I 111(•,I
<br />89- 100151.
<br />WIS TRUST DEED, made this 1 n t.it day of 1 a ntA a c v ,19 8 9
<br />be and between:
<br />(A) Clarence P retsgh Linale oer ;ls
<br />.. _,whether one or more, herein•
<br />after called "Trustor" whose mailing address is 1724 Freedom a r L v e
<br />Grand Island, NE 68803 and
<br />(B)
<br />Howard E. Tracy. attorney -at -law as "Trustees, whose mailing
<br />address Is 706 West Koani4 St., Grand Island, NE Seoul and
<br />(Ci) Northijasth IVs* i nrka 1 BZnt.
<br />as "Boneficlei " whose mailing address is
<br />2008 No. Ue617 Road, Grand Island, NE See, Q3
<br />WITNtSSErlrl: Vlvat.Trustor, in considerattep. far« Ono iorrart itt 00) ini other vatuable consideration receipt
<br />wllrec►f ft$ I "g szitKl awledgWi; grand fri, ecoweys, seVi and wotrrranis to Trd'stee, In trust; with power of safe, kNel
<br />followlntrl>I�ertbnallklit®ct tlm . ► 1 County, Nebraska:
<br />Il;+t Fif> t';(/35)„ art Bar, Acres 5ivizdivisi.¢ T r, 'I,scT=LT Cw tyn Nebraeka.an'd
<br />t :told Ra,.,tti or.palmla -2 cf"Lat Six (6) of driq� 0unty Subdivision uf'the northwest Quarter (NW#) and the
<br />1iUait Half of the NortPvsyst Quarter (WANE#) of Section Five (5), in Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10),
<br />iJest of the 6th P.M.,tnore particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the present highway
<br />right of way fir--, 534.8 feat North and 50.0 feet east of the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of
<br />said Section 5, running hence due north, parallel with the West line of said section 204.0 feet, running
<br />thence due east, 3.0 feet; running thence due north, parallel with the west line of said section, 21.8 feet,
<br />running thence North, 59 degrees, 001 east, 143.3 feet, running thence south 5 degrees, 32 minutes east,
<br />306.0 feet, to the present highway right of way line, running thence south 55 degrees, 22 minutes West, along
<br />the highway right of way line, 120.4 feet, running thence north 34 degrees, 38 minutes west, along the
<br />highway right of way line, 91.8 feet, to the point of beginning.
<br />The intention being to convey hereby In absolute title In tee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />elnwwr
<br />�•. t�n�n�.�t� hall rlN • yE� wwa tb rrvI Uu•�� , llviure� , ntL al= ar.
<br />vrvwr. t•• wxtw :3fte.a
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of _sixty Four Thousand jii no /loo Dollars ($ 64.000.00 )�
<br />i as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of Interest thereon w4fch may hereafter be paid
<br />E
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed! both principal, sum and Interest thereon i being payable according
<br />to terms set forth In said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficlary or at
<br />` such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal. and interest, If not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the lst day of April 1 g 89
<br />r
<br />. * Except as this note may be extended, rerieWed or modified in Writing.
<br />Trustor and 8eneficlary cover>r mt and agree as follows:
<br />t. tCaltbll� M TNI*. Tni*la N WhNy salute of NiO Property; ft Itas Nhe sight Ana
<br />pate —,"WHY te sad Alm convey Ifta P►operty; the Prap*rey N 1rSe aim char a all
<br />Nana hid anaueMatices aacapl Yew now of rewn % and Trustor will wafraM and
<br />dMMd OW IN% b the "011001Y unto the ThW" and Its auoceseors and aeslghe
<br />fpevar, 292MO the t*"o of ail persona. Trustor, at its expense, wen r1tslAlaM sap
<br />pe+"Iee Nte Nen a IfiNa Trthst peed M a Nan upon IM TrtiN prsPsrty at�aet sly to
<br />MGNIIbrollCee adNllld M of the dais hereof. will 9"" this Trust Dead. hid each
<br />MIMdIhdM a agplseuM MaNO. 10 be filed ate racordM Se a mon"Of of the
<br />Tfwl Praparty M such maetnss and M sad+ pMee; and will lane each OMSr action Y
<br />te N1O epbtlaa of TA,eMe shay M ngafrad bf arty proeent or futwe Nita M ardor W
<br />PWMCL MOWAO a And protect the Yen of this Trust Dead, as the "m* may be from
<br />tMyt0NAMSWAWj MOrsupplaMMted.
