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<br /> 3. Wi undaritaad and �clmowledaa thst ia tt�s e+wat of • delaulE ar br�ach
<br /> . . �! ab33totiau bY a�. tba DQa�3 of Tru•� alior� ehe Srnafi�a,.rv *�. ..�o�* :•,�
<br /> - - �rrs C1si �eu�t progazt�r wld by the ttwtse �rit.b�wC an�r �udicial gtace�edl� or
<br /> �� tor�cia��rr�. .
<br /> 4. No part aE c+ur 2�Mt�ad i• pr�araCl� or ia tbe future wi�l be
<br /> � •itwtod upca tb� r�al ��taL� d��crib�d �o tha Dred o! Tsu�t.
<br /> ! S. N� u�ds�eilaad tha� if au� o! u� e�tw�liah a ha�ntead ae part o! th�
<br /> rwi Nt�te du�ins tlM tiM th� D�ed o! Tru�t r��tin• un�sti�Hed and a lien
<br /> upoa tl�� rsal aatat�, tlura �h�11 b� no risl►t to �ak� s d�ri=aation of
<br /> ho�Mtatd in th� ��ent o! � �Eoraclo�ur� ar tru�t�•• asie upoa �1� DR�d of
<br /> Tsy�t.
<br /> 6. !or �o lons a• th� Deed of Trust seseins ua�t2�iiad and a li�a upoa
<br /> tir r�al eatate, eacb of u• di�claiw anT ri�t uad�r the l�ebraaka P�ra
<br /> ��tC+�ad lsot�etiat A�ct to �ak� a d�si�satioo ot ho�eattad.
<br /> � Tl�s di�c�,siser aa� accicno�rled�nt ia s pr�faea to and i�• filed for record
<br /> �rttlt w� �a : patt of the att+�cbe+�! Deed of T�ust.
<br /> .�L�ifify� —�l�sU1��f.[i.•Jn.rs�
<br /> ' , T �_ , TRUSTOQ
<br /> �
<br /> SlA3'E OF NL�/131�► j
<br /> )�as
<br /> COIMTr 0! �7��- ) �
<br /> ._.,..�,._
<br /> �e Eor�oie� Di�ci�i�er aad ackno�►ledsqut �s �ub�crlb�d and �rorn to �
<br /> ,. - - rwA - ...1......�t..d.....a L_s�_ =
<br /> -_--. -.. - -�........:�vi�s- v.avrs �s oa �..�.��� lq =�c s - -_ - .. - �,_ ''-
<br /> b� l3�ii'�A�r 17. t�'.i'i✓�C'rr .����� #�f;�B �.7 ,NA.t�,✓� ;-
<br /> ��f�MM�MM��1i ,�.'
<br /> �`��y '�"�#�,.�+' �ru�(�(�.�, �I� , _-
<br /> ���F��N� � � � ��_' iYV�C "
<br /> � !ry caiw�is�lao espir�a: -� ,� / � � �
<br /> /
<br /> � �
<br /> ��R'S i�I!!a
<br /> � � 'i1� undersl�aed, DRIA1�1 D. F.ARNEST aad SRAD D. .*.�1itNf.ST, h�reby certifr and
<br /> ackno�+rl�e that. before •l�nis� aad e�oecuti� tM bel,or Deed of Tru�t� the�
<br /> did rs�d and siyn th!• lirittee Ackno+rled�eat and. br �irtue herbf� the ;�
<br /> . uader�laned und�ratand, aad under�toad before •laaius s�id Deed of Tru�t, that ��;3
<br /> �aid Deed of Trus� i• a Trei�t Ds�d and aot a �ortaase and that the povar of "�""
<br /> �ale proYid�d in aald D�ed of 7rurt pravid�s �ubatant�ally difFerent ri�hts �
<br /> ar�d oblii�tlan• to the und�raisn�d thna s �ortaa=e in the erent of a default �
<br /> or breRCh of ob2laatioa wtder tl�s �aid Tru�t �ed, iacludinj, but nat 2irited
<br /> to, tDe �enaficiary'a risht to have the Real Progerty aold by the Tru�tee
<br /> aitbout anr �dicisl proce�dioa or foreclowre. T6e undere��ned re�+re�ent aad
<br /> ��er�t tha� thfs Mirl�tsu Ac�c�:sla�g��.t r�sa ezecuted �r the� befere the
<br /> a�acutinn of thie Truat Deed. �Thi• ftritten Acicao+rled�psent is appended a� a
<br /> pr�face to +rnd Na�le a Dart uf the below Deed o£ Truot.
<br /> ,-,
<br /> ' ..Clt�l� �t �I.o�•rr��', ����o' ✓) .�tF j,¢�__
<br /> Dlriaa D. b�rneet� ZR�ISTOR BrAd D. P,arne$L� TFtU5TOR ��
<br /> ,-_=-�_--
<br /> Ml�R�A titfa 4! �USY
<br /> THIS DEED �P T7tUST,, t�de th.�e `y ��y Qg �-�: :�.�_ �, �.D. 1.990. ksy �
<br /> s�nd l�ete�een 1li�.�AN U. F.ARl�1pST az�d gRAa t3. P1�1p„�,r �f the County of Hall sud Y
<br /> L Stat+� of Kebraaka, hereS»after ca].led "T'a�sr�toc", end JA.'� R. C,Atv7., SR., �f
<br /> Buf�aB.o Gounty, Nebxas�rs, a assber of th�e Nebr.aeka St�zte B.�r �socic�ti�n,
<br /> t��einafter called "'�u���es, a�d T11E L'QtTI'£ABI�? �[FL ASStJY.ANCE SO�IP,I�Y �F• THE �
<br /> UN��'P.n �.�'RTpS� � ��.� Ys�ek Car�.�r�tl�;�, ;�-vi� iC.H �rinc2pai ofiicr_ nnd puAt ��`"
<br /> offiie addres$ at 787 Seven�h Avenae, Nerr Ynrk� Vc�:r York 1001�, hcreiRnfter ���
<br /> �elled "8eaef.tciary•,,
<br /> fn9tt.il. :, --�-�
<br /> �_..�_. .._ _
<br />