. � ..._.__ 1 1
<br /> i �
<br /> . 10353'�
<br /> - NOTICE OF DEFli►ULT ��� �
<br /> � TO WHC1M IT M11Y CONCERN:
<br /> i You ar� h�reby notitiad that Edraard L. Holtorl, a aingle p�sraon,
<br /> Tru�tor, did on ar about the ibth day of June, 1984, make, exeoute
<br /> and d�liv�r unt� Co�eraial Faderal 9avings and Loan �i�sociatior�, as
<br /> Trust��, a Tru�t Dead wherein e�id Trustor conveyed the lollowing-
<br /> describ�d rsA� proper�y:
<br /> ; �i tract o! land cosprisinq a part af the Southeast Quarter of
<br /> = th� Sou�hwest Qua�rter (SE�SW�) af Section Three (3) , Township
<br /> � Bl�ven (11) North, Range Nine (9) W�st of the 6th P.M. , in
<br /> � Hall County, Nebr�+ska more particularly described as follaws:
<br /> &eqinning at a point on the south line of �aid Section Three
<br /> ' ; (3) , anid poink being One Thousand Five Hundsed Twa�ty Th�ee
<br /> i and Thirty Thrae Nundradtha (1,523.33) t'eet east of the
<br /> ' : southwe�t corater af eaid Saction Three (3) ; thence northerly
<br /> parallel to the west line� of said sactian Three �3) a
<br /> distanca of Five Hu�dred Sixteen (516.0) lest; thence
<br /> ' d�tleeting right 90 deqreee 4� minutes 34 seconds and running
<br /> eas�erly, a distance of One Hundred Fifty Sfx and Twelve
<br /> Hundredths (�56.].2� feet to the weaterly right-of-way line of
<br /> ord Hrnnch of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence
<br /> : •outheas�e rly a2onq said railroad right-oP-way line a
<br /> ' distance of Five Hundred Fifteen nnd Sixty �ne Hundredths
<br /> • (515.61) feet to the south line of said Section Three (3j , , =-
<br /> thence wester],y along the south line of sald Section Three
<br /> (3) , a diatance of One Hundred Seventy Two and Three Tenths � -
<br /> -- Lt'79 '1► f�!!� .� t�►a s►1�we �F hen3 sZ=':Lwer `-'-
<br />. .. - �r.•��.�� - � �� ir�....� �.ar• ..?. . . .. _ . _ _ _
<br /> a L'..
<br /> as security for xepayment of a loan which the Trustor obtained from `-a
<br /> ' Commercial Federa2 Mortigage Corporation, f/k/a Tower Financial, Inc. , �.
<br /> Beneficiary of said Trust Deed, which Trust Deed wns recorded on the .
<br /> 18th day o! June, 198�, in the office of the RPgister of Beeds of
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, as Document No. 84-003223. ,
<br /> � You are further notified that there has occuarred a breach of an
<br /> . obliqation of the Trustor for which the Trust property was aonveyed
<br /> . as secursty, to-wit, that the Trustvr have failed to pay th�
<br /> � HenefSciary payments which were contractuall�+ due from February 1, :
<br /> `� 1990, through this date, togethez with interet�t accrufng thereon. -�
<br /> ` You are further notified that the Trustee has e2ec�ed to declare
<br /> the entire unpaid principal balance, together with interest thereon, �
<br /> at once due and payable and has elected to sell �x cause to be sold ;.�
<br /> � the real property described in aaid Trust Deed to satisfy said �-::
<br /> abligation.
<br /> � DA?EO this _ {� day of �.JL�tfS2r- , 1990.
<br /> � COMM�RCIAi. FEDER�. SA�TYiG� AtJD
<br /> LOAN ASSOCI�TION, Trustee
<br /> By � ' � �� r-
<br /> J xa A. Hers fse►r #�19058 ��
<br /> lOt�O Commercial F�deral Tower
<br /> Omaha, Nebraska 68124 ` `--�
<br /> (4U2j 3A2-1000
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF DOUGLA5 ) i
<br /> � The foregoing ins�rument was acknowledc�ed before me, � notar�y
<br /> public by Julia A. H�rsha.��r, c�n this �U L�' day of �_.� . �. , 1990. ,,-i
<br /> >
<br /> , � ��
<br /> �'� ' � �` }?-_ ____.����_.'_f�� _.__ . . �
<br /> t�otary P 1 ic „ ;�
<br /> 6F�!1�1!I�1Afil�•St�'t r�t Ndr�t�
<br /> �fr C�ns�n f.a tcr.s 19.1993
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