<br />Z. PftM M of P*W*d "tad UNNOL Trustor a" punctually pay the pelnclpal of,
<br />Gild IMala 0 AIL AGM Mfretsaary A44O includlny any advances mwseb as ptarlded
<br />ANNA sn Bte der" our M me time and M dal ~Aer pr, At am" ate will
<br />b1a111rI11a11E call M OOIMebMM wish IMS (faMacibA�OVM10M W aAy MhM "cOrMy
<br />1 IblMAaeM rest YaOMeaMSS M Pwprly. Tneta will not commit any waste
<br />then the property alb *fill, at all lisim "nitsin the faille in good order aid
<br />asadow and WIN Blslta, from MAO to lbhe, ail fepatrs, renewals. replacements.
<br />addow A" a" OLaA Wit WNdf we tewnaWy resulted to 0~1 waste.
<br />YlpslrlasAf, a atAtellsrNlon M Bald proOssfy. No building or Improramen t now or
<br />tternnw ere PI toffee /M M*Wfp ,heal DO Altered. rsnforad or OsImWIMad
<br />wflltafd the P1ter tydltea oortseM a faaefleJary.
<br />a iawaee N Pte,arly. to cage a any drtwga to, a deatfuclkn of, the buNdW4W
<br />IsWmk*MWAO a OWS&W MIAMI! COMMi W4 part•ae the Trust Property, wnmhw
<br />seen IM is aavaied by L"W~ or o"WWW. rMstor. of ire am coal hid
<br />arIMI1Se, tslN proayly testa*, fapaY, nPYC +and nbuiW fen ealhe ae nwy M
<br />PfaNbtlte la Maaerldbbn MU,waMJy prior b eueh dalmAga a aeetnacfkn cr wflh
<br />r� �.— w «w,....r ••vwM .,..y u.�•i, r,,JRgltial* p!'7JfLa0 1YC11
<br />af1MDY w do wwwo d* not modMMNp loam the vahN and 66* of such No Wor to
<br />will Om c* dOMW a -1 ni an�T shall be Its a to rte from the
<br />Trustee leftsell" M we me Mswance procaago aadwised of TfM"W but ally b
<br />Ye setAM sd ehO aiepw awe aIMIIdM wren Ytsa potielon.
<br />L CwPom * TowW. it Theater N e corporation. It will 60 sit things rMCMeary to
<br />pasha
<br />Ma naletwMIen.
<br />L 6WWNSen Tn OW. N era Oxaplee, win nwilisin with inkmor, OWO"d by
<br />fea ftkmV wAkOW40 with resaact t0 tier Improvements and personal proWy,
<br />eefwlWANO the Property aSWrrl;o" by fie. lightning, tornado. and other pare*
<br />000aned M stsnetard exteA*M carsrap andonsament. In an unouh, a" to at
<br />faaa ate favndled pefeeM M IM full IOOMCawent value thereof. and to wtanca
<br />downw such ww hA.-S ad M Mich eraouel N IA customarily carried by ow w:
<br />ate operators N emalsr MOO*dlee end as f neficlery msy requfe foe Its
<br />Ill"ACt'" TIM" wls COnyfy ehff such ofller f0sultNnen95 M @*Wklery may
<br />a,sa Yale M MO r WMW ter the prolaciim by ~&rice of Ihe Intar"I at the
<br />reapsotM partlee. All insurance poklsf maintained pursuant to this Trust Dead
<br />a" nwm Trustee am BeMllewyes insums. " their respective iMaretts may
<br />appear. and provtde that share &hail tae no COMMIAllon of modification without
<br />fltIm days prior throw nollfkatlon to Trusts* end Bettetkfasy. In ate cant any
<br />poky ttareunder it IM rehewad On Of bass fifteen days prior to Its expirefion
<br />date, Trusla* or Beneficiary may procure such Insurance ON the Bost there" ahetl
<br />be added to the Joan "cured by this Trust Deed and owl bass Inter*et at the
<br />gnaw W Ihe MlAreal rate apedflad IhareMl
<br />Of the Mglleet IOWAN rate Wthorlfad
<br />by Ihe taws Ot iM Glen* 01llebfaaba. Tlugta *hail OaNv*r to aerNlklsry the algNal
<br />pofkfee a Jnwrance ate rettaeefe Nrrea er nteato captee M suen�owclss and
<br />renewals thereof. Failure to furnleh MAwance by Ttuslor, or renewals as ~ad
<br />hereunder shall. at the ocean a Ben Ile constitute a defwit. AN unearned
<br />prsmlrme are hereby seasoned to Trustee " affditlof M Security and s eels and
<br />Lpnveyance of the Property by the Trustee Mill operate to convey 10 the purchaser
<br />iha T /�stq'a tnla/Ms wand t0 ail policies of insurance upon the Tryst ROperty.
