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<br /> � - . , , , . .. , . ' - ' . . . .. . `" __ _ � .
<br /> � � , . ` �ORPORA�'ION WAIttRANTY BEED . . , �
<br /> -.: ` The G�antor, ART-RRAFT SIGNS, INC., a cor�orati,on. organized � ,
<br /> . • and. �existi`ng .uader. and b� virtue of .the laws ' of the State of
<br /> . , , � , Neb�aska, in cansideration of ONE HDNDRED EZGHTY-FIVE THOU3AND � �
<br /> � � AND..NO/100 DOI,L-ARS ($185,�000.00) , received from Grantee, dnes� ` �
<br /> ' grant, bargaia,• se11, canney and confirm unto TRTAD PROPERTIE3 � �
<br /> '; LZMITED PARTNERSBIP, a Nebraska limited partnersh�ip,� herein . ' �
<br /> . ,- called the Grax�tee;, the following-described reaZ. propertg i,n, �a21 �
<br /> . County, Nebraska: ,
<br /> � . , � . . �
<br /> � ,; ' � ' A tract of land located 3n� th.e Northeast ¢uartez of the � �
<br /> . � ` Northeast Quarter (NE�NE}) o�: Section Twenty-One (21) , � �
<br /> ; �� ' TownsY�ip Eleven (11) North, lta�ge �gne (9) West of the `
<br /> , ± 6th P.M. , in Hall Caun,ty, Nebrask�Q more particuarly � �
<br /> , i described as foiiows: ...Begina�ing at .the. intersecE,fon of - . � � " • ' '
<br /> the South right-of-way line of. West Anna Street and the ' `
<br /> , i East rightrof--way l�ne of. South Eddy Street; thence �
<br /> j � Northeasterly along a.grd upon the South line of G�est � �•
<br /> i Anna Street, a distaac� of One Hundred Ninety-Eight and � .
<br /> i Six Tenths (198.6) Feet; th�ce Souf.l�eastes�y. alonq and �
<br /> ; upon a line Oa�e Hundred Ninety-Eiqht ancl Six Tenths � , ,
<br /> ; (198.6) Feet Easterly and parallel ta the East l�ne of �
<br /> ' , South Eddy $treet, a dista�ce of One Hundred Fasty ' .�.•�.
<br /> � (14d.0) Feet; thence Southwesterly along and upon a �"���� '
<br /> � line One Nundred Forty (140.0) Feet Southerly and �� Ts-
<br /> parallel to the South line of West Anna Street, a ` � �
<br /> distance of One Hundred Ninety-Eiqht and Six Tesn�ths ;;�;
<br /> � (198.6) Fee�; to a point on the East line of South Eddy `�.� °'
<br /> � ' Street; thence TJorthwesterly along and upon the East
<br /> ' . line o€ South Ec3dy Street, a ciistance of One Hundred
<br /> Forty (140.0) Feet, to �he place of beginnfng. . ;,�—
<br /> ; TO AAt3� RND TO HOLD the above-described premises tagether
<br /> � with all tenements, hereditaments and .appurtenances thereto
<br /> � belongfng unto the Grantee and to Grantee's successors .and � �
<br /> i assigns� forever. '
<br /> � .�t,�
<br /> � And tt�e Grantor, for itself and its succe�sors and assigns,
<br /> � does here�y covenant with the �rantee and with Grantee's ;;�.
<br /> successors and ass��ns that Grantor is lawfuily se�zed of said . , ,�"
<br />. ' . premises; that� they are free from encumbrance; that Grantor has
<br /> � good right and lawful authority to can�rey the same; and that
<br /> Grantor warrants and will defend the title to said premises � �
<br /> ' against the lawtul claims of, all p�rsons whomsoever. �
<br /> ... ---- --...__._._.._
<br /> � � - -- . . _... .__....-------- -.._ ... . ---�--�---�--...-------------...- ----....---- ---.._.._.......- ---� --
<br /> � ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto caused these � �
<br /> ; presents to be signeci by its President. . �
<br />� �3ated June r '�
<br /> . , 1990. . . •
<br /> ART-KRAFT SIGNS, INC. , A '
<br /> � :lebraska Cotporation '
<br /> � .. % :_-_--
<br /> ' �Y '�� r � ' � • .
<br /> ._. .. � , .. �hard J. M��r? , Pre sdent � -- f -
<br /> . j
<br /> STATE �F NEBRASKA �� , •� '
<br /> .' ) ss: .
<br /> COUNTY� O�' HALL ) '
<br /> ` Before m�, a Notar Publie h��.
<br /> � y qualiFied in said County, per-
<br /> sonally �came Richard J. Merrick, President of Art�Kr�ft .�ign�, �
<br /> Inc. , a- corporatio�, knawn t4 �e tio be the gresident ana �
<br /> r
<br /> --1- r `,,'
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