
<br /> 8eginninc� at the point of intersectian of �he Southerly
<br /> line af West Koeniq Street wfth th� �asterly line of T:`�:
<br /> South M�dfson Streot; running thence with thQ Sc�utherlv , _ _
<br /> - -. _. . - -
<br /> -��� `- - 1 in� 9� sa id weat Roenfg Street Northeaster2y ta its - - -
<br /> point of intors�etion with th� W�sterrly lfne aP South �
<br /> Adams Street; thence with the Westerly line of Sauth
<br /> �tdams Street Southeasterly to the Nartherly line of
<br /> � Weat Chmrles Streets thence With the Northerly lfne of �
<br /> . � West Charles Street Southwestorly to the Easterly line
<br /> of South Madison StreOt and thence with said line
<br /> : Northwe�terly ta the place of b�qinninq.
<br /> , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD th� ab�ve c3e�cribed �remYSes together
<br /> with all tenements, hereditaments and .appurter,ances thereto
<br /> h+Clos�g3�'t�� u:�t� �t�c Gra:��cee �r,a �o Gran�:�e �s �,uccessvx�s �nd
<br /> . � � assigns €nrever.
<br /> � :�
<br /> The purpose af this decd ��+ to super�ede and ccr.rrect tha
<br /> Corr�ctiva DeQd :i2ed a� do�ument No. �2-002204 in Ck�e affice of ' �°'`
<br /> the Register caf Deeds at Hall County, Nebraska, on June 3, 1982. �
<br /> pated this 4C�N day af Ma�, 1990.
<br /> SAIEZT �R.�NCIS I�£T�IC�I. CF,'3TF,R,
<br /> - " a non�-pro8it corparation,
<br /> formcrly knawn ��� SAIN'I' FRAlJCIS
<br /> HCSPIT�IL, Grand Islanc3, Nebraska
<br /> sy c_ �-r_c�. f' -ll..�.� -�
<br /> C�31e tie<�1 , Preaident
<br /> .. 1
<br /> � � �
<br /> �
<br /> ��f
<br /> ,,
<br /> � _.�
<br />