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4 WARRANTY DEED 2 0 0 0 O l J 9 <br />W That Grantors, Douglas C. Luth and Sherri L. I.uth, husband and wife, <br />and Rick S. Johnson and Patricia A. John!-on, husband and wife, in <br />consideration of the sum of One Dollar 1:1.00) and other good and <br />valuable consideration, receipt of which is :hereby acknowledged, convey <br />to Omaha Paper Stock Company, .no., a Nebrasi.a Corporation, Grantee, the <br />following described real .estate (as define.t in Neb. Rev. Stat. Sec. <br />76 -201) in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />Plat of a tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter <br />(W1;2 NEI /4) of Section Fifteen ;151, Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th P.M., In Grand Island, Hal) county, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described is follows: <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter (Wl /2 <br />NE1 14); thence southerly along the east line of :.aid We-t Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter (WI /2 KE1 /4), a distance of Six Hundred Thtrty Two and Three Hundredths <br />(632.D3) feet to the southeasterly right -of -way line of U. S. Highway No. 30; <br />thence deflecting right 64'30'20" and runninq southwesterly along said right -of -way <br />line, a distance of Eighty Eight and Sixty Four Hundredths (8c.64) feet to the <br />ACTUAL place of beginning; thence continuing southwesterly along the last described <br />course, a distance of One Hundred :orty Six and Ninety Seven Hundredths (146.97) <br />feet: thence deflecting left 58 °08'32" and running southwesterly, a distance of One <br />Hundred Fourteen and Faur Tenths (114.4) feet to a point of curvature. thence <br />running southwesterly alorg the arc of a curve whose radius is 756 feet (the long <br />chord of which deflects left 03'10'54" from the last described course) a long chord <br />distance of Eighty T.Nree and Ninety Six Hundredths (63.96) feet; thence deflecting <br />left OVIV S4" riom the long chord of the last described curve ind running <br />southerly, a distance of Three Hundred Forty Four and Sixty Two Hundredths (!44.62) <br />feet; thence .reflecting left 90'00' and running easterly, a distance cf One Hundred <br />Fitty (150.0. feet; thence deflecting left 90'00' and running northerly, a distance <br />of Six Hundred Five (605.0) feet to the AcrUAL place of beginning and ccntainir:g <br />1.930 acres more or less. <br />Grantors covenant with the Grantee that Grantors: <br />1. are lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from <br />encumbrances except easements, covenants, and restrictions of <br />record; <br />2. have 1 al pffs awful authority to convey the same; <br />3. warra ,t and nd the title to the real estate against the <br />1awf 1 claiersons. <br />DATED _ V 2000. <br />Dough C� t her L . u <br />hick S. ohnao.i Patricia- A. Johnson <br />SPATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The for!'going instrument was acknowledged before me on u <br />'_COG, by Douglas C. Luth and Sherri L. Luth, husk6and and <br />wife . N0 <br />GEWL � i� ARY -Slaw if K& Aka Q <br />STATE OF <br />Pq �� •L.IL� �.� <br />JOHN R. BROWN <br />My Comm. Erp.Sept6, a y Public <br />NEBR , <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on 3 <br />_1_2000, by Rick S.Johnscn and Patricia A. Johnson, husba d and <br />wife. <br />E1L11 JOHN A. BR of Nfe� L <br />JOHN K. BKOWN11. <br />4-:1- My Comm. Exp. Sept6, otd ry Public <br />W <br />Q co <br />Z <br />0 <br />is <br />"a <br />0 <br />F"a <br />G <br />Fw <br />