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<br /> THAT i o� ws. Qary L. Van�• and Louis� F. Vsnc�, Huaband tnd
<br /> Wif�� of Hell County •nd St�t� of N�braa�k�, in co�sid�r�tlon of
<br /> � Yhirty-two Thouaand OOLLAR9 i� hand p�id� do M���by SE1.L and
<br /> CONVEY unto C�ary L. V�nc�, M.D. , P.C. � A N�brask• Prof�s�ion�l
<br /> , Carporation, (nw�t�aq��) of Nell County, e�d Stet� 4f N�bresk�►.
<br /> ; Lh� fctloNin� d�scrl�d Rr��nis�s eitust�d ih Hell Cou�ty. snd •
<br /> �
<br /> St�t� of Nebreake, ta-w1t: �
<br /> ; lot S�v�n (7), B�lock Thr�� (3) , 8��ntwc�d 9ubdivisiv�
<br /> to th• City of Qr�an�! i�lsnd.
<br /> Th• i�t�nt9on bo�np to conv�y h���Dy sn sbaolut� titl� 1n f�� �
<br /> � sinipl• lncludinp s11 th• ���hts of hon�st*ad and doN�r.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOID th• pr�R►is�s sbov� d�acrib�d, with ell
<br /> the sppurt�nanc�a CNs��to balan9inp unto Lhe said nw�t�a��� or
<br /> �nort��p��s �nd to hi�� h�r or Lh�ir h�i�a and esst�n�, 1°orov��,
<br /> provid�d alMays, and th�eo pre��nts ar• upon th• •xpr�s�
<br /> � condition thet if the seld rna�t�sgo� or mortoe�ors� his, h�� or
<br /> th�ir h�i�s� �x�cutors� edminlstrato�s or a�si�ns she11 pay o�
<br /> cause Lo b� paid to th• ssid nwrt�o�ar or mort�aQors e�nd to his. -
<br /> h�r or th�1r h�irs, wx�cutors, edn�3niatratoro, or s�sf�ns. th• + -
<br /> _ ___ sum of Thirty-Four Thousend Do11s�s� (i34,000.00) peyebl• a• _�
<br /> --- follows. to-w9t: - _ ;.,_z
<br /> On DNnend, but if not dsmand�d ecoon�r. th�n on D�c�mb�r 4
<br /> 31 , 199Q. - -
<br /> with int�r�st th�r�on at 11 p�rc�nt p�r Annum, peyabl• annuslly,
<br /> sccordino to th• t�nor and •ff�ct of ths prani�so�y not� end any -
<br /> ixt�nsion. inodific�tion or r�n�wsl ot eeid not�. of a�ic! —
<br /> Mort�a�ore� bsaring avon det• with th�s• pr�s�nts. snd shs11 psy
<br /> •11 �ex�s snd any int���at on. o� n�aturin� i��teiln�nts �f
<br /> prina�psl� du� fln eny prior nwrt�a�• and as��ssn�nts l�vi�d upon
<br /> ss9d r�el •stst� and r�ll oth��r Gex�s, l�vies and a�a��s�anLs
<br /> l�v��d upon this mortgap� or the nQtQ which thia mortpep• ie
<br /> g1v�n ta �ecure, b�fo�• th� 9�me b�co�� dvlinauent an0 k��p tho
<br /> buildings an said premi��s insur�d for the sum of Z32�000.00.
<br /> ' loss, if any� paysate to such fi��t mortpt�g��• c�r Lhie mprtgag��, �
<br /> or both, Lhsn th�s� pr�asnt� b� vo i d, othvrN i�• to b� n�d r�ma i n � .�.�.
<br /> in full forc�.
<br /> 2t IS �URTHER AGREE� ( 1 > Thet if the asid mortge�or shell
<br /> feit �o pay such tex�s and such int�r�st an. or maturfng
<br /> i nsta 11 sr�er��� af p���c i pa t � duv vn ar�y ��i or m�r►�aqe nnd pracu rd
<br /> euch insurenCe. th�n this mortge�ee me� pey sucn Lexo� an0 such
<br /> inte�eat on, or meturing ��atsllrar.t6 �f D:in�i�al . �+�= on su�h
<br /> prior mortge�ge end procur� such insurartce; a�cf th�r sum so
<br /> edvenc�d w i tM i r�t�rest et n i n• p�rcont sha 11 t�e pb i d by sa t d
<br /> � mo�t�eQor, and this mo�tge�• shall stend es socurity for the
<br /> �en�. ( 2) That a fa� 1 ure ta oeY eny of sai d mono.y, ei ther
<br /> r•- _--_,__-_
<br /> d
<br /> � � _..�
<br /> �s
<br /> �..
<br /> ��t
<br /> � .......)
<br />