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89- 100109 <br />r <br />FHA ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER <br />J NOTIC& THIS RIDER APDS A PROVISION TO THE INSTRUMENT ALLOWING THE MORTGAGEE TO <br />Rl9WRe PAYMENT OF THE NOTE IN FULL UPON TRANSFER OF ALL OR PART OF THE PROPERTY. <br />This Assumption Policy Rider is made this 6 th day of Jasrarr , 19 O , and is <br />incorporated into and shall be deemed to. amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to Secure <br />debt (the "Notrument' ") f� � 1�& the undersigned (the "Mortgagor ") to secure the Mortgagor's <br />Note (the "Nate ") of th <br />(the "Mortgageela1 gd MW the ➢ CSCri ed i t to Instrument and located at: <br />(Property Address) <br />AMENDED COVENANT. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Instrument, Mortgagee and <br />Mortgagor further covenant and agree as follows: <br />The Mortgagee shall, with the prior approval of the Federal Housing Commissioner, or his designee, <br />declare all stuns secured by this mortgage to be immediately due and payable if all or part of the prop- <br />erty is sold or otherwise transferred (other than by devise, descent or o�tioa of law) by the mort- <br />gagor„ pursuant. to a contract of sale executed not later than [ %2 U V months after the date cm.. <br />which the mortgage is endorsed for insurance, to a purchaser whose credit has not- been approved <br />in accordance with the requirements of the Commissioner.' <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagor has executed this Assumption Policy Rider. <br />&4rACA400, <br />.�i wit ny (Seal) <br />(Seal) <br />J L. -Glum Mortgagor 1 F• LLWA Mortgagor <br />(Seal) (Seal) <br />Mortgagor Mortgagor <br />(Sign Original, Only) <br />[t <br />NOTE: If t6tk property is not the prindp4 or secondary residence of the Mortgagor, 24 tnonth. w4l be checked instead of m6gtht., <br />(Space Wow this line for acknowledgement)--, <br />®_521 =02► FHA Assumption Poliev Rider — Multistate <br />VMrMORTGAU"MS • 13131293 -8100 • 19001521.7291 <br />2/88 <br />re <br />M <br />