�= 89-- 100074
<br />This Mortgage is entered into betwou H. HA�..,,,�
<br />ObONL iW IWO, in mortSagor) and m
<br />M_CAM, A (herein mortsagee) .
<br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of
<br />M.000.00t evidenced by Mortgagor's note dated JMUASY 3, 1889 (herein
<br />Note) providing-for payments of principal and interest, with the
<br />balanoe of- the indebtedness+, if not sooner paid, due and payable on
<br />JAWJW 3. 1998. `
<br />To secure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided,
<br />therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest advanced by
<br />Mortgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance
<br />of the convenants and agreements of the Mortgagor contained herein,
<br />Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following
<br />property located in HALL C,auRtYw Nebeaslow:
<br />TogethQr.with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets,
<br />alleys. Pas ageways, Casements, rights, privileges and appurtenances
<br />located thereon or in any way pertaining thereto, and•r rentst issues
<br />and profits, reversions and remainders thereof, all of-which, including
<br />replacements and additions thereto, is.. hereby declared ta.be a part of
<br />the real estate secured by the lien of this Mortgage an&.all of-the
<br />foregoing being referred to herein as the "Property ".
<br />_ .. Mortaator further convenants mw agrees with - - - --
<br />follows: -
<br />1. Payment. To pay the indebtedness and the interest thereon as
<br />provided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />2. Mortgagor is the owner of the Property,.- has the right ,mod
<br />authority to mortgage the Property, and warrants that the liewitweated
<br />hereby is a first and prior . lien on the Property.
<br />3. To pay when due all taxes, special asses8wAmt `and all other - --
<br />charges against the Property and, ups written.demand by *Irtgakee, to
<br />add to the payment required under the Note secuivd hereby, suci} mount,,
<br />as may be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee tb -'pay suph taxes,
<br />assessments or other charges as they become due.
<br />4. 1h, tine event the property, or any part, .thereof, shall be taken =-
<br />by adnent - do main, the Mortgagee is empowered to collect and receive
<br />all comPensation which may be paid for any property taken or for
<br />damages to;.property not taken, and Mortgagee shall apply such
<br />camI leation, at its option, either to a reduction of the indebtedness
<br />secured hereby or to repair and restore the property so damaged.
<br />5. Mortgagee may, but shall have no obligation, to do any act
<br />which the Mortgagor has agreed but fails to do, and Mortgagee may also
<br />do any act it deems necessary to protect the lien hereof. Mortgagor
<br />agrees to repay, upon demuW, any sum so expended by the Mortgagee for
<br />the above purposes, and any sues so expended by the Mortgagee shall be
<br />added to the indebtedness secured hereby and became subject to the lien
<br />hereof. Mortgagee shall not incur any personal liability because of - - --
<br />anything it may do or amit to'do hereunder.
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