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<br /> � gp� 103�22
<br /> I�NIFORM C'(�YENANTS Bnrrpwer a�d I.ender cov�nanl and a`ree�s fbilows:
<br /> � 1. Pay�t o�PH*ciwl�N i�ten�t;Pirspy�t u/l.�te Cfar�a. Borrower sh�ll promp�ly p�y when due
<br /> the pnneip�l d'and inte�at nn the de6�evidenced by the Nute and�ny pre�yment and late chargcs due under�he Note.
<br /> 2. Fw/r kr Taxw�i���ce. Subject 10 applic�ble!�w or to�written wa�ver by Lendcr.Hanower shall pay
<br /> ta I.ender on the day monthly paymrnts are dut under thc Note, uniil the Nate is paid in tull,A sum ('•Funds")eqwl �p
<br /> oee-t�veMh oP: (s�yesrly qxes �nd usessments which m�y atuin priority over �his 3ecun�y Instrument; (b) yearly
<br /> Ia�eM�ld pryments or Rrcwt�d renta on the Propeny. if any; (c) yeuly hsxard insurance premiums; snd (A) yearly
<br /> mort�e iesurance prcmiums.if any.These items are called'•escrowr uems." Lender m�y estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> bstis uicurrent daiw and resso�sble atimata af futurc escra�items.
<br /> The Funds shall be heW in an instiwtion the deposits or accaunts of wh�c�ara insured ar�wranteed by a federal or
<br /> state ajet�cy(includin�l�ender if Lender is such an institwion). l.ender shall apply the Funds to p�y the escraw items.
<br /> t.endRr may nat char�e tor holding and applyin6 the Funds,an�lyzins the account or verifyma the escrow itema. unks.s
<br /> l.ender p�ya Borrower interat on the Funds and applicaEk taw permits Lende�to make such a charae. 8onower and
<br /> L�der msy ssne io �ritin6 that inter�st shall be paid an the Funds_ Unlesc an aareement is made or appDicablc I�w
<br /> rwwirp intettst to be paid.Lender shall not be requued to pay Banower any interpt or earninas on the Fund�. L.ender
<br /> fMll pve to 8ornoaer.�ithaut charge.am annusl ac�s+alatina of the Funds showina credits and debits to the Fund�and the
<br /> putp�we for MhicA each debit to the Funds�ras made. '1'!te Funds Rre pleda�u addit�unal secunty for the sums secund by
<br /> , t1�Security Instrument.
<br /> lt the amount of the Funds held by l.ender,tc�et�rr with the future manthly psymcnts af Funds psy�ble prior to
<br /> tbt due data of the escrorv items,shaU eacoed the amour.p required to psy�he e^�:�c+w items when due.the eacas shall be.
<br /> at�otro�ver's aption.eithtr prcxnptly repaid ta Barrowez���ct�a6eGed to Borrrr�rr on momhly paymems of Funds. If the
<br /> anaunt of the Funds held by L.endet is not sufficient ta pay the escrnw�tems+.hen dur,[iarrow•er slull psy to Lender any
<br /> amouet necessary to make up the deficiency in one or mRrt paymems as requncr,!by Lender.
