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<br /> wNioh Is a'�M�fad�nd M��O uiW�r 1M iwra ol M1� U11idd �M of M1wka .arW whos��ddn��b
<br /> ' �0�4 1111Nt T1�Md ilrwt Arand Ntand. N�6ra�k� di�01 p'tw�dw'�.
<br /> , . Oonvwu awM l�1h�piro�M wm M Th3elv TMN T1�ou�and Nitf� Huetdr�d and 00/10�
<br /> �s N..�..i 3s.l00.00 f. Thls drbl M �id�ad b�r Banow��raw dM�d tM wn�dM�a etiir 9�awlry knin�n«M
<br /> . �'1�1oW'�.wWoA P�afdM lo►n�aiMMy ay�nwib. w11A tM Il�i d�b�.�not pMd wrMr.�a�W p�rbb an 7-1-20
<br /> ' � TAM�axQy InMn�nMM MaKM lo Undw: (a�tM npMnwN of tM d�Dl Md�no�A by th�NoN. wNh i�A�'�st, �nd Y i'�mw�M,
<br /> Y�eNioi�M�d mOdAoworu: (p)1M Pry�n�eK W M ollNr�x�.wNh In�iwMl.�aMr�o.a�a.►�ar,n e w aa.a u�...�„�y a
<br /> thN�a�cly►M+.In+�n«N:.nd(c)1�.p�r�onn�no.a earo�w.r. oo�►«+.nts ane�qn.nNnu w+da aas s.a�ley In.w+NnwN.nd a+.Ha..
<br /> For tlti�purpoM.�on+oww doM h�nby nwrf�,pMt�n0 oorn�y to TrwtM wNh pow�r W S�M. th� toiow�ep d«alr�d prq�y .
<br /> Ioo�Md In__H�q �y;
<br /> ; �Tw�nly�ZO_j.__ir� Oa�a�ri�q subdivlston� In thir City o! �
<br /> . � Counly. N�bra�ka ,__ �
<br /> ��.
<br /> � ..
<br /> � '
<br /> � Thi� b a PurchsN Mon�y pNd of Truit
<br /> w�ach n..a+.aadre.s a-- —�36 E. Oodas � p�� ��
<br /> (Shett) I�K)'1•
<br /> -- �� 68d01 sl��
<br /> (54te) C���tY AddtNS'�:
<br /> izo cwe� �s::
<br /> , TOOEIFIER WITH aN tM fniprov�nMnb now a Aaa�ltv r�a�d on tM � �,�.
<br /> roy�MM�. n�t�1i. W and P�ti+P�4Y.v►4 Y Mswn�nts.dpttb. �ppu�t�nant�ws. nnts.
<br /> 4���+d D►eMs.w�tw ti�Qhh�nd Mock and Y Rbuns naw a MrwR�r • Wr1 ot tM proprrtr. N
<br /> , npyown�Na and �ddlbn�shY allo M car�r�d by tNis S�axky kt�s�rt�n�r►L N of fM torpnip ia tM�rt�d to tn N�ss Seaxfy
<br /> iMht�n�rN ss th�"Ph�oprry".
<br /> . 90f�i0'YYER COVENANfS thit 8orrowrr i�i�wluly s�iz�d ol th��sfat�Mr�by cvnv�yW�nd Aq th�ti�he t0 mortg�g�,gant�nd
<br /> . CO+W�Y th�P1'o�ty and f�d th�Drc�+erty I+S e�nc�.sre�xe�. txt�i i�rtstsus�rss�ca�s•t r.tasd. 8arrowir v►arranh and wi�e��
<br /> , q�w�l tM YW 10 tM PrOpM'ly ap�iut M CWrt'N Nd d�nrnds. uiD�d lo M1y�naxnbrr►C�s 4f ntord.
<br /> 1. ParylmNlt pf PMnCipN, IntK��lt snd Lat! Cha►p�. BaROw�r ihY p�y whf� du�th�prinCpai Ot, and Int�r�st on.
<br /> fl�e aets.rio�r,c.a by u�.Ha.u,d aa ch.rQ.. a,•una�►tn. n+we.
<br /> Z• Moethly Paynn�nt� of Taxt�, la;r�wanc� snd OthK Charqss.eorrow«ena� r►duas in e.cn moncnb wr�r.
<br /> t�th�t wilh ths prYfc�t and ht�r�s� as sM furth in ih� Not��nd any wt� chrrpes, an instairrNnt ot�ny (a) t�ucq and specwl
<br /> asNSS+n�nts NviW ar!o b�Nvbd�p�irts!th� Prop�rty, (tt) Ie�sehotd p�yrnKets a yeound renta or� th�Piropwty, and (c) prerr�iums ta
<br /> in�xwtc�nquind bY Pan{�aP!►�. '"- _---_'
<br /> E�ch monthty inslalrmnS!cx klma (�), (b)and (c) sh�equa!ono-tweltth o! the annuai urrounts, �s �etsombFy eatirneted by le�der.
<br /> ptw�n arnount su}�.�►t to m�intaln an at�ticx�al �at�nc�at npt more than ono-sbcth of th�estirtr;ed�mounts. The fuY u�nusl amount
<br /> fa Nch Kan si�M�CCUmul�ted by ler:cF�withln�pe�iod cndin�or,e month belae�n Rem would bet:oir►e delinquent Lerder shoY
<br /> hdd the amounis eaN�cted fn trust to pay items (�}, (b)snd (c)b�etae tyey becort�s delinquent. �
<br /> H it rny ti�fN th�totN of the payments hekl by Lendar iqr Kems (�), (b�. ��t �c), together wrtn the l4,r;e monthty paymenta 4or
<br /> Lsuch i4tms p�yaWs to LertctK prior to the due d�tes of such items. exaeeds by more than one-sixth the estimyted umount ol
<br /> p�ym�nts rpvind to pty such Nems when due, and H payrnenta on the Note�re current, theR lender sMR e'rtha retund the excess
<br /> over aiasixth ol the esiim�ted M1-
<br /> psyments or Credit the cxcess over one-sLcth o1 the estirrwted payments to s�bsequent payments by Yn
<br /> 94t�o:Ker. et tha eptiar. t! $crrawe,r, ti tAe totrii o1 ti�e{�symenta macte by Borrawer for item (a). {D), ar (c) is insuNcient to pay the �
<br /> item�rhen due, then $onower shaN pay to lendc� any amount necessary to mako up tho cl�clency on or be�faro tho date tho itrm "
<br /> becames due. �•
<br /> FSE�3CT1(U4130) �i4/d0) U(4�3NU'� SiDOJ49 ��a� � ot 5
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