� �
<br /> ��--10352 4
<br /> IS1V�1e1M1►!CQYEp}A!JjS &rrrawer and Lender covenanc tnd qm as follows:
<br /> ('" �� !°Ur�t ot�iaeq�l�i��t�PrsMY�s�t aMi Late C1�ary�. Borrowcr aha10 promptly pay v�hen due
<br /> � ehe R+rincipa)of and interat Qn thc deM evidenced by the hote and any pre�yrtsent�nd latc char�cs duc undtr thc Natc.
<br /> _. �wi fer TuM�1�wt�te. Subjcct tQ�pplicabk law or ta�wniten w�ivet by l.ender,Borrawer shell p�y
<br /> to t.a�der on thR day enonthly p�yme�ts�rc duc under the Note,umii the Note is paid in full.�sum 1"Funds")equa!to �
<br /> ooe�t�reMh d: (�}yprly taxa anQ asses�ment� Mhich may �ttain priority ovcr t�is Security ins�rumeor (b) ye�rty
<br /> Iwehold pa�nna�ts or �round rent�, an the Prc�peny, ii any; (c) yearly hazud insunnce premiums; and (d) yeuly
<br /> mortsa�c iasurancs premiunu,if any.'d'hese item�are calied"escrow items."Lender may at�mate�he Funds due oo the
<br /> � bais orcurrrnt data and teasonabk atimata of future acro�v items.
<br /> The Fw�ds s'.all be hdd in an inititutioa the depotits or acco�nu of which ue insured ar�wnnteed by a fedeal or
<br /> �uk�ncy(ieciudin�Lender if Lsnder is wch an institution). L�er�der sh�Q apply �he Funds ta p�y the escrarv items.
<br /> LRnder may not chsr�e for ho{din�and�pplyin�tl�e Funds.anslyran�the iccaunt ar verifyinj the escrow items.unleu
<br /> � Le�der pay�8orro�rer interest on the Funch and applicabk laM permits l.ender to m�ke such a char�e. Horrower and
<br /> Leeder a�ay t�ree ie Mritin�that interat �hall be paid on the Funds. Unless an asreement is made or applicable law
<br /> roqujra iaterat to be paid.I�ender sha11 nat be roquired to pay Bc�rrowu+�ny �nterest or esrnieas on thc Funds. l.ender �
<br /> t1w11�ive to Botmaver.without chst�e,an�nnwl accountie�of the Funcls show�na credits�nd debit:to the Funds and the
<br /> pu�po�t�or ahich e�ch debit to the Fuodt w�u msde.Yhe Funds ue pledacd as additronal security for�he:ums secured by
<br /> c1�is Securicy taarunKm.
<br /> ' [f the amount d'the Fueds held by l,ender.to�ether w�ith 1he future rt�unthly payments oP Funds p�yabk prior to
<br /> the dt�e data d'the acro�v item�.shall exceod the amount required ta pay the escrow itrm�when due.the exca�shall be,
<br /> at Borro�rer't option.ti�her promptly rep�id to 8orrower or crodited to Banow�er on monthly p�yments oi Funds. If the
<br /> � amount oi t6e Funds held by l�ender i�not tuAicirnt to p�y�he escrow item�when due,Bonow�er ahail pay tQ Lender any �
<br /> amount neoen�ry to make up the t�e}icierscy in one or more payments as requ�red by Leede�.
<br /> Upoe pymrnt in fuU of all tum:aecurad by thi�Secunty lattrument, Lendes shall prompely rrtund to Borrowe�
<br /> any Futbs heid by Lender, liun6er prejnph 19 tAe property is sold nr acquued by Lrnder,Le�sdet shsll�pply,no later
<br /> tMn immediately prior to the�ale of the Propehy�r�ts acquiaition by Lcnder.any Funds held by Lender at the t�me of
<br /> �ppliatbn at�ctedit�init the sums�ecured by th�s Secunt>ins�ruroent
<br /> �. ANiiatlo�o/Pqwib. Ljnleu applrcabk law provides alhetvrise.all p�yments recnved �y L,ender under
<br /> parqnphs 1�nd 2 shall be appl�ed:Ant.ta late char=es due under the Note;seconQ,to prepsyment chsr�p due under the
<br /> Notr,third.to�mounts p�yabk under puu»ph 2:fourth.ta�nterest due:and la�t,to prtncipal due.
