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<br /> TltIS Il�fITt1Rt, rd� thii 30th da� of Ma�. 1990. b�t�w�n THE 6Q11IT11�LE IZlE
<br /> �3Ail�NCE SOCI�'i 0� �'Ht tJlRTED $?�TR4, a corporatian dul� ar�u�is�d. lucbrpo�tat�d �aid
<br /> ui�tius uaiur aAd by �rirtu� of tLt laMS of t� Stats of !Mr lort snd ha�rin� its
<br /> peiaaipaY pl,ac� ot bwin�aa s� 787 S�v�sAth Ar�wa, IAK York, Ii�M York 10019, o! th�
<br /> �is�t liar�, �ad 1RI�l1 D. EARt�EST aod StLD D. EARllEBT, a• t�aaat� iQ co�on� of th�
<br /> Oouwty o! �lail, in th�e �tata o# Itebra�ka, of th� Sacoad part:
<br /> lil�llmSElH, tbat aaid P+�rt� of tbr Fir�t P�rt, in conaideratios of th� �ua af O�ae
<br /> Do1Li (�1.40)� tl� r�c�ipt o� rrhich la har�b� ackaoMiad,��d, doea b� tivae pru�nx��
<br /> ;raat. bat�aio, Nll, and eonwy usto raid partia� ot tt� S�ecaed P�rt, a• teo+�nts in
<br /> • ; caMroe►, aLi. ot� �!M loilo��-d��crib�d rsal e�tat�. �ituated in �'all Count�, l�i�bawsta,
<br /> to-�tii�s
<br /> Ss� Eshib�.t "A' sttached and b� ehi� reler�nc� �ada e �art her�af. ,
<br /> 1�Q HAVE AND Z+� �OLD the sa�, to�ether Mith •11 aod ilo�vlar �tre ten�Nnta,
<br /> 1�r�iCs�tnt• a�nd app�trtenanee� th�r�uata belonaioa or in anrri�e spp�staiatn�, fos�wr.
<br /> � Aod szantor for fts�lf, it� wccea�ors and +���isn�, will speci�ieally �rraat aad
<br /> tor�wr d��atd tlu saM uato �aid parti�s of the Secoad Part, a�ainat aaid partY ot' th� +
<br /> , HrsC Past. it• �uctusor• aad a�stin�� �ad all �nd ever� ptr�oa or per�oa• clai�iog -
<br /> ---_--- - �aa�parc��i-tg� rir�t Part. - -
<br /> , =�.
<br /> ..:.
<br /> :1
<br /> IN VITNZSS WHLREOP, the aaid p:rtr of the Fir�t Part ha• hareunto eaus�d thi• De�d
<br /> to b� �i�d aa it• b�lsalf b� it• Vic• Pre�ident thereuato duly autborizad ao to do� and
<br /> ' Lsa caua�d it• corpozate seal, to be hereunto wffixed the da� and �ear firat abo�e -
<br /> , Mritten.
<br /> AC t �„--�---�" SOCILZ7 OP��TED STATlS
<br /> , 1 � - )
<br /> �l ,/f1�
<br /> v ' By� !/( /y,�i � r. �� .,
<br /> �s il. Mioce, At�i�tap cretarr Ftor F Gton. ica resi nt
<br /> �
<br /> � SlATE OF RMiS�S ) �
<br /> ) sss
<br /> CflUtiY OF JOHI9SON )
<br /> BE IT REKF..tfBFRED, that oa thia 3flth day vf lfay, Ig96. before ae, the underafgne�. a
<br /> Notsry Pttblie in aad for Ll�e County aad State aforesaid, caMe Ross �. C�ton, Vice
<br /> Pre�ideat of 1'he Equite�ble Life Assurmace Society of the United Statta, a carpocatiou
<br /> dul� orsaais�d, incorpozated aod esisttag under and by virtue of the la�e of the Stste
<br /> of Pkw Totk, who i■ persoaallq knwru to �e to be such officer, and rrho ie personnlly
<br /> icnowsa to se to b� the eaae per�on Mho e�oecuted, as such officer� the within inetr�ent
<br /> of �rritina on behalf of sa1A CO!'pOTdL10A� and �uch person duly acknarledged thc
<br /> extcution of the3 eaae to be� the a�ct aad deed of said corporetion.
<br /> IN TBS�IMONY WHEKSAF, I have her�r.nto set my hand and affixed my of�icial seal the
<br /> day and xedr Zaet above oaatio�ed.
<br /> , ' � � .
<br /> � ' � c.�`�5��-��,. �t
<br /> � PWYLLIS S. LIl1.EY Notary public ✓ ,
<br /> N�tvy P�A�ic-Sut•vf Kanua
<br /> .�
<br /> �Y�i'a!•E,'i', s��!a-��!�! i r.
<br /> �i�!
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<br /> 'Y,. ... .__. ...._ , ,. �
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<br /> _ �� - �,��Tf. . •I. � - .� .._. ' . . � ' �. o �'-----r.r�...� . ----- r.- �4-'-
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