�. ,i� ,,�::j' .t�;�I��S 'R'i'J,.bI '�`�': :,r . .1S" :<ir: '•r�` :p. �� :ii.::` . � .. � .��,v:•:ui� .1,���;,�:.M.F.�,� ��.,�tr.3ia., _
<br /> r 'i.'' '.n �� �l' ,1..' l,.t,�'17•R.r•.i{�:r,.-a ' rn .i.�+� ,� i'.`atl !',.:fL/ (' �1;��'ii��'r:G._
<br /> � - - -r:. -- - - - 'C.`>' - � — — � t�1-s�� --�r.� �l.r.� .._�.
<br /> ;n�-�•�T--tr�F,�r ,°r: - :#t .•z- '.T—Y-7•� ili'.;.1.,.,..::;�:rr.�r—:.�:: .�r:��; •�t�-_-..�. .�- ..
<br /> �. ,n f'-�•-<:, ';Ir" .t.•:-1���ti �•j i: T ,!�i i� .r.: s'`�.;'_,r..._'^ — _ .Y;,i'`� �{r�-,I,rn),aii.�.::�.
<br /> -n. � 4r� , ��'� �.r�-n�,�.. .�'�i� 1ii�... � y�t a'�.)v`t:'.i.i. .;a•��t t l�i, y�+, wy:. •,Pt: 1 1�.:.-_"-._, :r�l;�.•� ;'f!' 1��'r -,_ i:'''tir ."!' k-y,
<br /> f�` ;Z'.s'!: 1?,<< ;f: �:4�:•�$,.,;, t 1� ,f��. f�: ,}.1�-� �'i: i,.. ` � r t��,. ' (.. (:,i�,[c:4-n:a i j.'• ��:����— � j,,�y, � --
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<br /> ____ _. .. :.v-:�:.�'.�.�.��`�LC� !_s1,•,ti,�..�.._..__�IS�:: 4- .�1Ltir:r;J:vl•,,.L'i.}.SL'...1-t�.L �...__-.r;S!•.S'_C.,t,�:!_l'��,ti».�t � rk�� .=`!��.� /��^ r �,1:. ��"s �'
<br /> - 1._c;.�r.._....{:.::.:.i1.r...._...... r'� - _ _,!_ __ .:;:f�i1��..._—_
<br /> � �
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> � UNIF'(1RM�:OYGNANTS Iior�ow•rr and Lender c��ti�cnant and agcee as fullo�►,: 90°��3 5��
<br /> 1. Pay�t ot P�incipal nnd Interat;P�ep�yrncnt�nd l.xte Chuges. Bor�awr�shull p�umptly paa wficn dur
<br /> the principsl oPand intrrest on Ihr drbt cvidenced hy tt�c Notc and un� prepay�ntent�+nd latc chargcs duc under t t�c Natc.
<br /> 2 cL�-isr'��*t�e!u!tr..!►.R��, S,�h;rr�tn aQnlicnWe la�r nr to a K•ritte�i�ai�er b!'Lrndrr,&�r�o�er�h;►fl l+a4 —
<br /> � to�.enckr nr►tlic day rnunEhl} pa}c�ients r►re dut under ttic Note,unti!tha Note is y�aid�n fuU,a�um("Funds'1 cyu�l to
<br /> an�-tv►rltth uf: ta) yearly t�xcs and acsessments �,•hieh ma}� attain priont}• o�er �his 5ccuriq• fn�trumrnr, 1n) >c��rly�
<br /> IasehaW �+ayments or around renas on �he Property. iP any; (c) yearly hazard insurance prem�ums; und (d) �'early
<br /> mortja=e insurance premiums�if any. These itrms�re cAlicr!"cxrow itrms."Lendrr may estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> l�a.sia e�f'current d#!�anci�easanabk atimates aPfuturc escrow items.
<br /> The�unds sh�ll be held in an institution the depasits or accounts of which are insured or guarantecd by a fedcral nr
<br /> atate ajency (includin� i.ender iP Lender is such en institution). Len�ler shpll apply the Funds to pay �he rscrow �tems.
<br /> l.ender nui} not char�e for hotdina anJ applying the Funds,Analyzing the account nr��erifjing the eccr�v►item�, untess
<br /> l.ee�er pays�o�rower interest on the Funds Rnd Applic�ble Isw� permits Lendrr to make such a charge. i3arrnwe�a�Td
<br /> [.ender may y�ree in w•ritina that ieteress shail ba paid on ihe�unds. Unless an agreemcnt �s made or applirahlc law
<br /> , requi�es intetat to be paid, 4ender shalt not be requirtcl to psiy Borrow•er any intc�est or c�amings on thc Funds. Lender
<br /> ' sh�ll�ive ta Boca�cn�►er.vvuhout charge.�n annuaf nccounting of the f�nds shov►iog crcditc und debits to the Funds und the
<br /> purpose for wh►c�e�a+ch�it to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged As additiona!scti:urit��for the sums secureci b��
<br /> this Security tnstrument.