<br /> �. C'Vef�t/w. Bormwer�hall piy�1}taxa.as�es�ments,cha��es.Anes and impositeon�att�buubk to the
<br /> Propetty wAich msy atain priority ovet tt�is �canty �nstn�mrnt, and leuehold cavmeets or aroued rmu. if iev.
<br /> --- Hartawtr s!►aI1 pay thde obljptios:s in the manner pravidoQ sr,�sr�rsph 2.ar if rsat pst�!tin that rnannrr.Borra�rr sha!! � ,
<br /> pay them on time direCtly ta the perton owed payment. Sorrowu shalt pramptly fum�sh ta L.ender all�oUCts of�maurtts � . :
<br /> to be p�id uader thi�pata�rapA. U Bortowu maka thae p�yments d�ratly,Borrower shall promptly fum�th to Lender � -
<br /> raoeipu evidenc�n�t6e pynknts. .-
<br /> Bbtro�er tlu�ll promptly dncbu�e�ny l�en wh�ch hu prwnty over th�s Secunty lnu�umer�t unkss Borrower.(a) �
<br /> �t+ee�in aritins to the p�YaKat d'the o�liptwn secuted!+y ehe!un m a manner acceptabk to l.ender:(b)contati�n�ood .;�
<br /> faith the lien by,ot def�nds apinst rnforcert�rnt of the lien�n.kpl proct�edmp Mh�ch m the l,ender's apn�on opente to
<br /> ptYren!ihe enforoemeat at the lien or farfeiture af any part of the Property;ot(c)secures fran�he hofdct of�he lien an � .
<br /> �t sawfactay to 1.ender subord�nat�nj the I�e�to this Secunty Insteument.lf Lendr�determ�rtes that any part of'
<br /> tbe PropeRy a tubject to� lien wh�ch may atum pnanty u.er thts Scrunty lnstnament. Lender m�y Qwe Ba�rrower a `
<br /> natioe i�entityin�tNe lien.Bvrrower shall sattsiy the IEen ar esSce one or more of the�ct►�ns set tottb�bove within 10 days
<br /> d'the pvinj af not�ce.
<br /> s. Has�t+�l�wree. Bartuwer shall keep the�mptovementx now e�ttst�n�t�r hereaftet erected on Ihe P�aperty '
<br /> insurod�pir►st loss by 6ae,hatards mduded w��hin tbe term"eatenAed co�rra�e"and tny other h�urds for wh�ch Len�der
<br /> roquireY inwrance. Th�s insurance shali be rtumta�ntd �n the amaunt� ar�d for the penads thit C.ender reQmra. The
<br /> insuranet eattitr prov�din�the�nsutance shdl be chnsen Mk BorroMea sublect ta Lender's�pproval wh�ch s�hai! not be �
<br /> unrea�cx�ably withhdd.
<br /> AU iniuraner polxrcs tnd renewals shall be aectpubk to Lender and sh�ll�nclude a�undard monaa6e elau�ce. '
<br /> l.a�de�shall have 1he t�t to hold the pohcies�r�d renexals. lf l.ender reqwres.Horrower sh�l!�Sru�nnpNy�t���e to Lender
<br /> all roceipts of�aid prem�wns and renewal not�c�t. tn the e+ent af loss,�or�awer shalt�ve ptomp�R�ruct to tht�nsurance
<br /> camer and t�ender.Lender rtuy make proafaCloss�tnot asa�de prompely by Horro�rer
<br /> Unkss Ltnder and Bartower oih�rw�se s�rer in wnti��,sesurance procceds shs:P De yppl�ed ta restotat�vn c�v rcpa�r
<br /> " af the Prt�perty dama�ed,d the ratorat�on or repau�s ecanomirally feas�ble�nd I.rnder's secunty��s nat lecse�ed if the
<br /> tesloralion or stpau ss r.pt e�nnns�c�lly lc�s�l+:r r.r tcnG�i s strun�;Knu�3 De lcssr,�. the snsur�rze�rcee�3s st�sti!�e
<br /> applie�to ti�e cums seCUt'eA Dy this 5ecunty Instrument, nhether ar nni t1:rn due.N,�h any cxcras paid to&�rrower. !F
<br /> Btxrowret abandons tht Property. or does not answ�r v�fthtn ?�days a not:ce fs�m Ls.^.�rr thss she�n3uratte::st.:r�ha5
<br /> • otferod to settk�cia�m,the^n I.endec en�y cnlltct the msurartce proceedb l.ender may ux the proceeds to repa�r ar�estore
<br /> !!tt Property or tu psy sums secure0 by th�s Secunty Instrun�en�, wtsethcr or nnt thc�duc ?he l0-Qay penod w�il Degm
<br /> when the not�ct if 6�ven.