<br /> Upon paymrnt in tull cif'all sums�ecurcd by tMs Secuntv Instrument.Q,ender ahall prumptly afund to Burtower
<br /> ang Fund�he{d by Lender. li under para�nph 19 th�e i'ropeny �s sold�r acqusred by l,ender.Lender shsll apply,no lattr
<br /> ih�n immsdiatdy pncir to the sale of Ihe 1'roperty or��s acqu�atea�:by I,ender,any Funds held by l.ender at ehe I�me nf
<br /> spplicat�on as a crcd�t awnst the sumc secyreA hy th�s Secunty la�ssarmcnt
<br /> 3. A//lie�tlo�al P�y�b. E+enYas r�ppl�cable !aw pra�-�des otherv��x,all ps�mrnts rece�ved by l.endu undet
<br /> �+ar�nphs 1�nd 2 shall be appl�ed�6r�t,to latt chaE�es due under the Nc►te,sec�nd,ta prepayment char�ta due under the
<br /> riae;third.to amounts psyable under para�raph 2;foutth.to�nterat due,and tasc,�o pnnc�psl due
<br /> �• C1�e/�l.ka. &mawer shal!psy sll taxes, assesunents,cAarges,t�nes ane!�mpas�tion.c atinbutabk to the
<br /> s,°i'�`aryci�j w,iii,it aTwji 'siiaiir FsiRnsiy vrcf iqis �sun'ty tttalTIIttRtti. ano ieaxnaici pa�-it�its or �rvano 1'C�lil, li i11�. --
<br /> Borrowet shall p�y these ablijaticxes�n�he mannt�ptoveded in�»aaXra�h 2,ar►f nw pa�d�n thst mannrr,8orrower shaU �
<br /> p�y them on time d�reclly to lhe person owed paymtn� Borrow�er shsll promR►.t► furmsh to[.ender sll no��ca nt�maunts
<br /> to be prid ueder th►s pata�ra� lf Horrower mtices ehex payire��9 duectly, E3annwer shall promplly fumuh to Lender �
<br /> rocxiptsevidencinathe pryments. �
<br /> Borro�er shap pramptly d�schar�e any!trn which hss pranty nver th�c Secunty Instrument unless Bor�owrr(s) -
<br /> a�roa tn wntie�to the p�ymrnt aithe c��auon serurai by the lun m a manner ac�egtabk ta Lender,Ib)contests�n�ood —
<br /> faith thr lien by.or deftnds��ntt enforcemrnt ot e he[xn in,kEa1 praceedm6s wrhxh in the l.ender's opnwn opente to -
<br /> pnwent the enforcement ai the hen or forfature of any pan of the Propert�.or(c1 iocures fr�xn the holder of the lien an ���'_
<br /> ageanent satisfictory to l..ender subordinat►n�thc licn to th�s Sec�nty lnstrumen� If L.ender determmea�hat any pan of
<br /> !he Property is subjoei to a I�cn wh�cri rnay atta�n pnanty ovtr ch;s Secunt�- Instrummt. Lender may 6ive i�raw�er a
<br /> notict i�tnt�fyinR thc I�en. BarTOwer shall sat�sfy the I�en or take nne ot mnrt of�he arttnns set forth ati:+ve w��Mn 10 days
<br /> af the�ivin�of not�re.
<br /> • S. Hat�ri I�wrvrce. Borrower shsll keep�he�mprovementx now e�iyt�n�cr hereaner erected an thc Prc�►eny
<br /> insuted asnnst loss by fire,hsurds mrluded w�th�n�he term"extendsd covera�e"and anY ather hazard�fnr wh�ch l.ender
<br /> requires insunnce. Thts�nwnnre shall be ms�n�a��ed �n thc an�uunts and far the penuds tha� L.ender reqwres. The
<br /> insur�nce camer prov�dtnE the►nsurancr shall be chose�i hy Borrower su6lert to Lendar's approval whtch chalf no� be
<br /> unrasona�ly Mnthheid. �
<br /> All msunnce pc�IMxs and rernw�als shail be�.�:cptab{c to I.ender nn� �ch�ll mclude a standud mon�aae clause.
<br /> I.ender ihal)have the n�ht to hold the pe�l�cux and rinewals �r t.�r,s«<���-c+, Horrower shall promptly 6�ve to l.tndet
<br /> all cectipis of pstd prcmtums and ren�wa!not�ces.In the event of lt�ss,Horrower�hall give prompt oot�ce to�he�nsurance
<br /> camer and LenQer.Lendcr msy make prc►of nf lwss�f nut made prampt ly by Hc�rrower
<br /> Untcss L.ender and Borrower otherv►�x agrec�n v►�ntma,uicurance pickteds shsll be�pphed�o restotation or repaer
<br /> of the Property darna�ed,�f Ihe restoration or rep�ir �s economtc�lly feu�blr and l.endtr's�uniy��nos lr,sertcd if�he
<br /> restc+�tic�t��r rt�r�s nc+t n��a€�nuca!!�fr�ble�r 1.rn�s's:;tcunt� x�ulc!!x lrs:,rnrci.s!K:nsurancr p:r;:cc�sh.3!tsc
<br /> applied ta the sums sccured by ahis Secun�y Instrument, whethet c5t na�t ehen due, w�th any earess pa�d to Ho:rnwtt 1t
<br /> Bortower abando�s Iht Pri+�+rtty,w doe,not ar.sr►er withm�f?da�s a notrce from [,ender that�he insuronce carrur has
<br /> offerod to settle s d��m,lhrn Lender m�y coflect�he insurance proceeds l�ndcr may u<e the proceeA4 tv rera�r�r restore
<br /> the Propeny or to pay sums secured by th�s Seeunts Inctrurnent, v►he�hrr ur nm then dut 't'he 30-day penod w�6i heg�n
<br /> when Ihe rapce is E��•e�.