<br /> If thc atnou�t aF the Funds held by Lender,together with thc fuwre monihly �ayment�of I'und�payahle prirr ta
<br /> ' ihe due datd of the escraw items,�haU exceed Ihe amoun�requ�r�d t��ay the escro�v iserns when d�e,the c�cesc shall be,
<br /> at Horruwer's aptio�,either promptly rcpaid to Borti:.�er t�r creclited to BotroM•er on mot�,�ly paymcnts of Fundc. 11'�he
<br /> amount of the Funds held hy I.endtr i�nat suffic�cat ta pay thr rscrow itcm�whcn due.Aorrow•er�hall pay to l.ender nny
<br /> amount n�cesuiry to make u�thc deftcicncy in one nr more pa��ments as reqairrQ�y I.endrr_
<br /> U�wn paymrnt in fuN a�f al!sums secured hy th�s Security lnstn�ment.Ixader shall prc�mptly refund te�Rc�rruwer
<br /> any Fundc heM by l,ender. tf�nd�r paragraph 19 the Pra�xr9y�s Mld ur acyutt�d hy I.rnder.Lrndcr shal)apply,uo later
<br /> than immediatdy prior to the sale�f the�'ropert�or itc aryuic����c�b� l.cndcr. �ny Pund�hcid bp Lcnde� at the time��f
<br /> applisation as a�reciil againsi the�ums srcured hy�h„Srcurny Ir�strumz�;t
<br /> 3. AMlintio�atPaywents. tJnlesc applics�ble lax�p•�nides other�ece. all pa�mems rece��ed h�• I.ender un�ier
<br /> para�nphs!ynd 2 shals he appi�ed:flrxt.to late chargcc dur under the N�te,c�:,�ad.t�prcpayment rhargr�duc under Ihc
<br /> ' No�t;�hird,tuxmo�nts payxble under paragr�ph 2;four�h,�c�intcre.l c1ur;and Irst,t��pnncipal due.
<br /> 4. 41ur�es; IAens. Rnr�av►er ch�,+,l��-al!taxcc,ac�cmem�.4harR�. fian and �m�m�tions ac�nbutuble tn the
<br /> 1'ropeny w�h�ch anay attain pnant} �urc thu �ur�ty Inetrurncnl, and Icacchold p�}rtx�cnts ar �t�und rentc. �f any. .
<br /> Aortuwer sh�ll�s�shese ohhgati�ns in thc m�nncr pr����dcd rn pa�agraph�,��r if nut�aid i7 a'h�t mannrr, [ic�rt�wer shall
<br /> pay them on�imr d�rectly u►�hc{+ersc»�owcd p:�ymcm fi�rrower sh•rll�mmptly t'umivh t��1 rndcr�11 nrniccs��f nmountc
<br /> to be�id under slr�s par�gtarh If I��r��wcr m�kr�thrcc�+ay�mrntr d�rccU�, I�nrn►v►•rr sh�ll pr�mPtly furn�ch to�cndcr �
<br /> receiptc evi�cnrb�n,�tihe�ayments.
<br /> .t.._c�........ t.._.....,..�.. ....�...a u.........�.._�_�
<br /> - �---- wiii�::c:�.vii)..tr�nEni�viS�t~wigc wi�r iiai��::i�ii iis'i j��a�.ij i..::�.u..a..n•�. •�.o.v..�a... �..r..r..n......... -. -...
<br /> " . <i��
<br /> a6recs in wnt�n�tothe E+aymcnt oFthe ubi�gal�on sctiurr+f hy thc I�cn m u msnner acccptaMe tr Ixnder;Ih)cc+ntc.ls m�c�xi - '
<br /> fai�h Ihe lien h��. .r.r defrnciv a�ainct enfi�rce:nrnt af�hr hen m,leg�l�+t�k��ecluiF+whi�b�n�he Lender'c opintan uperate to
<br /> prevent the enfarcemcnt uf she l�en ar !'�rfeuure ui'any p�n uf the 1'rupr�n�,.�r tc)tiecurer from the h��lder of the hen an -
<br /> pareement sat�sPs�cl�r)t��l.ender cuM►�,inal�ag!hr!«n ro 1hi�tiecunty in�trument li l.ender determinev that aoy pan crf ==+
<br /> the fRopeely �c sublecl to a I�en v►h�ch m�} aua�n �rinnt� �ner Ih�ti tiecunh In�trumem. I en�cr may g�.c li�urawer a =
<br /> not�ce xlenlifyinR lhe ben.tinrr�wrr.hall+ahcf} the licn��r tJI�C 1�11C I+i(11Uf�l��IF1C dl'lll�Tl�tfl I��f1A JIh1\p Nlltllll IU(I��S •��
<br /> o!'thc R�vin���f nat�ce.
