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<br /> r,. s�n...e +�,rt.r tn�,i ot s.�s� �rii�tY-� t�+�. so�nanip s.n tio� �aocer,,
<br /> �s�w.n ��i) M�st ot th� 6�lt P.M., H.i� oountY. N.bca.ka. •xca.pt en� roi�a+in9
<br /> . A tr�ct of land ca�p�i�1n� a pa�! at tM south���t Qui�t�r (SE
<br /> 1/+) af S�tton Thirty-Four (31), Tawnship T�R (1G? North. R�n�
<br /> El�v� (11) MN�� af tIN ith P.M.� H�11 County. N�D��sk�. and
<br /> wor� p�rliculartr dsscrlb�d ��► follan: ��Inn1n9 �! th�
<br /> North�a�t conNr ot i�td SE 1/�; th�nc� S 00 d��rsrs 00' 00" M
<br /> �a�suMd b��r1n�) alon� �d upan th� East 11rN of satd SE 1/1 a
<br /> � dlitanca of ThrM Hundrrd E1�hty-s�vsn (3A1) fs�t; th�nci M e9
<br /> dyrN� �1' �3' M. p��a11�� M1ttf ab Morth ltn� of �a1d SE 1/�.
<br /> , � dista�c� of fo�tr (10) ts�t; th�nc� N 3S d��rNS 33' �19" M� •
<br /> dlstanc� ot four Hundr�d S�vanty-s�v�n �nd �1t�ty-�i�ht
<br /> Hundr�ths Nn.9e) tNt to • �Ont on tM North itn� of sald SE
<br /> 1/�; th�nc� 8 e! d��rNS 9a' 1�" �� �lon� u�d upon tfM north
<br /> . 11n� ot •a1d SE 1/�, a dlatanc� ot th�N Hundr�d Et�htMn t310)
<br /> tMt to th� polnt ot b��innin9 and contaf�tn� 1.69 �cr�• �or� or
<br /> 1��=. A�so k�o�rn as Lot On� (t) RNV�s Subdtvisto�. H�11
<br /> � Camty� li�b��sk�. Shown In Sp�ct�i M�rranty QNd ��cord�d 1n
<br /> dook At. P�� t0512�; ,
<br /> u�d �xc�pt:
<br /> . ;,.
<br /> --- A CiF�11► tt�ct or parc�l o* land ca�tnctng at th� Sauthssst -
<br /> corn�r of S�ctlon Thtrty-Fau� (31), Townshlp T�n (10) Mo�th.
<br /> Ran� Et�v�n (it) ii��t ot th� 6th P.M.. Hali County� M�b�aska, �
<br /> rwmtn� thinc� narth 33 tNt to • patnt 33 tNt �w�th ot sald
<br /> Sauth��st corn�r ot s�1a S�ctton 31, th�nc� w�st ta a polnt 33 '
<br /> fNt �orth ot th� Southwst corMr ot th� Soulh�ast qu�rt�r of
<br /> •�id �ctlon �1� th�nc� South 6• t's�t to • potnt 33 fNt South
<br /> ot tM Northw�at corMr o� th� Na�th�a:t ou�rt�r ot S�ctton
<br /> 1hrM (�) In Tarn:hip Ntn� (9) North of Ran� Et�v�n C11) iNst
<br /> of th� 6th P.M. tn tt�ll Caunty, N�br��k�. th�nc� •�st to • potnt
<br /> �3 tNt =outh ot th� t�b�th���t co�n�r of s�1d Sectton 3 an�f
<br /> tha�C� Mo��h to th� piac� �t bs�lnntn�; •s dascrlb�d in 8onic 41.
<br /> Pe� zez; �,_
<br /> aM! NxC�pt: �`
<br /> A c�rtatn tr�ct o� parc�l of l�n� ca�w�nct�4 a� tf� SoutlNast
<br /> corn�r at Ssctton Th3rty-Four (3�), Townshfp T�� tt0) Narth.
<br /> it� El���n (t13 1t�st Qt tlw ath P.11.� H�il County. M�br��k�� .
<br /> �unnin9 th�rt�� north 3� fMt to s potnt 33 ti�t no�tA of sald
<br /> South�ast carn�r of sald S�ctton 3�. than�• ��st to • potnt �9
<br /> , fest �rth at !hs &�sstl�r�tt c�rn�r af ti� Strt�ttwitt yutrtsr of
<br /> satd SsCRton 3�, th�nc� South 66 f��t to a potnt 33 t��t South
<br /> of th� Northws! corn�r of tM t�wrth�a�t qu��tar ot 8�ctton
<br /> Th�s� (3) in Town:hip Nlna (9) North ot Asng� El�v�n (11) M�st
<br /> of t� Oth P.M. i� H�il County� �l�braska, th�nc• �ast to � potnt
<br /> 33 tNt south of th� NorttM�st corn�r of s�10 S�ctlon 3 and
<br /> th�t�i Horth to th� pl�c• ct L•s�9nn1n9; �s d�scNA�a .in 800k 41, - �------ =
<br /> _ _--_
<br /> Pa� 6t6.
<br /> N�
<br /> L - �
<br /> �
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