<br /> Unfess I,tnder and Eiorrower othervr�se agree�n wnring.an� appl►cau��n of�+r«•eecf.tc�prine�pai shall nnt extend�r
<br /> postporte the due d�te of the monthl� pa�•mrntti referre�i to m paragraphr, t anci:�r change the amnuai�f th�pa�ments If
<br /> under paragraph Iq the Propeny is acquued by Exnder,&�rr��we�'s rip,ht to a�zy �ntiurance pvhcuti and pr�Kerd< ra,ulting
<br /> fram damage ta the.Property pnur to thr ucyui��tion sha11 pact te►Lender t<�the ew�eni af the tiume se�urc�i h} th�5 Securit� • •----
<br /> Inswment�mmecl�rtrl�pr��r to the aryuumnn
<br /> 6. Pre�erratfon and'�fainteetnce of Praper�;l,taseholdr. Eit�rruwer�hatl nnt destmy,damaqe��r sutniant�ally
<br /> thang+e the �'roperty. altor►� the propert} tn detenc�ra�e ��r cummi� was�e If�h�s Srtunt► irirtrumen► iti on a teauh�+ld,
<br /> Botrower shall camply w�th the�+ra��s�cros of the Ieate.�nd�f Lk�sn�wer a�yu�rec fer utle ti�thc Pn�peny.the lcatsMld:�nJ
<br /> fce Utie shal!not mcrge unless l.ender agrces t��thr mrrger�n wntir►g yr,
<br /> 7. Proteetion of I.Enderb Itig�ts in tht Properiy: �lnrtqaKe trtsurtnce. tf HrttfbKt7 fa�lti t� r+crform �he �«�
<br /> eovenants and ogtrements conta�ned m th�ti Se:uru� In�trurnen[,nr there�.e IeKai rnnee�iu�g that ma� sigmficar�tl� aPfec� �
<br /> � Lender's ng�htc �n thr F'ruy►eny Icu�h a� a firr,ecding m haiikru�tc}. �r��h3te. ft�t iondemr.ahnn ��r s�. enf��nc Giwti <<r ��
<br /> rtgutaqons),then L_eri�irr n�a}Ji�ai►d ra. fnrµh�jtc�cr��ne.etis�r�t��+tt�te.�tr.e tiafue��i thc F'm�rt� anaf 1 cndrr�.np,ht.
<br /> ��l:
<br /> �n tice F'rorerty I.rnarr'c acn��na rns} mri�oe �+ar•�r��anti sumc se:ure,.1 �► a lien WF�.l� ha� Cr�.�r�i•. :��rr th�. ti�-�urit•. ��
<br /> Instrum�nt.appear�n�ui cc�urt pa}�nF ressrnafiie att��rne« feeti and cntennF<�r�the Pr��t+er.., r•,zn:,Me rr�e;r. •1hh���if!-� �tJ"�
<br /> Lendet may takP a,����n un�ter tM�rsravra�+h'. { ;nder d��r�n��t �a.�1.��f, .•�
<br /> At�y am,�unt��f�;t+ue�cd h� l endcr under rh��F,ere�;r.irh 'tih.�11 ►�e..•tn°:!;l.:��i.��,�i' ,!+.^. •�fi,.�r .wPr .P�urr.l h� t�i ,
<br /> Stcur�t} Inc;tuni:�+�t ( nk�.� H.�rr,�w�r�i,d (er,Jcr aFrcr t:�,�the� term���! j-,ititr,c.. . •1�r.c .�m .,�,r, .��sr �,a.�r .,�rr.��• t. .�;
<br /> the �ate �,f ef��hlJfJ,(ttCC!! ... tl�:• �,•t:• �.:te ,�r�.1 �h.��; � ,•.s..�h��• .tii�� ,. ,�rr-.� _�.. , . ��.� I r•..:`� Ft ., ..r
<br /> te;�ur�t�u�;p.��rncni
<br /> �
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