<br /> S. Naurd l�furaect. I��rr�M�er�hall lecp�he�n�pn�.cmrnt.n��N e1c�t::n���r hrrraftcr crectcd�m�hc Pr��pert�
<br /> insurtd ug�inst l��s�b�fi�c,hazar�ts mrludcd v►ithuti thc term"rattndcd ce��rragc"anci an��tithrr li�rasd�for atn.h I.eader
<br /> reywres msur�nct "fh�s m�ur:�nre tihall t+r maintauied �n the .nnaunt� and f��r thr �►cn�xi� �ha� 1 ender rcawrec fhe
<br /> insurance curner prmid�ng thc�n.urancc �h:�ll ht�h�wen h} 13tvtt+wet ♦uh)c�1 tu Lcnder'. arrrt���l ahi�h �hall nc,! I�e
<br /> unrc�scsnxb{y v►�thhclA.
<br /> .Al)�muraurr�x�iutrs�ud renex-�I�vhnl! t+c acrcptahl: t�� I cn.tet .�tid�f�aii in�luctc a �tauat,�td nr�»�Fage�l.�u�c t
<br /> I.endcr shall ha�e thc nght tci hnld thc Fxrlt►7rti and rcnE•�als If I.rndcr rcc�wrr+. &+tr��xcr.hal1 p►uniptly E;��c li�1 cndcr
<br /> all rece�,ptsc�f�+aui prem�ums:�nd rrnew•al not�cn It�the etiem��f lu�+. fi��rr�+wcr�haN gi�r t�r��mrt n�31i.c ti�the m�ur.�n.•r
<br /> rarnrr and Lcndrr l.cndcr m��m�kc�nK�f��f I�i«if nrt msdc pnu»pU►h} N�*rn�wrt �
<br /> Unless l.cndcr and Hc�rrnxer nit�ctN��c a�trc�c m wt�tuig.rn.urar,�r rr�w rcd��h:,ll hr ay�rlccYl<<��e�toratinn i�r rei�a�r
<br /> of thc Yroperty dam•r�cd.�k thc rc,taratu�n ur rrpair ►�,econ��m�c.►Ih fra.ihJe:u:.� 1 cndc�'�.crur�t} ��nc�t Ir�.ceird if thc
<br /> ' restorauon ur rrF►:ur i�ruu r�nna�rrucn3ly fcatiiblc ur 1 rn�fcr'.�eruttt� u��utit hr 1r��rRirJ. thc in,uramr�r«crd��hall fK
<br /> � r�ppleeci to thc s��n.is scv�urc�i bti th�s Sceur�ty in�trumcnt, whcther ���r nrs fltien dtic. with am ut�rc� �.aid te+ Fk�rmwcr !f
<br /> 8oir�tvrtr ah:u�tl��rk 6tsc I'r���xriy.�u�4uc+nuf ro��w�rt NIIlllli 3(�day��i +���hcc fc�nn t.rndrr that :hc �tt�utun�c tarrcrt t�a.