<br /> Unless I.xnder and Batr�w•rt otherw�se ag�rt m wnting.any��pi�raucm«f prur�ds;c�prtnr,�al shait nc�t e+�tend or
<br /> postpone the dut date of the monthly paymants referred to�n�ar�gr;+ph. I and 2�r�h�r�ge the amourot uf thc payments If
<br /> under p�nEraph 19 the Property �s a�guire�i b�l.ender,I{e�fFC''+At['s r�gh�t��nn} in+,�r3n;t�x�t�c►es�nd prtacttds resulting
<br /> from darns�e to the Prc�petty pnaf e�the arqu�s�t�on shyll Fuss tc�I_ender u+the rxtene :�f the Sums securecl by th�s Sec:unty • ` �' ""
<br /> lnstrumcnt immed�atel3�pnor to thr acquasit�on
<br /> 6. P�estrwtio�u�d M�ietesance ot NroPeejy;I,et�eho{ds. E3orrower�hall nnt dectray,damage or substan¢ially
<br /> chmae �he Propeny, �tfaw the Psopetty t�detenora�e nr cc�mmrt vtia5te If thiti Set;ar+tq Inctrumtm �� on a Ic�sehafd.
<br /> BorTOwt�thall comply w�ith the���.�y:s�t+ns nf tht Irase,and if Nnrcuu er�cqwrcti fee tsr:r ta the Prapcny,she teasrhold dnd
<br /> fce t�tle�hall not merge unlrss Lrn�rr sgrres to the rnrrgcr rn v�nting �+.�
<br /> 7. f'rottctioe of [.te4er's RiRhts in the �'roPerty; �tort�ge Insnr�nce. If Cic�rmwcr fa�ls tn perfc�nn �hc �;b
<br /> cnvenants and e�reeme�ss cai�tained�n this�rcurrty lnstr�ument.c�r thrre►ti a legal pr��ered+ng that rray s�gmficantly bfie�a
<br /> Ll.ender's tt6hls in the f'rn{xrty (such as a pr�xced�ng in bankruptcy. j�rnl��te, f��r cc�ndemnhtion �:r u� enfor�e laN� �+r ���
<br /> tegulat�ons),thcn l.e�t�er tnap do anA pa> for whate�cr r�nc�c�4�ry t+�p�c�t�;s thc�aluc<�f the{'n,pertti and l.cncier'�nRhtti �
<br /> ir� ehe Pr�neais• 1_,cnder's a;.t�ons ma► include ��aytnrt an� s�ins 1r.ured b� n lien ut�,�h h:�. nn��ri�� n�rr tH�� ���,un�� ��..
<br />. Ln�ttumtnt,npneann��n cne�rt.�ay�ng resr►±mUhie f1110�i1��t�}�Cl•i tltlL� ff1lCflflR��fl I�lf F'rn�+err, r,�ry7itRP�C(�:�+rti Althnugh ���
<br /> Lcnder m�� tt��e art+,�n uncfer�his paraYsa��ii 7,! ruder cl��e.nnt hatie t�+dt+�:�
<br /> Anyarn��unt�d��hurtedh� i crtderundtrthi�p;�s�Fra��h''�h�rNt�r.��rr�r.,.t,a�si,�s„�Idt�,�.�� it���r-�«c; .e:ute�lhti thi�
<br /> SCCUfIIt ImtruntcrEt L /IIC�S E�(�fii�U�PS'7l1�I flli�.r �Krer n��+I�l.°t ICffttS t•(�i.ltifll,^' 1.tf:CtiC�:TtS.�ut !�•.'tJl�h:.1t ti�fCtf�( ft�HTt
<br /> tlt� dnte c�� ci�churti�me:u .�� !hc ti���c r,�tc ��ni! �h�t1i ��e {•,i�.�hle• H�th �nrc.rr.t ;,�,��:. �� .t�,r r• .n f e����rr r • !t,•r� �ai•r
<br /> rcyut�t�ng�ayrncnt
<br /> .w�
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