<br />$me of Ntiibmsm Poe G•» "�
<br />s9�-- too�.es 321 1283557 203(b)
<br />ills Mw%W, merle and executed this 11th day of January
<br />19 89. by and between Michael Ray Hudson and Peggy Ann Hudson, each in his and her own right,
<br />and as spouse of each other,
<br />Of tie County of Hall , earl Sate of Nebraska, party of the first parts hs[eboaher called
<br />tie MorestrW, ad The Equitable Building and Loan Association, 113 -115 North Locust Street
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />a corpondoa mysob ed swd eedstiat under the lams of the State of Nebraska '
<br />pasty of the ee;eos d pert, hereinafter pried the Mortgagee.
<br />VANM &: 1W the raid 1NortMor, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred
<br />mss (t 57,750.01) )- paW by the Mort'
<br />Fifty and no /100 -------------------------------------- dos t3rant, Bargain. Seri. Convey
<br />pare, the receipt of which is,hereby acknowledged, has Granted and. Soil and by these presents
<br />and Con(lrm uatto the Morttasee, its successors and aligns. foremer. the followint- described real estate, skumed in the County of
<br />H81�1 , and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />' Lot Fifty Nine (59) , in Hagges. °'.subdivision- in the City of Grand Island, Hall Couutty,
<br />Nebraska, excepting a certain; tract deeded'to the City of Grand island by Warrant,
<br />Deed recorded as Document No. 85-0028811,
<br />r
<br />of tta Sixth Prindpai Merkilms aontainint in all ------------ - - - - -- acres according to Go%VMMmt survey:
<br />T• Elm and To EkW1 the premiss above described, with all the appurtenances tbeoeunto beGonting sad including &Z beatini,
<br />Ohv ihim sad ?Mina fixture auud equipsprunt now or.haeafter attached to or used in connection with acid real estate ussto:the Mort -
<br />t sad to its successors
<br />and assigns.` ftm. The. MWtSWc represents to. and oovesenti with. the Mortsesee, that the MW-
<br />pot
<br />'. rood right to an and convey said premi$40-. durst they are free from cmmbnm; and that the M*Mpv r will warrant and
<br />defeeb'1 the serape apdnst the kwfd ddW of all pers w whomsoever; and the eaW Mortgagor hereby telkwpishes all rftbts of
<br />bomesteA and. all marital rithu, either ib law or;il- Mlity, and all otber conthgput interests of the Mortgagor in and to the above-
<br />dascdW pemisr1$ the intention bdus to convey het'ey an absolute tide, in fee dmpk. iaciud'%nt all rights of homestead, earl other
<br />rights and buresd as aforrolc
<br />previisi AhMs, sod this p e mn are executed and delivered upon the Wowins conditions. to wit:
<br />77te Maats�oc specs to firy the Mortgasx. or order, the principal rum of Fifty Seven Thousar d Seven Hundred
<br />-------- - - -- -- -Donu (S 57,750.00 Fifty and no /100 ------------------ ),
<br />with interest interest from date at the rate of Ten and one -half per centum ( 10.50 s)ti).per annum on the
<br />="U balance until paid. The raid principal and interest shill be payable at the office of The Equitable Building and
<br />'Loan Association, 113 -115 North Locust Street, .
<br />in Grand Island, Nebraska , or at rush other p1W=as the holder of the note
<br />may desigaa u: ic.writint, in:umouthly installments of Five Hundred Twenty Eight and 27/100 ------------------
<br />Doilare (s 528.27 ). commmeing cue flee first day of March
<br />19 86, smd on the firrc dell. of each: month thereafter until the xtb* ai and inttrat are fully paid, except that the and payment of
<br />pdp**l-aad ifstareet, if t,�t sooner paid,: shall be due abd payable-on the furs day of February.. •
<br />W 19 ; 0 according to the terms of a certain Prom .WNy note of even date herewith executed by the tn"mortsator.
<br />This form is used in connection with.mort0epes insured under thoon* to four family propra4tns aE the National il Act which pro-
<br />vide for periodic Modge insurance Phiffuium pyinionts.
<br />Irbavloue Editions An Obsolete ^ HUD4043M (� Edition)
<br />Peps 1 of 4
<br />24 CFR 203.17(b)
<br />7
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