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� Oa � 2 Aok�nowiedgement of <br />$g.:.: mar of Sale <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF POWER OF SALE <br />(To be signed.P-+or to Execution of Deed of Trust) <br />AgpertyAddress- 2312 Arrowhead Road, Grand Island, Nebraska 68901 <br />Tel <br />Lot Twelve (12), in Block Three (3), in Replat of Riverside Acres, an Addition to the City <br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, except that part thereof described as: Beginning at <br />a point on the west line of Lot 12, said point being 150 feet north.of the southwest corner <br />thereof;.thence north along the west line thereof, 183.3 feet to the northwest corner <br />STATE OFflEBgASKA thereof; thence running southeasterly along they arc of a 120 foot radius <br />)sscurve, a distance of 90.34 feet;. thence southwesterly <br />COUNTY OF _HALL <br />to the point of beginning.. <br />The underegned, being first duly sworn upon oath state and depose as follows: <br />1. That the undersigned is or will be the borrower (whether one or more) under a certain loan from <br />Norwest Bank Nebraska, National Association , and, ,as security for such loan, <br />the undersigned will execute and deliver a deed of trust covering the above described property to <br />Norwest Sank Nebraska. National Association <br />2. The undersigned understand and acknowledge that such securing instrument is a Deed of Trust and not a mortgage; <br />and that the Power of Sale contained In such Deed of Trust provides subsfantlally different rights and obligations to the under- <br />signed. than a mortgage in an event of default. or breach of obligation, <br />DATED: December 23 1.9 88 <br />goo F <br />r. Wral - P Y <br />am a S. Murp y <br />SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this 23 Y. day of December 19 88 <br />(SEAL.) <br />Nd ty P01 <br />My commiassion expires:��' <br />���M11Mart <br />:t <br />i� <br />