<br />7 Taxis and A""alasAte. Trusla shell pay all taxes and special ass"emente
<br />levied or assesam against Of due upon the Property before delinquency. and will
<br />deliver to Beneficiary copies of receipts showing paymenl of such taxes and
<br />apOClal aasatafllants if Beneficiary shalt so request. Truster agrees that there shelf
<br />be added to each periodic payment required to be made hereunder an amount
<br />estimated bit Truster 10 be sufficient to enable Tfustor to pay, at I#"1 1g depot
<br />befoia delinquency, an taxes. Ol""MOnla of other public charges agalMt the
<br />Trust Property. the Notre secured by !his trust Dead, or upon account of the debt or
<br />the Ilan of this Trust Dead, together with premiums tot Insurance result" to be
<br />Provided under this Trust Deed and no interest shall be payable to Trustor in
<br />respect thereof upon demand by Trastas Trustor shalt louver to Tnn:se such
<br />additional sums of money as are ne2s3301Y co MOO up any dettctancy in the
<br />amounts necessary to anabM' trust" to pay any Of the tonvoing its".
<br />IL Add111MN LMM- Trustor shall snake, Off payments of interest and prsncipal and
<br />PSYMnts of any mile, charges, teas, anti O=pens" COnfracled to Oa a" 14'_nly
<br />61110119 lien 1101011t* or pilot beMtictafea under any prior Trust Deed, Mortg oe Or
<br />~aacurlty sweement, before 11496ate they are delfbIl uMi and to pay any other
<br />Cleft which looperdfZee the aecurhygr:arW herein.
<br />ff. P1INGIW N 11110fth arl/a Security. Should Trustor'feli to make any payment.
<br />fall 10 do any act as herein provided, or If any action or proceo" Is comthi need
<br />which malerlaly allwa seniffklsev's interest in the Prop". Including, but not
<br />"mite* to, WnWAKt domain, IneWvency, erianwwts of PrWA dlge Itifflow g a
<br />e ssivapl Of d*t *0011, than Benefi i*fy a Trustee but without obflgi tion fo do ea,
<br />Ord without nor oO to or demand upon Traatot, and without nee"Ing Ttusaw from
<br />Arw obligation hereunder, may Mae* a 60 Ma soma, and may pay. Wt_hese,
<br />coritail of clunpromife any MW War", charge or Ilea, which in the jwdW.*A) of
<br />*filler appears to Affect said Property; In aserNUng any such powers IM
<br />Banenclary or Trustee may incur any liability end expand whatstw amounts.
<br />Including disbursements of te*eonabe attorney* fees, wnlch In their absolute
<br />dfactollon, may be necessary try the event that Trualor shall tali to procure
<br />Insurance or to pay taxes. and special assessments at to make any payments to
<br />0x1611119 Of prior lien holders a (eMeticlafles, the Bens tciety may ortxute such
<br />Insurance arW make such payments All sums incu.ted or expanded ny flanericlary
<br />or 1ruslea in accordance with file oso.iatons of mire trust Elow are asuuw heraby
<br />i
<br />4.�
<br />