<br /> oA�trtd to cettle a riatnt, then 1 ender tzi.►y crlleii thc tn�utln�r��rixrcdti ( en�icr ma> urc the pr�ncrd�<<�rr3�:�it c�r rc�t nre
<br /> tht�'rup:rt} ur t��par �?im��ccurrd hy in�s Sccunt+• trti.�rumc�ti�, Nhcthrr �+�'!2 't IISCC ltUC Il�e =(t�+]s� ti�ri�nf uil! hr�«
<br /> �a��:�a the nntirc ts eitirn
<br /> Un1csSL�etdcta�zd Ei��trnwrt c�tt:rr.7+rt�r:rcrcc�iz wnunr;.�r:► e��rh�.�tu�r���f pnar.cif��r,nr�nc.i�.�l.lul}nnt c�tctid i+r
<br /> post�I�e tht ciu<<{atr r�f the rnc•nthty rattuent.rcfttrctf�i�in�+arai,raph� i atu!<<�r.'rmr.c trit:arn��unt�•f tlTe��a�rr.etit� IF
<br /> un�ler paragraph Ip Ihe 3�r��E+CSty�s a�yuirEJ h} [ rndrt. H��tt��wer'��i�h! t�.�1r,� ui.uran,c��uh:�c�.�nc3 Gv���ee.l�ce�ultin�
<br /> fmm damage t�the Ym�rt� pn�+r t�,r:;c acyu►��si�+n tihsl!F+atiti ci�1 tndes t,�thc ratctit�d ih�•rtu�i;�r.utrJ hg ttur 5<<ui�tt
<br /> Instrumcnt lmmcdsitclti ��ru�r tu thc a,ywri�er.n
<br /> 6. Presrrvatinn and�faintcaanccof 1'�oprrty;I.Caschnlds. li�}rsuarr�t�.ilf i���t�1c�tr� �.�far,;.i�c��r�uh�iJfShJII�
<br /> rhangr tltC i'r���rr��,ali��w (hc f'tu�rty 1��cdeteni�rstc ��r �innneit ��etitc lf rhi� �r.unt� lrntruiiicnt i..�1� a �r.i.;•hnl�. _ .�.._._.
<br /> &urower�hallr��tnrlywnhth::pr����.u,n�i+ltheie.►�e.,o�idifN��rn�ucr,i.yuic�,ter+:�:�t,�n�c9'�,,��rsy thr :e.,;ch�.!d.md �
<br /> fcc htic shall not mcs�tc u�lcs�!c��cirr agrccc tu ihc mer�.:1 1(1 l4(i1111�:
<br /> 7. 1'rntcrtinn of I.ender's RiKhts ln thc f'roperh: �furtRa�c Insurance. lf H:��r��:nrr }.��1. :.� ��rrtrrrn thr
<br />� l'111C11iitDlGiltlll8f.,`TfC111f111�1t�11�Jt111'l�{ftItllStif•illfll\ �11\(ft1111C11[. �'f(F!'fC I�d':k.f�f�`f�qC:.�l(I�!f�}.t� II>,}� �.Ir'[l�ll�.tlll�} ;tf�t"tI
<br /> lent3ec'� righl� �u !hr 1°t„pettr (�ui}� �� .� (�tn,i�dtn�! in h.iui,au{•t.�. {,r��ti;str i��r .�,u�lrinn.,t��•u , r +�•rs�f����c L�u. ��r
<br /> repul�tt��u>►.thers I riidei ms+� ci��tend�+a� frr��h:�!ctirt iti ne.r.�.:r� t���•r��tc.��hz�.ilut•,�;thc l'r��;�:�rt� .iud! a•u,4rr .ri��ltt�
<br /> (R 1�1L' {�Zt�(�C(11 �CI1(�Cf��.l�ll��ll� [lidt 11!��Ut�C ��.l�Ili�,', dlt� .ttll.•�;��ufcij "�l .� ��tl, »f����� �Y.i� �.ti�•I:Pt �•.i't t���. 1•i t:t{!� �.
<br /> � Ii�cirumrnt..7���C'df�il�'itlil+ll{(. ��.5�111�(CS�•�ti.l�`�CJ(Il�ttli« 1CC`+:t11t�C�l!L'��Il��+tltfl:' {�1;��':2l� (.'�ti.tA� 7C(.slf. h�IF1 �U4'��
<br /> l.tncictm,�y taAca�nnnumfcrthi���.�r.y�.t���h' I rrdcr�f.�rrm�t 1i,i�r1�-�t •�-� j
<br /> �1ny ar+ir�:astt�Ji�hunrd hy 1 cltJcr uncf�.•r tM����r.�t:t�ph��h.�ll f+:. �un� .�,1�1it� �n.:�.Ic'�t. � 1{ .�r, ui i � �:����t'�� t!��� t.
<br /> SCCCIIII} �11�1TUITtI'fll � Ci�l'�l��i�li��lLlt ,�Il�t �i!IiI• C.!p;f�,�•1��.�f��YC Ic'f1Pt.�• j.,,�"�1 ' •V: . .lh� :.1. ., �.� � t' !� '��(•' 1.••�{•• ��
<br /> i�it (�.iia ��i �ii,f:ii,•.'Itftiii .�: Itn ��•L• i.tic- .�ni) .)�_�ii i•i' ��.��.�.•:c �ai'�� � i. .,.t � � � . , f-. � i . �,6 • �; •� .�.�� � �, �
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